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raypool on Father's Day
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Yasoda on Claws of Love, Kiss of Death
10 hours ago

David RL Moore on The Art of Ages
10 hours ago

M.C. Newberry on My Poetic Soul
10 hours ago

Greg Freeman on Father's Day
10 hours ago

R A Porter on End of Summer
10 hours ago

R A Porter on Father's Day
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M.C. Newberry on Trestle Tables
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M.C. Newberry on Father's Day
11 hours ago

Tim Ellis on Claws of Love, Kiss of Death
11 hours ago

Gang 13

Gang 13


I don’t want to be in your gang

I’m heartsick at the games you play

While I am busy building a life

 You are busy taking them away.

I don’t want to be in your gang

I don’t want to maim or kill

Don’t want to sell women’s bodies

Don’t want to poison kids with pills.

I don’t want to be in your gang

So you’ve made my life a living hell

Driven me from the l...

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Also by eve nortley:

Lush life, lost lives | Rock pools | Stella Maris | Francis Drake | the winter sky | Saturday crumpet | To my coy lover | Simple northern girl | ETERNITY | meeting of minds | Tesco express blues | Lovesick | curry hurry | the UK today |

Words Flow









Words flowing from my mind
Touching people I don't know
Facing the future



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Also by Shirley Smothers:

Stormy Blue Eyes |


Light damage

Jill was riding in the back of a taxi,but wanted a light.

She tapped the driver on the shoulder and gave him a fright.

The driver screamed ,lost control and hit a tree,

"Don't ever do that again,you scared the life out of me!"

Jill calmed him down  and said she was a nurse.

It  was his first day driving a cab after thirty years driving a hearse.

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Also by hugh:

A Lady Distressed Inside | The nits are back | Snow White | Clever Heather | It wasn't my dog! | Two Wongs | Pill power! | Wayne's Pain | Fred's Dilemna | Medical mixup | Chilly and Cold | Picks nicked ! | Claire's despair | A flat joke | Reading the lids,keep away from the kids. | Women the stronger sex?No way! | Pothole misery |

Miss silvers spoons.

Daddy's girl, 

Never a dull moment, 

Posh pawn. 

Till the next conquest 

Silly girl 

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Also by Nicola Byrnes:

Nowhere 1..... | Winner | Row | Rest Tonight | Sentinel | Birthday | Love. | Angel | Faith. | My wish | Red 1 | Red Dress | Friend. | Calm. | Miss |


Death is a little like this,

the way it knocks out the lights

and sends you room to room

blindly searching wardrobes

and turning out draws for

a battery, a torch

or some utility

with which to respond

to this impossible new reality.

While the unthinking part of you

keeps expecting

to flick a switch

and return this house

to some scene, years ago

when it ...

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Also by Tom Harding:

Maundy Thursday | Spring Office Poem | John Clare Poem 1 | Courtyard In Snow | Morning Thought |

The Eagle and the Star

The Eagle and the Star


Where the Holy One of God once stood

amongst places with names well understood

Where He came to bring peace and love

to make here on earth as it is above

We see an incestuous land of hate

where it now seems all too late

Injustice flourishes like rampant nettles

fuelled by those from afar who have settled

A conspiracy borne out of pity and gree...

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Also by keith jeffries:

The World Day of Poetry | There is more.... | Misplaced Compassion |


Put down your bow and arrow 

Retract your claws 

The prey don’t matter anymore

They give you no pause  

Let them run around  

I hear the pitter patter clacking sounds 

But I have this fresh kill laying on the ground 

It’s the tastiest piece of meat I’ve ever found 

I’ll take it raw 

I’ll take it now 

Make me roar

Make me growl 

I’m seduced by the sight 

This ...

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Also by Lilly Love:

Page turner | abundance | Panther | Future wifey | Melt | Hurricane | butterfly | Professional? | Programmer | Trapper | What I want | Also for J | J. | Volcano | S. | Wild fire | Swain | Viking | Nick | Ramen | Ryan my Muse | Missing you | New chef | It’s always you! | Ionic bond |


AS daughter

As daughter


Saturday, March 31, 2018

9:35 PM


I have seen no other figure

And felt as dear to ensure

That I was so close

And it was my real choice


Your absence has created a void

And I wanted to avoid

But you were committed to the family cause

So I saw in you divinity pose


Even small things were noticed

And you enticed me

For doing it corre...

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Also by Hasmukh Mehta:

Never talk | Nobody can | God, I don't know | It is untruth | Has life any means? | You have told | why these members? | Unfortunate refugees | Love has no parallel | Love says it all | I love you | I fear shadow | You have told | Writer's love | Yes, dream and practice | Humanity may last | Forgive and forget | Good to be noble | Human choice | We are unaware | Let us not be | Leave no stones | Poverty knows | Several times no | Freedom of rights | Thoughts invade | Positive attitude |  How do I define? | Happy birthday | The life is another name | My stupidity | Death not dreaded | Your decision today |


Hands open

The hands have remained closed for so long

In the shape of fists

Pointing are stiff and tired

But there are no words

Of love or hate spelled on the whitened knuckles

Just the lines of age

And the tension of muscle and sinew pulled over bone

The veins that stand out on the back of hands

Nothing hidden

Nothing revealed

Yet the outstretched arms begin to shake


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Also by Martin Elder:

she's the one | Standing on death |




Not the cross or the thorns

or the blood or the nails,

not the spear or the whip

or the rumble of stones

from the mouth of a tomb.


