The sign at the inn swung like a gallows
the light lay low on the heath.
Old Ben was in his settle
sucking baccy through his teeth.
Puddles formed on the flagstones
where a one - eyed dog stood watch;
underneath a ragged sky
the inn was dark as a crotch,
except for a fire - lit window
that glowed like a winter star,
through which a cluster of faces took in
...Monday 31st December 2018 11:13 pm
Also by ray pool:
It was a simple thing
Just a different bed
She slept for a night
A wave
One night turned into two
And then three
A tsunami
Then he pushed back
So she pushed harder
Until they were miles apart
And we were in the middle
Screaming just so they could hear us
But its not like they were listening anyway
They loved each other?
They c...
Monday 31st December 2018 11:02 pm
Have a happy smoke free year
Make 2019 a smoke free year,
Postpone death and funeral fear.
Prevent the poison in the tar flowing in a flood,
Avoid the threat of clot formation due to thicker blood.
Chemicals in the blood make your heart beat faster,
Furring up your arteries creating a deathly disaster.
The enemy in the smoke can attack your kidneys and win,
Also reducing the amount of oygen reachin...
Monday 31st December 2018 10:41 pm
Also by hugh:
Spider Woman spreads panic,a follow on. | Spider Woman | Oh yes he did ! Oh no he didn't ! | Homelessness ! A plight to fight. | To be buried or cremated ? | The wonder of the worm |Infinite
Clay and mud
mixed in blood
molten wood
falling under
burnt asunder
I wander
heartless it seems
like all the world
is the idea that we
should be stranded
at the seams
I can't help but unravel
sound tight
I keep it all inside
the helpless cry
of a childhood denied
simmers now
below red black
thick acrid
hell is near
I feel it's burn
a thousand suns
could not be worse
I give m...
Monday 31st December 2018 9:58 pm
Also by MyDystopiA:
Melons | Silver Grey Blue | Hollow | Cloud 9 | Still | Peat |Unlock your heart
Unlock your heart with the grateful dead
The original code is nearly always 0000
Pull off the shackles to unlock your hands and other necessary appendages.
Rotate your heart 90 degrees counterclockwise
Look out of any window
Squeeze your what you see
Set a new combination by turning the tide.
Choose a magical number and never-ever hide, never-ever part
NEVER ret...
Monday 31st December 2018 9:51 pm
Also by John E Marks:
A rose garden at altitude under occupation | Lancaster | Lifting the Veil/Shelley | Killing off the Elephants | FIX IT! | finisterre to fitzroy | Clone | The Doors of Perception. | A judgement of conscience |February 4, 2016
The palpitations of life. Unsure. Unforgiving. Like radiation poisoning to the soul.
Vibrant colors float in the vastness of the depths of hell.
Feeling every vibe from the endless little souls.
Dancing in the downpour of weightlessness.
Yet we're confused. What is real and what is a simple mirage.
Convincing but deadly. That's the remarkable unfairness of this life.
Monday 31st December 2018 5:09 pm
Also by a.k.:
Untitled Thorns | Master of Disguise | The Kiss of Death | V | Nature pt. 1 | Front Seat Freestyle | Untitled 2 | Untitled 1 |As will I
I’ve sunken to nothing it’s all on me
Selections I’ve made not on you i see
Yet truth be told with someone that lies
I’ve chosen to have revenge when you die
My boys will carry my burden to lift
It will drag them to the generational abyss
You will not regret leaving me alone
As there’s no feel that isn’t your own
Carry the weight of me on your shoulders
The rest of your ...
Monday 31st December 2018 3:57 pm
Also by Reggie:
Distracted | Justice | Wasted | Holidays | Skim | Rinse and Repeat |New Year Rhyme
How New-Year rhymes we've heard before
put us to sleep, because they bore
As New Years come, more aged we grow
then just like the rubbish, out we go
We come in crying at our birth
then exit smiling, rear of hearse
We hug the world and all its poor
we'd sooner hug the girl next door
We live, we love, we woo, we wed,
then get divorced or end up ...
