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This house has the stench of a suicide.

A young death, were a noose was tied.

The spirit remains...forever to roam.

This can never become a happy home.


The house has no energy, just bad will.

This house, it shivers from an evil chill.

In this house no ‘happy death’ occurred.

Angry voices from the past can be heard.


A house should be a happy, sacred place.

In th...

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The Sea


I looked out to the sea today.

From the safety of the bay.

I walked along the gritty sand.

I was in need of a helping hand.

I looked at the waves, rising high.

Rinsing the rocks they passed by.

Close to the water’s edge I crept.

All the secrets the sea has kept.

I’m so tired of life, I need to sleep.

One more secret, please to keep.

The angry sea, spitting left a...

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Emma and Rachel

Bike lessons given, grazed knees kissed.

My favourite days ever, so sorely missed.

With a McDonald’s hat on, 'want to pay'?

I still cherish those memories every day.


Bill and Ben bedtime tales told and retold.

The farmer’s dinner would always go cold!

'Rough and tumble' games, a treasure trail.

Every day I looked forward to without fail.


A taste in music and movie...

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For Alba And Nola


For Alba and Nola this is for you.

Looking beautiful, dressed in blue.

Nola 2…Sister Alba now a ‘big 4’!

Standing outside their front door.


Matching clothes, I find that sweet.

Same white sandals on their feet!

With all my heart, I love them so.

Now my love has some place to go.


This is what I’ve been waiting for.

A new chapter in my life for sure!

A ch...

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Guide You Home


Did you 'ship' need more than oars and sail?

Was fair weather drowned by storm and gale?

Did the waves never flatten never to subside?

Was happiness for you, for too long denied?

What happened when you looked overboard?

Did you see a way out…a route to The Lord?

Was your life now nothing but stress and pain?

Where all attempts to save you, made in vain?

Without you the...

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The Lamp of Lithon


This tired man had left the world behind.

He was gifted a lamp, one of its kind.

It dated back to the very dawn of time.

The Lamp of Lithon, with its unique shine.


In the library late one lonely night.

The room was bathed in a mystical light.

No flicker, no shadow just a perfect glow.

As the Lamp of Lithon, put on a show.


The walls of books became a screen.


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I walk amongst the heather, thinking of you.

Lonely flowers in hand, feet dripped in dew.

To the hills where we walked, I’m on my way.

Every hill I will climb in your memory today.


The wind is merely gentle, cool upon my face.

A thousand memories await me in this place.

I see the pale sun, now rising from its sleep.

It’s that time of year for my promise to keep.



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The Gifted Songwriter


Stuart could paint landscapes with no brush in hand.

With his words alone, I could envisage a better land.

Stuart’s writing had purpose, without music it spoke.

A thousand images in my mind his words could evoke.


Stuart painted with lyrics, be it mountains or stream.

Or tales of bloody wars or peaceful valleys of green.

He wrote the words of a poet, straight from the he...

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The Crossing

Please say a little prayer for me.

As we’re at the mercy of the sea.

The waves are high, water ice cold.

Side to side this boat has rolled.


Children to parents cling on tight.

Think of them and of their plight.

Our boat is fighting wave after wave.

But I look about and faces are brave.


The winter sky is starless and black.

The point of no return, no turning bac...

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My Island


Sitting alone on a deserted beach.

Thankfully the world is out of reach.

Keep your hatred, greed and wars.

Just keep it far away from my shores.


This is my Island, the one I planned.

No bullets to fire, no bombs to land.

This is my haven, no poverty, no lies.

Nothing above me to pollute the skies.


Keep your politicians, from every side.

They are all aboard...

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Kim Phúc The Napalm Girl

In our World there’s been war after war.

That’s not what the World was created for.

Battles in the air, over land and at sea.

All that suffering makes no sense to me.


A countless death toll, forever to grow.

Invasion follows invasion, why is this so?

Wars over religion and the stealing of land.

Why are we like this…I don’t understand?


Bombs dropped or the thrustin...

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Excuses...I Have None


To take your last breath, did I make you wait?

I’m so so sorry Mum, so sorry I got there late.

They said I was ok to go home, the nurse said so.

I held your hand all night, but then I let it go.

‘Get some rest’ they told me’ ‘go home’ they said.

I sat beside you all night, I sat there by your bed.

But then I went home, they said that would be ok.

‘There will be no change ...

