The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

we'll hang your dirty money on our washing line, if you've any filthy lucre bring it here

to be taken with a pinch of white powder


It's twenty one months since the vote for autonomy
 unentangling ourselves from the E. U. economy
free, at last, new trade deals to seek.
plus saving one third of a billion each week
a brilliant future together we face
on a twenty per cent, meagre, industrial base

Cheap goods come and go on Korean made shipping
Footsie one hundred's sky high and no dipping
   raising false hope, for sustained prosperity.
Imports are paid for in shrinking assets
and  "hired out" numeric dexterity.

Alongside cooking the company books, for conglomerate grandees
we sell our unique world renowned, financial expertise
to oppressive corrupt governments in power overseas.
Charity turned to dollars for exceptional large fees.
Then have them re-invest it into pre-assigned devices
  selling chunks of London off to criminal franchises.
Many of whom have shady links
with the murderous obscene ISIS.
Monies stolen from funding,
 intended to soothe Third World pain.
 Shows up returned, as an honest earned?
 above-board, Stock Market gain.

Some of these gangsters buy football clubs,
 and are really well established
living abroad, leading luxury lives
chauffeurs and flunkies serve glamourous wives.
 Running ill-gotten empire's, with email and fax's.
It's champagne each day, leaving us here to pay.
 The short-fall in lost UK taxes.
 World's away from their countrymens plight,
the diseased, unemployed, food famished.
Money donated, for the poor of all ages
 crookedly cleaned in a series of stages.
 Finds it's way back to pay footballers wages.
From the trillions distributed round the world
we see a scandalous painting unfurled
 Millions lavished on real estate
and Premier League centre forwards.

Britains "We Do All The Currencies"
slick Financial Team
the metaphorical only one made, "British washing machine"
will launder your money as a matter of course
 clean like a whistle, no paper-trailed source.
Strong plastic tenners and rubbery fivers
guarantee us top placed "Free Market" survivors.

The decision to leave Europe, in panic stricken haste
was not from careful reasoning, but intolerance of race
It will take a generation to revive our failing nation
recover from the consequense of, rash votings devastation.
 Plus inumerable anomalies will show up as wasted time
during which there's likely to be
run away inflation...instability.
No money left in the Chanellors purse
 hysterically derailed off line
Lets face it folks there's no plan B.




There'll always be an England ►


<Deleted User> (18980)

Mon 19th Mar 2018 07:32

Ken Again, negativity. Why assume all these adverse things will happen? As far as unity goes, we are closer to and more influenced by the U.S. and still will be trade deal or no trade deal.

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ken eaton-dykes

Mon 19th Mar 2018 00:12

Thanks for the comment Graham.
Political alignment is equally important as trade. And in my and many others opinion leaving the EU was a shattering retrograde step which brought political disunity with our European neighbours together with a devalued pound, high inflation, and substantial higher prices for food. It will take a generation to get back to the levels of prosperity we enjoyed in the common market.

As someone commented to me on an earlier blog regarding history.
People forgetful of past painful international historical events are doomed to repeat these same emotion driven reactionary cycles over and over again. To the detriment of international wellbeing.

<Deleted User> (18980)

Sun 18th Mar 2018 12:43

Try to be positive Ken or you'll worry yourself into an early grave!

Why assume Brexit won't be successful?

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Graham Sherwood

Sun 18th Mar 2018 12:39

Many including me voted to join a market exchange, a simpler way of moving goods/services around Europe. Look what it became!

Alliances are fine, federations are not.

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