Monday 31st December 2018 3:10 pm
Also by d.knape:
Welcome To Poetry | Seeds | Poets In Our Midst | The Feeder | The Meaning Of Christmas | Poetry Contest | Opening Gifts | Posting A Comment | Winter Winds | Boys & Books | Plastic Cup | The HOA | Black Birds | Muddy Water | MAIL | Amazon.Com | What Ifs And Maybes | I Think | Wish I Were | No There There | Old Dogs | 33 Degrees | Monthly Bill | Where Wild Things Go | Little Boy's Pockets | Eating Healthy | Tree | The Longer You Live | Dieting | Normal People |New Year Tidings
The whale is a big thing.
Jonah had three days in the belly of the whale
carefully considering, and I hear him now.
"This is a good time in the progress of the world.
I know a people of the earth contemplate
hunting the whale to extinction. Yet
no captain Ahab plunges on his solemn mission.
Only Nippon company men after profit
whatever the cost. Call me apoplectic
Monday 31st December 2018 2:19 pm
Also by Adam Whitworth:
A Toast To January | The Stranger | All That's Left | A Short History Of Clouds | Ballad Of The Secret Diary |The real fool
When they’re older,
and it’s all abit too late,
no one will be laughing,
about those green things on my plate,
I eat well, I exercise,
I have tons of energy to work,
yet the coolest person in the office,
is an absolute jerk,
I’m known as “the weird one”,
because I’m climbing mountains on the weekends,
im not out being an idiot,
getting wasted with my friends,
I ...
Monday 31st December 2018 10:50 am
The sign of Stress leaving your body . The sign of Happiness . A sign like no other . What a difference . Stress Shows . Without Stress who knows .
Monday 31st December 2018 7:53 am
Also by Wendy Higson:
Yorkshire Welcomes You | DEMOCRACY | Have a happy Christmas all | IF | WHY SHOULD WE | JUSTICE AND DESCRIMINATION |The day she found herself
Breaking all the shackles
Throwing away all the chains
that were holding her
she finally got rid of the pain
She drew strength
just from within
that was the day she found herself
and realized chasing dreams was not a sin
Pleasing everyone
was not her wish anymore
focusing on herself
became her aim of soul
It was very taxing
To identify her tr...
Monday 31st December 2018 7:36 am
Also by Shuchi Batra:
The Lost Girl |Happy New Year Everyone
Happy New Year Everyone
As a rhymer I'd be neglecting my duty
To not wish you a Happy New Year
Bate your breath as to what I might say next
To which you can say “Dear oh dear”
It's been bloody hot where I write from
Someone said “Hi you flaming galah”
My reaction to this as an Aussie
Is ha-bloody-ha-bloody-ha
(No offence Po....)
One fan of mine (wh...
Monday 31st December 2018 7:33 am
Also by Don Matthews:
I Gotta Rhyme 'Bout Something | Stop, Go, Rover | 40 Degrees | Baby Shower | It's the Day Before Christmas | A Very Christmasy Saturday Rhyme | Who Let This Aussie Grammar-Bender In? | I'm Sorry You're Addicted. Signed Rhyme | Brian Says Marmite Is Superior : What Nerve! | Happy Little Hillbillys Counter | Cogitate | Late Arrival | Sisters are a Funny Mix | From Corner Looking Out | Neurons Are Like People | Could be Interesting. Could be Garbage | This is a Weird One | I'm Confused | Rebel | We're Clever Down Here In Australia | When Convention Takes a Hike | Why Do I Write Poetry? | Wake Up Brian. It's 7am | A Human Crisis | Richard Head for President | 12.01 All Done, All Said |I wish all these happy moments gets freeze
I wish all these happy moments gets freeze in this winter
For ever, Forever!
All pains, sorrows vanish away
Like all yellow leaves falls from trees
I wish all happiness, love and laughter falls upon us
Like a snow fall in the winters and beautifies everything which it covers
Let’s get them freeze along with this breezy chilled wind
I wish all these happy moments gets...
Monday 31st December 2018 7:31 am
Also by Bindu Trigunayak:
Its a Christmas Day | Dance to your own Rhythm | Its better to move on | Money is controlling our life | Closed That Chapter for Life Long | After Every Dawn, there is a sunrise |Remain alone
Remain alone
Monday, December 31, 2018
7:19 AM
To remain strong
you got to be among
the people who daily face the struggle
still remain among the people
it gives the courage to withstand
and understand
the real difficulties faced
and its origin traced
to go away from the mainstream
may not provide you any beam
or hope of any kind
this must b...
