The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

What do you represent?

I represent the entirety of my peers.

I represent my profession, my passions, humanity, the man on the street.

I represent the homeless, the loveless, those with respect and those I respect.

I represent you, I represent me, I represent what "they say".

I represent facts, I represent theories, I represent questions, ideals and ideas.

I represent dreams, I represent fears,

I represent every truth and every lie I utter.

I am on display for the whole world to see and I represent every inch of the world I live in.

This is my home and yours, I represent you, representing me, representing them and representing us.


I rep-resent those who look down upon us, those who don't represent us.

I rep-resent those who look to me to represent them, without the willingness to represent themselves.

I rep-resent the repetition of past mistakes, the reminders, that halt progress, there's no need for those messages to be re-sent.

I repeat myself.

I repeat myself as I represent the past, as I represent the future and as I repent, am re-spent and restart my intent to feel bent on representing a world which I want to live in.

I represent the world I want you to live in.

I take caution every day to represent the present, as though it were the future I have come to admire.


◄ Rational Identity

Shouty Face ►


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