Not the hatred and bigotry,

the small minded hypocrisy

of this clan or that clan

whose father is biggest

or most feared or cherished.


Not the myth and the fable

espoused by blind acolytes

heaven bent on venge...

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Also by Ian Whiteley:

A Memory Of Rhinoceroses | Elbow Yard | Unwanted |

alternative viewEasterEostremythPaganpeace

Plans on hold

He stood

and stared

at the socks

in his hand

She lay an arm 

accross her face

He made to sit

upon the edge

of the bed

She moved her legs

He turned to

look at her

She sighed at

thoughts of what

lay ahead

He squeezed her foot

She removed 

the heavy arm

that had hidden 

her gaze of him

He said

We will make it

through this day.



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Also by Tommy Carroll:

Shoes | Testament | Mum | Inebriation or where's the wall? | Portland bar |

Easter Myth

The hero came

He always does

Kills the Dragon

Of dark history

We see the light

At tunnel's end

Forgiven we run

In gratitude and joy

While we can still remember

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Also by Hazel ettridge:

Smart App | Centenary | Foolishness |

Endcliffe Woods

Endcliffe Woods


Come stroll with me

in Endcliffe Woods,

A place for us

beyond the storm,

We'll warm our hearts,

wear muddy boots,

And tumble into

somewhere warm.


Please walk with me

for endless good

As I revisit

former haunts,

Let's laugh and smile

where nature's blood

Reveals a truth

that nothing daunts.


We'll treasure 

every mo...

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Also by Chris Bainbridge:

Our Time | Above The Town | Fargate | Life | Furnace | The Bride Wore Blue | Surprised |

self love

I can’t be what you want me to be
My appetite for you comes and goes
I try to be what you want
I try to be what you need
But sometimes you are just too much.
My knees go weak when I try to carry you on my shoulders 
I let you down becomes a familiar tune to you
I just want you to get better
You need to get better,
Please just be better.
You come in many forms but better doesn’t happen to...

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Penny Note

1/8 oz Penny
Lure into a dampen storm
late afternoon notes to explain
briefly play away no matter rain
here comes moment wandering here comes
my spare penny comes into the middle, so sweet
here comes, how you play
play the moment through, i'll explain
afternoon rain dampens lure
play the afternoon rain dampens lure
I'm aware, i wonder if i can a gentle move, silenced rain
exactly ...

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Also by Wood:

Gull's Words of a Song |

poetry blog


God knows that all men are born equal,

so that must be so, mustn't it?

God obviously could never be wrong. 


In singing that particular song

from the same old hymn sheet

we are fine examples of that simple half truth


for why have equal opportunities

to give some a leg up,

bind us to a common goal to be more equal,

if we already are so. 


God knows what HE...

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Also by ray pool:


Maybe? (Haiku)

       Theresa May may

but I wouldn't hold your breath

      she probably won't 

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2018 Once more Trev's on his annual Texas Tour Pt 1 The Run Up

Image: As with all my radio programmes involving poets they are promoted in Facebook events with the logo of 5 Towns Radio and who the guest is. This year I recorded the 5 shows I would be away for and decided to use the logo with an image of Texas to depict where I was at the time of the show.


14.08.17 - 1) I thought the time was right to book next year’s flight

Before the prices got h...

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WHY? (Good Friday Poem)

A Good Friday Poem
by Fred Varden

Why did Jesus have to die?
Why do we feel like we have to cry
and wipe a tear from a guilty eye?

What did Jesus ever do
to deserve the punishment
that He only knew
would come His way
on a specific day

Why do we think we’re the wounded one
when all is said and all is done
How can our problems
ever compare
with those of He...

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Also by Rick Varden:

DREAMCAST | Tolls and Goals | International Women’s Day Poem Extract | FLASHPOINT |

Torn Apart in Mind and Heart

For anyone

Briefly or lengthily

Exposed to the ravages

Of natural disasters:







Disease -


Or, worse

To the ravages of War



Ruthlessly inflicted

One man upon another

Upon women and children



Laying waste all shelter

And sustenance.

Daily destruct...

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Also by Cynthia Buell Thomas:

Book on Charity Shelf | Rehearsal | The Doctor | Alpha male | Choking | The Dive | Tree | Poets and Poetry | My Mummy Can Do Anything |

Past Sheep

Inch by inch,

piece by piece,

kicking down my walls, 

you invade my sleep. 


1 sheep, 2 sheep,

3 sheep, 4 sheep

hiding dark secrets,

did you forget to keep? 


Long sumer nights

but has anything changed?

a sheep is a sheep,

all of you are the same.


1, 2 

3, 4

pick your favorite part,

take a little more. 


