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Terms Of Use

1.  Usage Agreement

1.1.  Please read this Agreement (“Agreement”) carefully. It governs your use of the website "Site").

1.2.  If you use the website at all, it means you agree to all of these terms of use. These terms take effect as soon as you first use the Site, and apply whenever you access the Site on whatever device. We may change these terms of use from time to time. By continuing to access and use the site you are agreeing to the revised terms of use.
If you don’t want to be bound by these terms, do not use the Site.
Third party websites or subscription services you may link to through this site will have their own terms of use. Our terms don’t apply to those third party sites or services.
If you are under 18, you should ask your parents to check these terms.
For more information, email

2.  Provision of Service

2.1.  The Site is owned and operated by Write Out Loud CIC. Our registered office is Marsden Mechanics, Peel Street, Marsden, HD7 6BW.

3.  Limited Rights to Use Content

3.1.  All material displayed on the Site ("Content") belongs to Write Out Loud CIC or its licensors. Subject to clause 2.2, you may retrieve and display the Content on a computer screen, print individual pages on paper and store such pages in electronic form on disk (but not on any server or other storage device connected to an external network) for your own personal, educational, non-commercial purposes.

3.2.  Most of the Content on the Site is owned by Write Out Loud CIC but certain Content is used under licence from third parties ("Third Party Content") and will be marked with the copyright notice of those third parties. Some of the Third Party Content will be subject to additional restrictions - the relevant copyright notice will make it clear where that is the case. You must comply with such restrictions.

3.3.  You may not (without prior written permission from Write Out Loud CIC):

  • redistribute any of the Content or supply it to other people (including by using it as part of any library, archive or similar service);

  • remove the copyright or trade mark notice from any copies of Content made under this Agreement;
  • create a database in electronic or structured manual form by systematically downloading and storing all or any of the Content;
  • except as expressly set out above, modify, reproduce or in any way commercially exploit any of the Content.

3.4.  You acknowledge that the names, images and logos identifying “Write Out Loud” and their products and services are subject to design rights and trade marks of "Write Out Loud CIC" and that you may not use them without written permission.

4.  Participation

4.1.  The Service may include bulletin boards, discussion groups and other public areas that allow feedback to Write Out Loud CIC and interaction between users. The opinions, advice and statements contained in messages posted on the Site ("Messages") are those of the Users and not Write Out Loud CIC. Where Users can post Messages there will be a hyperlink to terms which help control the content.
Write Out Loud CIC reserves the right to delete, move and edit any material submitted. You are solely responsible for the material you submit to the Site and by submitting any material you agree that you will not submit any material that:

  • reveals any confidential or sensitive information;

  • contains or links to any unlawful, threatening, abusive, libellous, indecent or otherwise illegal material;

  • contains any material which you do not have permission to use (including material which may be protected by copyright, trade marks, database right or any other form of intellectual property right);

  • contains viruses or any other components with harmful or contaminating properties which may affect the Site or any equipment connected to it; or
    disguises your identity or impersonates any person.

4.2.  Where you are invited to submit any contribution to the Site (including any text, photographs, graphics, video or audio) you agree, by submitting your contribution, to grant Write Out Loud CIC a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sub-licensable right to use, reproduce, modify and distribute your contribution worldwide in any media, although your rights to be identified as author or originator of the work are not affected. All copyright rests with originating creators.
If you do not want to grant Write Out Loud CIC the rights set out above, please do not submit your contribution to the Site.

4.3.  The Site contains material submitted by users over whom Write Out Loud CIC has no control. Write Out Loud CIC cannot guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of any such material. Some Users may breach these terms and post material that is misleading, untrue or offensive - you must bear all risk associated with your viewing of such material.

5.  Limited Warranties

5.1.  Write Out Loud CIC will use its reasonable skill and care in making the Site available to you and in ensuring its continuing availability. However, because of the number of sources from which Write Out Loud CIC obtains the Content and because of the nature of the Internet and computer software and hardware, Write Out Loud CIC does not give you any other warranties. In particular, you should not take the accuracy or availability of the information for granted and Write Out Loud CIC makes no warranty that the Site is free from infection by viruses or anything else that has contaminating or destructive properties. All implied warranties are excluded from this Agreement to the extent that they must be excluded as a matter of law.

6.  Limitation of Liability

6.1.  In respect of the Content which is available free on the Site, Write Out Loud CICwill use its reasonable endeavours to resolve faults but because the service is free you agree that Write Out Loud CIC will not be liable for any losses you may incur as a result of your use or non-use of that Content. Terms and conditions of any subscription service or third party website will prevail over this Agreement.

6.2.  Except where we have expressly agreed otherwise, neither you nor Write Out Loud CIC will be responsible for any losses that the other suffers as a result of a breach of this Agreement except those losses which are a foreseeable consequence of the breach. Neither party will be responsible for indirect losses which happen as a side-effect of the main loss or damage and which are not foreseeable by Write Out Loud CIC and you (such as loss of profits or loss of data).

6.3.  Notwithstanding the above provisions of this clause 5, Write Out Loud CIC's liability will not be limited in the case of death or personal injury directly caused by Write Out Loud CIC's negligence.

7.  Privacy Policy

7.1.  Any information that you provide about yourself to Write Out Loud CIC will only be used by Write Out Loud CIC in accordance with its Privacy Policy. Please read the Privacy Policy carefully and if you have any questions please email

8.  Changes

8.1.  Write Out Loud CIC is continually seeking to improve the Site and services offered. Write Out Loud CIC reserves the right, at its discretion, to make changes to any part of the Site.

8.2.  In respect of non-subscription services, Write Out Loud CIC may change or add to this Agreement as a result of its policy of updating and improving the Site or for security, legal or regulatory reasons. Write Out Loud CIC will post any changes or additions to this Agreement online. If you do not agree to be bound by those changes, you should not access and/or use the Site any further.

8.3.  For changes to terms and conditions for any subscription service or third party website, please refer to the individual website for updates and amendments to their terms and conditions.

9.1.  The Site contains links to other web sites and resources, either directly or through frames and, where possible, Write Out Loud CIC will make clear where such links are being made. Where independent third parties provide these sites Write Out Loud CIC is not responsible and shall not be liable for the availability or content of these outside resources. Where Write Out Loud CIC provides these sites, specific terms and conditions for each site will prevail over this Agreement. Write Out Loud CIC is not responsible for the contents of any site linking to Julian Jordon Ltd.

10.  Third party material

10.1.  You will see advertising material submitted by third parties on the Site. Individual advertisers are solely responsible for the content of advertising material which they submit to us, including ensuring that it complies with relevant legislation. We accept no responsibility for the content of advertising material, including, without limitation, any error, omission or inaccuracy therein.

11.  General

11.1.  In respect of the free parts of the Site, there is no specific time limit applying to your access and use. However, Write Out Loud CIC reserves the right to suspend or terminate your access and use of the free parts of the Site at any time. It may exercise the right with or without notice.

11.2.  You may not transfer any of your rights under these Terms and Conditions to any other person.

11.3.  If you breach this Agreement and Write Out Loud CIC chooses to ignore this, Write Out Loud CIC will still be entitled to use its rights and remedies at a later date or in any other situation where you breach this Agreement.

11.4.  A person who is not party to this Agreement shall have no right to enforce any of its terms.

11.5.  We will try to solve any disagreements quickly and efficiently. If you are not happy with the way we deal with any disagreement and you want to take court proceedings, you must do so under English law within the United Kingdom

11.6.  Headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and will have no legal meaning or effect.

11.7.  Every effort has been made to establish copyright in the material on this Site. If there are any anomalies, please email

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