The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

Letter to You

Letter to you,

Words of wisdom,

If I may.

Don’t fall for the irony

That my reflection

Lacks a map of my life.

My beautiful child,

Let me remind you,

That every time you smile,

Every drop of laughter

That you place in this world,

Means something,

To someone,



Let’s remember

That people do

Amazing things each day.

Now not to discourage you,

The image is not for comparison.

Just so that when you feel

So close to the edge

That the world feels like

It could swallow you whole,

That the straw that broke

Something in you



Can also be

The needle in the haystack.

And one day,

That needle will meet a thread

That tries to sew it’s way

Onto your sleeve again.

And when it asks,

“Do you ever wonder if things were different?”

Take your lighter

And with a burning kiss goodbye

Say, “I could, but they aren’t.”



◄ Imaginary Confrontation

The Girl Who Cried Wolf ►


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