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The 98th Angel

Hold their hand, as today is that day.

Give them a hug, it can go a long way.

Give them your time, lend them an ear.

Because today is that time of year.

Be there to listen, to take in every word.

35 years on, I have my prayers prepared.

Prayers for our red family, who we lost.

And for survivors who still count the cost.

I remember victims too like Ronnie King.

His name t...

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The Watery Snare


Into deep water my car swam.

Floated just like as discarded can.

By a Widnes Bridge, a scary ride.

A very nervous Ploy, by my side.


We escaped from the watery snare.

My car gargled and gasped for air.

Hissing, blowing off puffs of steam.

We pulled away from the stream.


This deluge I had no chance to avert.

No flood warnings, no signs of alert.

I lifted...

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‘Bellies not bins’… that’s how it should be.

A waste of good unsold food, I hate to see.

From hunger pain, no stomach should ache.

A big difference together, we can all make.


Every food donation helps to show you care.

If you can, please help to support FairShare.

We’re out to tackle hunger, help if you can.

Let’s fill up with food every FairShare van!


Top Superma...

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The Homeless People of Liverpool

Through my City, I walked the streets last night.

To see for myself, the City’s homeless plight.

I saw first-hand, the hardship of having no home.

The cardboard blankets and pillows of stone.


I threw what I had into a near empty paper cup.

A man muttered 'ta mate'...he barely looked up.

It's difficult to put an age on this homeless man.

I saw weary eyes and a beaten up we...

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International Day of Happiness (20/3/24)


Are your chuckle muscles fit and rearing to go?

This is International Happiness Day, did you know?

This is the kind of day, our Doddy was born for.

So, let’s try and spread happiness shore to shore!


In Doddy’s memory, let’s make this a special day.

Have an extra jam butty or 2 on your tea tray!

Laughter is contagious and what’s more it’s free.

Pass a smile on, it mig...

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From everything good in my life, I walked away.

Now the older I get, the higher the price I pay.

I've loved, been loved, held many hands tight.

I've counted my lucky stars, deep into the night.


What is it about me, happiness I seem to fear.

I tie myself in knots, whenever it comes near.

So, I overthink things, fear it might all backfire.

I know how fragile hearts are, how...

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Fear Is...



Fear is loneliness, I’ve had my taste.

Fear is isolation, a life goes to waste.

Fear is rejection, I’ve had my fill.

Fear is knowing, time has stood still.


Fear is in denial, a lost cause to chase.

Fear is in a mirror, I see it in my face.

Fear is dreaming, when false hope grows.

Fear is waking up to the same old woes.


Fear is an empty house, each room b...

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The Spell


In just about every place, I see you.

Under skies of grey or of bright blue.

I see you beneath a star lit sky.

I can't forget you is the reason why.


I see you if the Sun shines bright.

And I see you when I dream at night.

I picture your face through the rain.

Each aching day, it's always the same.


There are places, I'm wary to go to.

As I recall the times,...

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Shadow Small

I thought I was over you; I couldn’t be more wrong.

Today reminded me of you, listening to an old song.

I’m nowhere near over you, fooling myself, that’s me.

Your happy face, I miss so much and so long to see.


How do those brave people do it…I’d love to know?

Did their tears find another place to pack up and go?

My tears are different, looks like they’re here to stay.

I s...

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Crashing Down

‘I hate my life’ my reaction to each new day.

And nothing will make this feeling go away.

Every minute, I struggle to see it through.

I accept this, my depression is nothing new.


Lovers, I have none, time is not on my side.

Tears, I have plenty, though all of them I hide.

Some of my very best friends, I no longer see.

The reason why, that’s still a mystery to me?



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My View From Up High

The grass looked darker in the shade.

The summer sunlight, started to fade.

A clump of trees of green and brown.

That's what I can see, on looking down.

Narrow white paths, nowhere to lead.

On luscious pastures, some cattle feed.

A small boat is floating down a stream.

Further on, lovely cottages can be seen.

Some quiet roads, now come into view.

Some farming land, I can...

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Brookside Avenue...Knotty Ash

I lived there, I loved there, and I miss there.

I lived in Brookside Avenue, in the Square.

The big corner house, Vera knows the one.

Now I look back, where’s all that time gone?


The busy roundabout, was not far from me.

Off to the nearby Burger King for the kid’s tea!

My garden backed onto the school playground.

I heard the children playing, I loved that sound!



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