You devour what's accessible,


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Squirming your way into my heart

Took up a portion and filled it to the brim

Tears well up in my eyes at just the thought of farewell

                                                                        The years we spent together

                                                                        They flew by in a blur


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Also by Swetha Kandati:



Times are unfortunate; I come, I go, but when

I need you the most, I know not to hope. At what

point will I resolve this knot. I feel sorrow; I do not

know if you, at all, feel the same. Untidy mess.

Scared and silly. And nasty. What has happened here.

I never thought it would be us. Had I hoped to strongly for this, this time around.

I carry on, no one to know. No one to share, ...

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In a world where its always night

her smile became a sun shining bright


in a world in black and white

she created colors with delight


In a world where there's no reverie

she drew wings on every entity


In a world where there's no direction

she invented steps of happiness and elation


and in a world of nothingness

she made everything she needed and plus


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Also by racha:

tragedies | doors to oblivion | choices | my depression | III of swords | temperance | when i think |

No Doubt


There’s not a doubt in my mind that I can do the impossible

So if I do without trying it’s not even an obstacle

I break down what’s complex into the simplest patterns

So every step connects like the grid of Manhattan

I know exactly where I’m going and how to get there

I know exactly where I’m growing and where I’m not aware

Not to say I know it all but I’m better than worse


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Also by Dwayne Dillard:

EarthShake | A LIGHT in the dark |

no doubt

The Poem I Want to Write

He is the poem I want to write.

The pleasure pain of struggling for words at one am.

Emotions bubbling, White water rushing over pebbled beach

He is my muse

Wind whipped vision at the waters edge standing tall

Smooth sculpted satin.

Watching the retreating tide and soothing my fears-intangible yet real.

Hot on my heels, he is the Hound of Hell

Dream vision in my restless sl...

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Also by Colette Hutley:

We Dared | My Words |

we belong here

We Belong Here

Oh how we fly up away from the earth

A great nice happy feel good joyous rapture

Letting go of the ground's grip to ascend 

Up into the blue blue blue where God lives

Along with Mother Nature and her elements

Nothing but beauty exists here in all ways

Ferocious to sublime to indifferent it's all here

Up where the angels live higher than cloud number nine


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Unanswerable | Reasonsonal | iron | rations | plane haiku | Metro Cats |


She not really into me

She not really into me.

Though she wants to live with me.

She only has to sleep with me.


She’s so paranoid I’ll leave.

She still wants me for a toy that screams.

Though she’s not really into me.


She only likes me codependently.

I know she’s not really into me.

I’m just cost effectively adding to her variety.


She only drinks green herbal tea.

Goes after ...

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Also by 220August:

Lost on the Tip of the Tongue | There is comfort in the creaking of the stairs | Three Witches Brew | I Run to Your Garden | Crush me with love | The Path of Life | Write me to Right me | Paper Mache’ | I am Fish | Ethereally Here/There | Fairy Tail Feathers | Cry on Moana we could use the rain | An Offering (Proposal) to My Teacher | Staring at the Concept of a Word |

Letter to You

Letter to you,

Words of wisdom,

If I may.

Don’t fall for the irony

That my reflection

Lacks a map of my life.

My beautiful child,

Let me remind you,

That every time you smile,

Every drop of laughter

That you place in this world,

Means something,

To someone,



Let’s remember

That people do

Amazing things each day.

Now not to di...

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Also by Jara Giner:

Imaginary Confrontation | Parts of You | Walls | Unloveable | Band-Aids |



I saw a miniscule black life form ascending my bathroom sink

And I refrained from turning on the tap as its progress made me think.

I even helped it on its way with a piece of handy tissue 

To reach to top of its vertical climb since its survival was at issue.

Something about its determined deed seized my rapt attention

And persuaded me to intercede - but I'm sorry to have to mentio...

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Also by M.C. Newberry:




What on Earth, are Words Worth?

He is.

Clouded. Lonely. A Wanderer.

Lost in Vast Wonder.

Infinite Love seems a fickle Host.

Dancing wild, wet and naked,

Universe, nuder under moonlight.

She Is. Constant. Change.

Sacred. Natural. Mother. Untainted.

Shimmering cosmic coils cascade spirals,

Encircle stones standing still, rough and fair,

Hewn, coarse, roughly pol...

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Also by Jon:

Progress Summit | Renaissance |


Through destiny you were made strong 

So you could withstand

The perceived pains of transition

To not divide love

To be born in its new


Love unifies 

Love sees

Love holds our purpose

Love brings you from your knees

Love is seen in her eyes

Love resonates through her words

Love brushes the comb through the baby dolls hair

Love is in the picture she drew for ...