Monday 31st December 2018 5:28 am
Also by Hasmukh Mehta:
The human tendency | Calm down when hurt | Single aim of love | Tongue -lethal weapon | No use to cry | Global poets | Back in game | Secret of life | X-mas tree for all | The noble work | Keep clear | The true path | Let us unite | Life is a chance | I am my own woman | Hidden beauty | Say hello | Make it happen | Steady silence | Never complains | The human psychology | The purpose of life | Something to ponder | No boundary for love | Precious tears | Fragrance be smelt | The poetry and mass | Malkign the humanity | Spiritual enjoyment | Real significance | Worthless life | Worthless life | No prelude | Global concept | Selfless creature | The life is | With red rose | Corruption and | Natural instinct | An intimate love | Holy body | Vow with | Life's idelogy | Time bound | Clear funcation | Stay with | Own stability | Love with fragrance | Unsure of | Store nothing | Real poetry | Oh! father | I shall come back | More thirst | What an entry | Escape ego | Small drop | No joke at the poor | With divine reflection | The shining side | With a honor | Give you peace | At the new height | The peace lovers | With an innocence | Journey further |The Long Notes
The Long Notes
I did two long numbers tonight,
Unusual for me,
uncharacteristic you say,
well, quite.
Went well but as ever
I wanted more,
You know the score,
For expression, fame
and adulation,
We're sometimes
just tuppenny whores.
Yet still content
to be with like-minded souls,
Beatniks, blues and jazzmen
breathing the same rarified air...
Sunday 30th December 2018 11:00 pm
Also by Chris Bainbridge:
Tempted | Donor |The Death of a Toad (tribute to Richard Wilbur)
Sunday 30th December 2018 9:21 pm
Also by Lucas B. Foley:
sound I | Preface (2008) | first | new | rise | more | peach | rate | turn | embed | everything | layer | race | night | about | away | purpose | however | ear | pen | ocean | Miles From | Subtle Upsides | The End, Again | Charcoal Motorcade Profile | black harsh blue | Crescent |The Inner Sprawl
The Inner Sprawl
A morass wallowing in its own destiny
faces of anguish,vacant, lost in a
conundrum of terrestial confusion
Eagerly in pursuit and pursued
driven by all that should be detested
yet now set upon a pedestal of glory
A beggar with dog of adoring eyes
blue smoke wafts his presence to passers by
Some ignore to rush with bated breath
others bewildered ...
Sunday 30th December 2018 7:36 pm
Also by keith jeffries:
Undercurrents | Banks | Nocturnal Incarceration | The Non Event |Self-Defined
Never let Haters Define you by the box they create for you! They persecute you because they FEAR you and your Greatness!
She crawls on self-defeat
with her sore bare feet.
Jagged cracks play on tiles;
i deem them infantile.
Reflections of old wake
as memories overtake
the waterfall of tears
which draws oh so near.
Waves of empty promises
splash against thi...
Sunday 30th December 2018 7:32 pm
Also by Poetikaly Anointed:
The Nativity Told Poetikaly |compile: root manic (12/;/2018)
'Like he said you get small and you can see yourself and you tell yourself he needs to go to sleep yeah he needs to go to sleep he needs to shut his eyes and relax before he can feel how small he is and how big his pulse is, creeping like spiders across his psyche, his unconscious world pulled tight like babyskin, shaking him awake under the sting of panic over phantoms that were never there.
Sunday 30th December 2018 3:31 pm
Also by Zach Dafoe:
Svarmr (12/30/2018) | 0813 (12/16/2018) | 0552 (12/11/2018) |The Magic Cure
It soothes it calms
and helps us to reflect
It’s been around for many years
No needles to inject
Medicinal, ingestible
A wonder of the world
Not the opium of the people
but can be addictive
none the less
In many a crisis it is used
In hospitals or prisons
Suitable from the very young
to those growing old or wizened
It’s suggested if we’re fe...
Sunday 30th December 2018 2:19 pm
Also by Rick Varden:
I only work for the council AUDIO | ‘At Christmas time with bells on’ AUDIO | ?At Christmas Timewith Bells on!!? | Virus Alert! | ‘The Scimitar’ | ‘Transfixed’ | The Ostentatious Mr Glitz | If These Things | Hope Valley | I’m not a celebrity | ‘PARLIAMENT’ | Friend or Foe? |Richer in Giving
There is immense value
within each one of us
that is cumulatively enriched
when we share with each other.
