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poetic succession

There is always a poem after this one; 
the understudy to today's centre stage: 

This poem however, is never unimportant, 
it is as individual as the poem that follows; 
many written poems have unwritten forbears- 
each poem is breathed and lived; rarely spoken. 

The panorama of this poem is found in one place – 
the window of its reader's imagination; 
so each poem is the beginning point 
of new journeys that we join with the poet. 

Another poem is birthing at the end of this one; 
there may be several, in fact, awaiting their turn. 



◄ new moon

poetry by numbers ►


<Deleted User> (18980)

Tue 20th Mar 2018 11:25

Mmmm A poem about's sort of incestuous isn't it?

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