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make it stop

my thoughts havent been clean i apologize for my actions in my heads painted a dark blue color sheme in betweens a little bit of you and a lot of me

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Also by Youthfullyxx:

again and again they leave |

A Little Of Human Nature

Nightingale piercing

Near nearer morning


Around the roses the buzzing

Among stars still twinkling


Time's jaws a lion's kiss-of-death

Tomorrow equal to yesterday



Unless dreamers cede to fog

Unless lovers would love less


Remember summer and winter

Replay their saintly favours


Etching into eternity

Each captive heart's sonnet

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Also by Adam Whitworth:

These Days | Snow In March | Don't Hesitate Til You Know | Kingdoms Without Letters | By The Impenetrable Jungle | Your Poem | Today's Small Beer | Demands On The Single Father | Minister | Crying |


I'm angry you left me.

You missed my graduation.

You weren't there for my biggest heartbreak. 

You weren't here for my most agonizing days of high school.

You left me alone to take care of Dad

and myself.

You're not here to see my years of college.

You never met the boy.

You won't be attending my wedding.

My children will never know you.

You told me you felt like a fa...

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Also by K:

untitled |

the fawn

something soft fell to the earth that night

still warm from descent, chalk on slate

the sleep abandoned heard the faint hum

the damp leather crack as it hit the island

pulsing, the colour of ripe corn and battery yolks

the smell of june drop fruit and charcoal

from its bowels crawled a single, white fawn

all teeter and stumble, dripped with mucus

from the throat of a child,...

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Also by Stuart Buck:

he must be full by now | tabitha and the lawn |


Catch a cheating star who’s hiding in his pocket tape;

He thought he’d be OK;

He scratched a little scar on the ball you bowl in cricket

To help its flight to swing away.

But TV cameras caught his little con tricks,

To his surprise;

But if your ancestors descend from convicts

You just can’t help but cheat and tell lies.

Catch a cheating star who’s hiding in his pocket tape;


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Also by John Coopey:


Panic On A Train

I had a couple drinks last night, by a couple I mean 5,

But all of them were singles and I steered well clear of wine. 


I kept myself hydrated and got to sleep by 12,

So why do I feel like this train is rolling into hell?


I’m sure that if I breathe too deeply the devil will know I’m here,

There’s no immediate or obvious threat but my bodies tense with fear. 


I’m re...

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Also by Sobski:

My Best Friend Has Demons | I’ve Bean in Worse Predicaments |

Tatty Bye!

It's not a day for the Diddy Men to weep.

Doddy's only in heaven having a sleep.

The squire's having a rest by Gods side. 

Making the angels laugh until they cried.

But something does feel missing from L14

A light gone out, a blank stage and screen.

Now the Liverpool streets, thousands line.

As the 2 horses trot slowly in perfect time.

The early rain and the hail it couldn'...

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Also by Mike Bartram:

The Squire of Knotty Ash |

Crowded, cozy bar


Hips bump


Accidentally on purpos

Just for the contact

The human contact






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They don't tell you that when you start to get older
How hard it will be to let go and try to get sober
That no matter what steps you take you'll never get closure

Guilt, I'm just buried in so much fucking guilt
Like I had something to do with the loss of what we built
6 weeks in and I'm already surrounded by the blood I somehow spilt

I can't move on and it's impossible to fucking let go

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Also by Nick:

Myths and Wishful Thinking. | Today. | Momma, I Can't Knock Them Out. |

All the news


Crowds of student protesters 
Were met with trucks of flowers

The president declared
A national sandwich discount

Your doctor recommends 
Several weekends a day

Side effects include
An exhibit at the Tate Gallery

The rebels announced
Their allegiance to open space

The stock market soared
When all shares were given away

The weatherman cried 
At the sight of spring


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Also by Robert C Gaulke:

Inappropriate | Thrive | come go nowhere with me | The Codes | Thursdays | Loss Department |

The Bully

Bullies get under your skin

 We can't let them win

If you see someone make fun of a friend

Make sure it comes to a end

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Mind Game

"So long, Marianne,"
Uttered your lips,
Was it a whisper?
Your arms clothing me,
From night's cold air,
And into your warmth,
Then we both let go.

"So long, Marianne,"
She was Cohen's muse,
In a lonely poem,
A melody,
And a lullaby,
Of a love he dreamed,
About it again.

"So long, Marianne,"
Echoed in the wind,

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Still She Rise

She has a mind of stormy clouds

With every lesson, she grew young

Until she'd finally experienced enough 

She didn't let her expectations fall

But the world trapped her in buckets

So they could taste her young

And she felt the world so small,

They put around her the caution tape

For surely being left alone,

Using the lack of light to thrive

She learnt to feel alive


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human anatomy

well-developed defense mechanisms
aren't easily dismantled

and tools of survival
readily become weapons to crush--

as blood is compelled to surge
only to choke

the animal is driven to seek life
in spite of its limb.

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chair in a corner
naughty or not
facing in or away
from whom only
which way seen
been ever 'tween


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Also by Red Brick Keshner:

poetry by numbers | poetic succession | new moon | compensatory delusion | nightwalk epiphany | Rimbaudian summers | traiku | cleverly shunned |

Lonely Rock

A lonely man sits on a rock

On a lonely mountain

By the singing water.


His lonely mind

Thinks lonely thoughts

That fill the air

With ideas unheard.


A lone bird flies

And hears his lonely thoughts

It soars to the rock

And the man is lonely no more.