But when it comes to giving,
sadly we hold back
in the pretext of protecting ourselves
and then ironically wonder
where has the goodness of this world gone?
It takes wisdom to realise
and courage to admit
that what you have accumulated
through v...
Sunday 30th December 2018 1:45 pm
Also by Larissa Pereira:
Connectedness | Break away |Black Red Rose
A Black Red Rose stood in a sparkling vase
As the sun shone through, the water glowed of wine
The thorns surrounded the stem like green lace
Everyone stopped to admire her beauty and strength
Her intricate accents that were enhanced by the sunshine
A curvy, longated stem with length
One day a petal slowly to the ground fell
Than another followed, making a line
Sunday 30th December 2018 1:09 pm
Also by Cassandra Magan:
Appreciation | Isabel |Victorine
“Wot you looking at?
I can sit ‘ere if I want -
This ain’t the bleedin’ Champs Elysees
an wot if I did take off me knickers
It’s an hot day innit
An’ anyhow ‘e made me put me knee up
to hide me parts
They’re all talk anyhow these philosophers
they don’t reckon us girls -
(I can paint tooy’know)
’an ’course we’re impressed
anyone who can talk for an hour
and stil...
Sunday 30th December 2018 12:12 pm
Also by Alan Travis Braddock:
To the New Year | Poor Bloody Infantry | Escape velocity | Graptolite | Beetle | Gods et. |Wallflower
I feel like I'm here all alone
There's people here beside me
I know they don't love me
I'm just a wallflower listening to the conversations
If I fade into my mind I'll find hate
Not for anyone here but just myself
I'm in the city of drug addicts
Broken and all alone
I've overdosed myself on love
Now I'm paying that the price in blood
I could get addicted to drugs
That wouldn't fi...
Sunday 30th December 2018 3:26 am
Also by Damon Blackery:
Silent and Patient | Space Cowboy 15 Coffee Shop Blues | A Sign of Love | Look At Me | thesaddestofboys | Words of The Waiting Man 25 ( Drunk, Lonely and Emotional.) | Words of The Waiting Man 24 | A Word From Our Sponsors Today | No Strings Attached | I Won't Love Again | Growing Weary | Midnight Cafe Dreams | Echoes |She,
held her self still.
And I
recalling her face yet
that with my mouth
I forced the enquiry,
and argued the pressing
to her lips
Like those wants
of wishes sated
we had with marbled hurt
turned one back
against the other,
that was forever
like the past
both of us
going nowhere,
Sunday 30th December 2018 1:18 am
Also by Tommy Carroll:
Persephone | Then 19 | Nietzsche Declared | Word Smith | Cocktails for who? | What lay between |Three Pennies
I gave you three pennies
that one winter’s morn
when the dancing had finished
and we felt so forlorn.
The first for that kiss
when we were first lovers
ne’er to be broken
lying snug under covers.
The second for our child
for one oh so fair
a cherished little treasure
but not long for this air.
The third for hearts broken
no healing can mend
Sunday 30th December 2018 1:14 am
Also by Jon Stainsby:
Eternal Relief | A chariot bringing good news | Lark song | Ghosts of the past | Naked | No Silence | Wanderings |NEW YEAR CHEER - a lyric
How we love those Christmas songs
That take us where the heart belongs
And happy days that go so fast
Recalling a past we'd love to last.
But as the festive days recede
And we look to where our lives will lead
Each in our own way - with cheer or tear
Says hello to a brand new year.
So - raise a toast - and raise a smile
And reach out over many a mile
To welc...