A lone bird stands

Where a lonely man once thoug...

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Also by Mahika:

Walls | In The Empty Space | cut out my lungs (you stole my breath) |



I don’t hate you I simply thank you

Thank you for showing me who I don’t want to be

I’ve drowned in my own soul because I thought I needed you to survive

Buried down my thoughts and feelings not realizing I wasn’t living

I was a child who cried and cried and kept crying until it hurt so badly

And when it hurt I didn’t understand why

Why turned into anger and anger turned int...

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Also by Saniya:

Laying With You |

Am I turned into an adult??

Its 6:00 am

I couldn't find my mom to wake me up

I am succumbed to this feeling



Its 7:30 am

where is my bournvita ??

Has it been drink by my childhood??



Its 8:30 am

why my school uniform  is not visible to me??

Am I a college guy now??



its 10:00am

For  having breakfast i m looking for a shop

Am I a hosteller now??



Its 2:00...

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The greatest loss for a kid

My mum,

My mum of eleven years,

Has gone - never to walk the earth again.

The past years - what have I lost?

Not much…only:

A motherly figure to go to when in harm,

Someone to praise me when I’m succeeding,

Someone to hold me tight when I’m in need,

Someone to teach me right from wrong,

Someone to kiss me when I’m sleeping,

Someone to make me laugh,

Someone to tick...

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deathlost parentscared

Trust Me

Trust Me

(My thoughts on joining the LDR club when I started uni... But he moved with me in the end)



I am terrified.
My skin is a semi-permanent tsunami above
These Earth-quaking bones.
I am terrified of being alone. 
Not only as the Sun sets and then rises again,
But the empty, aching hollow that
Fills my chest when
I think about you gone.
When I say I am scared to be alon...

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Also by Charlotte Mae:

Uncertainty |

long distancelove



They were the last days,

the days of the british kingdom,

only because of some great Indian people,

today we have got FREEDOM.


They were the days ,

the days of the cruel and dishonest  rulers,

who asked us to pay the higher taxes,

they were a big problem

handed over to our motherland,

but we kind ones

had granted them with great honours,

but this wa...

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The corner

          THE   CORNER…….



Hopewood Street / Scotland Road;  A junction to remember

Especially if you plied there for work, which I did one November.

The year was 61, I’d reached eighteen the day before

Now old enough to go on that stand, I hurried there for sure.

It had been the topic of the older lads whose work-ethic was a page

Casual work was ‘the norm’ of the day; t...

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Also by A Scallywag:

Foolishness and G.O.D. |

Fear and Worry

You want to let it go
then let her go
she has her life
and it is quite clearly without you
...........for the time being

Are you frightened of becoming
like your mother?
Hated by the daughter?
Never speaking or giving her the time of day?

Then, I wish you well my dear
Fear is your teacher
and worry your god

I fear for you
and worry for your future
as you do not yet know
what i...

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Also by Jon Stainsby:

Flower of Love | Abyss | Day Breaks | Back to Nature | Detached memories | Lobotomise | Keeping hope |



If I saw you at the Faire,

I wouldn’t take things so seriously.

The crowds would part,

so I could see only you.

Only then could I heal the wounds

that someone else discarded.

I am fragile.

But you can sense that.

And you approach me slowly,

like a silkworm.

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Also by Douglas MacGowan:

Anxiety | MENTOR |

Little of Your Love

Its okay if you don't want to fall again

Love was hurtful

So you said again

Maybe its true

I feel your pain

How will I know

When I always abstain

Make me experience love

My heart cries

Make me feel love

My soul dies

Alone I have been

Looking like a Wanderer

Reality have seen

Not like a Slumberer

Searching for the perfect heart

To lost in love with


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HeartLovePoemShort poems


Mulling over a week,

nostalgia is at its peak,

with revived hope bleak,

that you will come and speak.

I perpetuate time cloud nine,

when days were like rise and shine,

that epoch was of our combine,

everyday was like wine and dine.

Groping you here and there,

now I know you are everywhere,

in my glare and my prayer,

you are my unwonted scare,

in this air and my ...

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With time to myself I feel as if the fog has lifted. Away from you out of sight and mind I can’t recall your face at all. 
I know how I felt while around you. I couldn’t help but smile you’re beautiful but not meant for me. 
I shared myself with you 
I thought you and I were similar. 
You told me what you wanted I so badly craved for it to be real. 
I feel the trust is broken now questions sw...

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Also by Michael Rios:

Lie | gone | Inevitable | Stormy night | Thoughts of a dream | Edge of sanity |

Austerity and War

I sat down to reflect on a history of thy own

I am old now and weep to a song, a sad story is mine with all those that now have gone.

I saw a vision in my mind a beautiful woman singing at the sink, she has the voice of angel and I cannot speak, I listen intently to every word it’s a little dainty about a bird, she whispers soft and perfectly in tune, it fills every inch of this tiny little ...

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Also by PatricioLG:

Crossed Wire |

Esgyrn Eira

The thick ice on the pond is dimpled on its face:

The same snow that coated the field

Had landed on the frozen pool to yield

To ice its fragile beauty and feather grace

As dents


Body gone, only the skeleton of the snow is left:

The same snow that covered all around

Has lost its substance to the earthy mound

But dull white bones still haunt Spring's heft

As wraiths


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Also by Chris Armstrong:

The Old Beech Trees | Adrift | Role Reversal | The Land of a Giant |

snowicepondcountrysidehedge banksbonesskeletonswraithsesgyrn eira

Memory Embryo

river weaving sound-waves scintillate
emerald tide lapping ripples roll
spectral mother of pearl piers laminate over
earthen pebbles veiled in petrol gauze
limpid lamps glint
the shellac grey
to a murmuring waxen gold..

limbal ring sun cheeky snowdrops lick
refuse boats hum
hushing engines cello
glass bottles topple
slivers crack slivers click
nit-wit birds hammer icy bubble ravines

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He Tried To Destroy Her

{He Tried To Destroy Her}



He tried to destroy her by his sneaky little secrets and little lies that he kept hidden deep down until that dark day she found out about all of his hidden dark secrets that's when her world came unglued 


because she gave her all to this man and then return only thing she ever got was just his lies and dishonesty and secrets and his cheating ways t...

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Also by Chiari Warrior Soldier:

I Am Not Okay | Why~Why Did I | Shy Guy | When You've Took Away All My Will Power | I'll Bet You'll Start Loving Me? |

fictional characterfictional piecehurtlieslifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverPoempoetrysadnessstoriesthinking out loudTina Gloverwordy queenwriting short poemswriting short poetrywriting short stories

First steps

Follow yourself  follow your path

where is it?

under your feet just follow it

it, what’s it?

the path is it 

it is the path I’m waking on it 

why yes you are you’re walking the path yes that’s it .



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Beachwards we race – work’s done, day over, coffee made

and travel-mugs filled.  Today’s sky is clear, sunset’s

not over water; beach-dusk, though, is beautiful.

And tonight, we sit chatting nothing until, by

degrees, topics turn to honest thought, true feeling

and we discover our love once more.  We talk dark

into a chip-escapade, race home – this is life.

The true religion. ...

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Also by Rich:

Stand |



I'm here

I'm gone

I don't know where to be

It's me

I'm here

how far down can you push me

I'm gone

hate me, ignore me, wrap me around you

You can't even decide where you want me to be

I'll be where you are


to see what you'll do

I'm here

feed me, breathe me, bring me back

you're gone.


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Also by Danielle:

Benefits of an Anxious Mind | Unwanted Hesitance | It's loud | I'm Tired |


Never seeing the light




We wither and decay

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Also by Christopher Reeves:

Points |


The Battle of a Knackered Mum

At last I can see the light

As daytime slowly turns into night

Knowing bedtime is nearly here

When 3 hours have felt like a year


First comes dinner which was a chore

Chicken nuggets and chips galore!

But because I know all her little tricks

I threw on some extra carrot sticks…!


“I’m still hungry mum don’t you know?

…I could just fit in some haribo?”

“You can...

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Also by Nik Fabro:

Where Is Love? | Precious | The Battle of a Busy Mum |

A house with out a Tennant

 I decline you Tennant 

For you are nothing but a messily  pheasant.

How dare you assume you have a right to a home.

You will always be cold and forever alone.

You voted us in and here we shall stay

Ruining your life forever this way.

I do not blink when our team sin,

We built these homes not to be lived in.

Wow.. I didn't relise you would be so offended  that we have thous...

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Also by Lisa Donohoe:

Behind the screen | Blood | Your worth | My blessings | America | Wishbone | Breathless |

Shouty Face

I think that you are quite unique,

From ear to ear, then down to feet

Sat atop your mind you speak,

Sometimes funny, sometimes sweet


Lots of people seem the same,

They live their lives and play their games

Now and then they use their brains

But not too often, ain't that insane?


You are you and that's what matters

So ignore, the chitter chatter

Small minded t...

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Also by RightInTheFeels:

What do you represent? |

Individualindividualityself worthself beliefthick skinpersonalityconvictionmotivationinspirationinspirationalstrong mindedstrengthwillfulnessunique

The Ranting of a Soul Fed up

Do not attempt to undermine my intelligence as you will only serve to belittle yourself. You do you and I'll do me .I know this will be easier for me as I live real every day .I'm just me ,always and that's how it should be. I do however, wish you the best of luck as I can only imagine how difficult putting on a show can be not to mention how utterly exhausting,after all acting requires both skill...

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Also by Shaakiera Schroeder:

I Wish |

belittlefakefed upover itundermine


Home again each month like a stranger,

he has three days’ turnaround

between trips for you to wash

his gear – which leaves you

barely two when, on his final day,

you’d rinse off his luck.


So let him mooch with mates,

while you heat the copper and soak

his long johns, socks and ganseys

in that soup of frothing water,

teasing fibres matted

with blood, scales, sp...