Sunday 30th December 2018 12:31 am
Also by M.C. Newberry:
HIGH WHITE CLOUDS | CHRISTMAS SNOW - sung by Marcie Summers (bless her memory). | WHEN CHRISTMAS COMES AROUND - a seasonal carol/song | 'ALLO 'ALLO | THOUGHTS AT CHRISTMAS - a seasonal re-post | DEVON LANE | SIBLING SENTIMENT - a Saturday theme poem | REMEMBERING HARRY O'NEIL | MOVE IT! - a Saturday theme poem | TESTING TIMES - a Saturday "theme" poem |long and deep
When the moon wanes
and shadows cast; long and deep
When the soul billows bleak
to the fatigued of life
I will breath for you
as you turn frail and fall
like autumn leaves
I will love you all the more
Saturday 29th December 2018 10:02 pm
Gaze of time | Black roses | succubus |Freeman Street, Grimsby
Location! Location! Location! It’s a mantra
the upwardly mobile intone,
who have set up shop elsewhere –
catchpenny merchants with tricks up sleeves,
purveyors of pleasures and deals.
On a street where ripples of boom
and bust have long since subsided
beneath the tide of failure
the footfall of ‘three day millionaires’
kept all the rest in business.
Saturday 29th December 2018 10:07 am
Also by David Cooke:
A Waldorf Salad |Dearest.
You think that time would make it easier and maybe I'd just forget.
I still think about that day often but I'm starting to think about it less.
I don't know if I should feel guilty because you're not always on my mind.
Or maybe that's just what happens when you've been gone such a long time.
I do wonder if you'd be proud of me and the things that I've done.
Would you tell me that you're h...
Saturday 29th December 2018 7:18 am
Also by Nick:
Vasovagal Syncope. |For A While
I've not been on long for a while
My hearts been broken for a while
My feelings have been taken to trial
But I've been thinking a while
So many people around me but feeling lonely
I'm a mother but sometimes it's hard to find me
Some times I just long for trust
Not many peoples wishes but I'm begging I must
Unload my troubles
To some people I could be speaking just bu...
Friday 28th December 2018 10:34 pm
It's not just the plunge
it's walking BLIND
No one to hold my hand
no one to understand
my need to know
so I can go
the best way for me
Information is
for my pain
I do not mean to
I'm just starting
this journey late...
in life
By Lynn Hahn
Friday 28th December 2018 8:01 pm
Also by lynn hahn:
We’d gone to watch it in a pub near Durham in April of last year. We’d taken a cottage for the weekend to celebrate my 65th. Jayce had been mortified. It was the weekend of the big match and all his friends and family had got tickets to Wembley to watch it. But we’d phoned the pub up and they’d assured us it would be on the big screen. So we went.
The bar was almost empty when we arrived b...
Friday 28th December 2018 6:36 pm
Also by John Coopey:
It's easier to believe
I am a child of the most high God
than to live a life of despair.
It's easier to believe
everything happens for a reason
than to question fate.
It's easier to believe
love is everywhere
than to give in to hate.
It's easier to believe
in forgiveness
than remain a victim.
It's easier to believe
in abundant blessings
than mounting problems.
It's easier ...
Friday 28th December 2018 5:30 pm
Also by Vautaw:
Connections | Quill | My Muse |Division
Because I can no longer kiss you
no longer feel your skin
beneath my fingers
or hear you in the night
Because I can no longer call you
no longer sound your name
beneath my breath
or hear you whisper soft
Because I could not stop time passing
could not return time's sand
beneath its glass
or heal the wounds of time
Because I could not hold you here
could yet y...
Friday 28th December 2018 2:18 pm
Also by Chris Armstrong:
And so this is eX Ministerial Accord Season | The Ghost of Christmas Passed | The Siren | The Love Token | Conversation in a Harbour Cafe | The Scribe and his Lover | Colourblind |The Kiss
It started so tentatively.
Arms reaching awkwardly,
a frisson of fear until
her arms respond.
A nervous coming together of lips,
which then part
to allow a hesitant foray
past the confines of teeth.
And relax,
as tongues begin to twine,
at first timidly,
then with increasing confidence.
Gradually, the embrace becomes tighter,
yet more comfortable,
bodies a...
Friday 28th December 2018 1:50 pm
Also by Trevor Alexander:
Theresa May Not | Heartache | Christmas Is Coming | Twitter Twit |For E. Pound from the Thoroughly Smug
I didn’t really understand what you meant
When you said you saw a family picnicking
And they were happier than you,
Even though I felt it must be true.
And when you said you were happier than I was,
I knew you weren’t actually speaking to me,
But I decided to stay miserable
Just so your poem would always be true.