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Down the path of 8 wonderful months

The day when I saw you first 

Never could I imagine I found my love at last 

Being filled with happiness and being alive 

Still I never forget that day 

When your feelings for me finally came to light


We sat on a corner of a pub

So easy but yet so tough

To meet your lips on mine leaving everything else behind

Did you say some words 

That makes my heart beat fast


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Also by Dipta Gomes:

Lay my hand on your hand |


Away, I dream of last thoughts and feelings

That he introduced to me

Not even my first love had a clear understanding

Past experiences lift my senses

Trying to leave it to an old palate

He is foreign

My heart is open an awaiting

To let me love and be accepting

Blood is chilled

As he

Brings roses to my cheeks

Only fearing the past

Seeing it return in related situ...

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Also by sasha:

History | Dream Promises | Jazz Love |


On a Fool's Errand

No one can fool me

said the man

who saw right

through me

as I tried

to make him

look foolish.

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Brought down to earth

When God created Wiganers

when the task of creating Wiganers

appeared on the agenda for God

I like to think he made us unique

strangely peculiar rather than odd


market traders, miners, mill workers

witty, welcoming and worldly wise

with a distinctive diet consisting of

apple crumble... and humble pies

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Also by J R Harris:

Kenny |

Broken Bottles

It shattered across the floor

I knew this was coming, it was no surprise

I couldn’t take it anymore

Oh, the fire in his eyes


His hand against my neck

His breath against my cheek

I pulled away hoping not to wreck

Yet his presence felt so meek


The way he talked to me

The way he spat on the ground

The way he grabbed my knee;

It had me all turned around



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alcohol abusesexual assaultmoving on

March 2018 Collage Poem: Changes


Poetry in unusual places

Yarn-bombing red as a spaniel

Line of poetry clutters in clusters


Faeries and Diddymen, aliens and witches

We transcend to rainbows when we die

Cold coffee cup clocks stuck at half-past six


The witch her face disfigured

Better methinks burnt at stake.


Lost in the past watching swallows flying north in spring

Swallows in blue s...

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AprilChangesCollage poemStockport Write Out Loud

Nocturne/Julia Caroline/Translation in Amharic/Alem Hailu/በምሽት

Bird beneath the midnight sky
As on my lonely couch I lie,
I hear thee singing in the dark,
Why sing not I?

No star-gleams meet thy wakeful eye;
No fond mate answers to thy cry;
No other voice, through all the dark,
Makes sweet reply.

Yet never sky-lark soaring high
Where sun-lit clouds rejoicing lie,
Sang as thou singest in the dark,
Not mute as I!

O lone, sweet spirit! tell me ...

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Also by Alem Hailu G/Kristos:

Outgrown/By Julia Calorine/Let us discuss this poem to help me translate it into Amharic | Discharging inherited duty | Discharging inherited duty |



Did my parents leave me on a hillside to die?

By chance a caring mother followed her instincts and found me alive

Sent to a hospital with nothing but a basket and marks on my wrist from where I had been bound

A national appeal to find my parents came to no avail

Instead a kind family gave me a chance of a new life

Already struck by tragedy, I was their second chance

At the age of...

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Also by Connor Jones:

Thoughts |


I'll let my chicken wrap just rest 

here as I 

hear about your week.


Its peanut-curry crunch

silenced by your over-sized watch as

it tick tick ticks

against your silky, soft wrist.


I'll let myself forget what day it is

but remember how your 

jaw click click clicks

with every chew.


Servers might see it on my face.

Strangers maybe will, too.



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Also by Candice Reineke:

Notes in the Margins of a Lover’s Poem |


Hello there Mr. Sunshine,
Thank you for showing me your bright smile,
Are you going to travel with me in every mile?
Will you continue to follow me 'til the end of 

As i open my eyes i can feel your presence,
You're so simple, but do you know your essence?
You are the one who lights the day as the world
Thank you for existing, my heart you have stolen...

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Irrational deranged and ridiculous 

Carrying-on with a fool trick of imprudence 

More to bring joy rather than sadness 

A crazy balderdash of daftness  

With discreet acts of constant madness.


absurd poppycock behavior comes fatuousness pleasures 

Reasonable insanity of countless measures  

Even an idiot had sort through all the dangers 

No one c...

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Glancing from window

Into soft white snow wrapping

Signs of spring?


Long yellow catkins from twisted hazel

Where remains of distressed thoughts hung

Decaying yet diminishing as troubles often do


Frozen pond where jelly spawn from

Spent dead frogs was now protected

Ready to emerge as warmth re-appeared.


Tender plants pausing 


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Wanna crush you

This is my shout out

for you

coz you tried to threw me out

out of your heart

 out of your mind 

but remember I am not kind

you tried to ruin my life?


ask me sorry

I  will give you teddy

I wasn't your tom,dick, harry

​​​​​​I was your larry 

but now not less than adversary


I wasn't a psychopath

I was sociopath

I was your midas touch 

but now I w...

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Also by Shrutika Banerjee:

Wanna crush you | What Is Life | CHANGED | FADE |




A heart that’s pure,

Love that is gentle,

What great magnitude and depth you possess,

It’s an honor to know you, 


Seeing you grow ?

Viewing life through your eyes ?

HUMBLE as they come

The caterpillar has transformed ?

Why are you afraid to face yourself?


Your form is ELEGANT

Your wings are UPLIFTING 

Your design is UNIQUE 

Creation is ELECTR...

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You gave up and left your comfort zone because of reasons.
But should it be that way?
Should it be with your thoughts?
Or should it be your feelings?
At any rate, should you consider one reason?
You fly and wearing this strong face
And with a brave heart
But would it be that way you wanted?
I never thought

But I know I made the right decision because
It is you are the reason.

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Also by kanne:

I dream | Cold Treatment | Torpe | Chance My Love |


Snow day

Snow Day

Snow day.
Glow day.
Every way you go day.


Untrod sheets say
"Clean, new day."

Morning light.
Crisp. Bright.
Picks out crystals perfect made.

Play day.
No-school day.
Friends day.


Deep, sheet, untouched by human boot
Or bright-yellow dog-stain marks.

As Earth was once.
Clean, new.
Paper white
Before the ability to write.

There's nothing new under t...

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Snow Daysnow fall

we'll hang your dirty money on our washing line, if you've any filthy lucre bring it here

to be taken with a pinch of white powder


It's twenty one months since the vote for autonomy
 unentangling ourselves from the E. U. economy
free, at last, new trade deals to seek.
plus saving one third of a billion each week
a brilliant future together we face
on a twenty per cent, meagre, industrial base

Cheap goods come and go on Korean made shipping
Footsie one hundred's sky hig...

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For Timmy

Shall I compare you to a human friend?

You are more loyal and affectionate.

Rough words do often need amend

And sometimes friendship comes too late

Or may for others you forsake.

Moreover some expect too much

Which when you fail can friendship break.

Your love I know is never such.

Friends often can betray your trust

Revealing them as indiscreet

But you and I stand tr...

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While I slept I saw you fall

All I could think about is why it happened

Nothing can separate our love

We are one soul; we are blood

While I slept my eyes became open

Oh! it was just a dream

A dream it will ever be

There's a light in you and it's still shining bright

We have a journey that's still far

Together we shall complete it


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Believe it or not

Believe it or not but you are a culprit 

Believe it or not but you are dead

All the words you speak, the thoughts you have

It's all what they fed 

The collar is around your neck 

The rein is in their hands 

No matter how far you wanna go 

You do what they say instead.


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Poetryharsh realitysociety

Depression Love

Do I dare face such a challenge
Should I fall or still keep my balance
You are the thin line between peace and 
But you still are the golden silence
How do we understand the power we 
How do we give in to our darkest desires
How to we become honesty when our hearts are liars
I’m not your lover I’m your fire
Understand the darkness in this soul
Understand the mystery kno...

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Ears to silenced voices

it’s extraordinary to be human with feelings. usually it’s brave to have a voice. now in this world it’s unheard of to be heard. to actually hear each other is just not what done. but it would save lives to be this way. to reach out and give your hand or take one that needs yours is braver than you think. i choose to stand alone and that’s selfish of me. today i was different. today i was brave. a...

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Also by Skye:

My concept of love | A Beautiful Tragic Silence | Possessed love for Demons |

Viking book club 1

elder-god carrion and a world dreamt
eclipsed by the worms of our ilk 
burrowed and tunnelled 
syphoned and sustained
by the blood and brains of greater things 

formless, unwitting children of Ymir
separated from the nothing by the everything
wringing meaning from a crackling void
and order from the blank slate of chaos.

set into motion, our nature
of tides eating tides
the old fall...

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Also by Zach Dafoe:

viewport 9843 (03/05/2018) | red pen delight (03/06/2018) |

Odin Vili Ve Ymir creation

Wilfully Blind


He sticks the blinkers on

and blindfold, counts out the sorrows

of no one he knows.

Puts them in a drawer,

locked with a careless key,

kicking doors shut

on notions of equality.


His side of the seesaw hangs heavy,

unbalanced, biased towards

the full and sated belly.

Wallet and tongue keep close company.


Sees with one eye only one vision:



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Also by Laura Taylor:

Butterfly | Celia in Silhouette |

Glass Paint

I am a weaver of words. Make no mistake I said words, not wisdom.
I am a coniessuer of simulies, and synonyms.
My shelves are lined with glass beakers and tubes containing syllables, but I am no alchemist.
Make no mistake, though, I am a poet.
I will reach for the sharpest edges of your mind, and whether I come home with lifelong scars or your lifelong adoration - I don't mind.
No, I don't be...

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clichepersonalPoetryspoken word


Set the paper boat

afloat upon the river

to find divine hands

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Also by Dave Bradley:

Camel through a needle's eye |


The Selling Price

To the casting couch, the Hollywood director told you to go.
To the role proposed that made you a star, why didn't you JUST SAY NO?

To the couch you went with open eyes, why? This is my guess.
You were afraid the very next applicant would enthusiastically say yes.

You say you had non-consensual sex and the relationship lasted for years.

You face the world now, calli...

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