Friday 28th December 2018 9:23 am
Also by Randy Horton:
Christmas Rap | Advice for Nonbelievers | Another Train Song | Salutations for Sally | Close to the Flames |The Day Will Come
It's 2 o clock in the morning, soon 3 then 4!
It's a cold, cold night and the rain does pour.
I'm not as young as I was, but a job to be done.
As I pack away the famous Knotty Ash drum.
The moggy skin coat I lay across the back seat.
Dicky Mint sits quietly, another show complete.
These times can be hard, but please hear this.
The day will come when these times I will miss.
Costumes, h...
Friday 28th December 2018 9:22 am
The research is mixed
We hold them until the joy
Runs out of their faces
And they give up
Any notion of escape
Once broken
They walk around timidly
Mouthing what we drill into them
Without too much stuttering
A few are more difficult
To break we defer to
The more experienced amongst us
To show us the advanced techniques
Of course we are constantly
Monitored so any sign of sympathy
From us...
Thursday 27th December 2018 4:18 pm
Also by Robert C Gaulke:
Nudes | Comfortable | Your Blue Period | Academia | Thank You | What if tomorrow comes? | Tonight | This Winter | The war on people | Dual Diagnoses | I become more difficult |Christmas Eve Miracle
Merry Christmas to me!
In the wee hours of the mellow moon
That shines like a keyhole to Heaven
I have a belly once more that 'knows'
Its God-given design -
To receive my food
And de-construct it
With purpose unparalleled
Re-constructing those elements
That nurture my physical body
Leaving my brain, my 'soul'
To thrive in their own esoteric sph...
Thursday 27th December 2018 2:01 pm
outstretched hand your hand
grasping reminding
reciting the parts of
you like a litany to me
[everything that I can still remember]
singing your life like a
pestilence petulence
lost among the
waves of time
this time.
Thursday 27th December 2018 1:21 pm
Also by ha'azinu:
II. | I. |See sun
A bright day
he said
I wish it's a long time until
the sun goes down
The sun never goes down
in my realm
the ruler proudly proclaimed
and looked out
of the window in the tower
beyond the horizon
farther that the eye could see
You can see
in a different view
the jester said teasingly
The sun always goes
Out there he hurried
to add
Copyright © 1992 by...
Thursday 27th December 2018 12:33 pm
Also by nale:
Let's try once more |Your Happiness is My Happiness
the sun stretched on the morning full of dew
white butterflies enjoy orange ostrich pistils
I was face down in a sad moment
the sense of self extinction was stunned
singing birds swinging on guava leaves
the young tip tinged with joyful luster
my desire ran aground in a fake atmosphere
my dream is entangled in thousands of questions
rooster shouting in hoarse voice
lined up the geese ...
Thursday 27th December 2018 11:56 am
Also by Suko Waspodo:
What I'm Waiting for | Your Presence | Miss You Endlessly | For You (That's Far but Near) | No Longer Lonely | The Morning Star | Yearning | Unforgettable | About You | I Wanna Make Love with You | Rhythm of the Winds | Just A Mere Daydream | Bless Me | Romantic Desire | The Rhythm of Life | Our Love Will Last Forever | Script Without Words |Bending reality
Your own mind is yours to keep,
as long as you don't decide to follow the sheep,
Start bending all reality, this will give you your own normality,
Dance in your own style and you will stand out a mile,
Sing songs where ever you go and put on your own one man show,
Do what you want, will make you full of glee,
Then you will find you will be absolutely free,
Freedom is a state of mind and thi...
Thursday 27th December 2018 11:42 am
Also by Pip Thomas:
The Nucleus | Fortune favours the brave | Who Say's I Can't Be Happy All The Time | Hello All You Heroes | I will show you paradise | Pan of Scouse | The fall and rise of paradise. |Eyes say it all.
If your heart needs a hug so warm,
that your sorrows take a melting fall,
then don't you worry, just turn to me
and see that my eyes say it all.
For i don't think that you might know,
my heart has taken you in call,
and no part of mine agrees to say,
but it's just my that eyes say it all.
You may be there or may be not,
my eyes will be in search of yours,
Thursday 27th December 2018 7:09 am
Also by khushal kothari:
Soldiers, our strengths. | A Recipe for Happiness |The Gnome
Oh, god! Here I'm
Right back!
In front of you,
Ready to be redeemed
Me, the twin-legged little monster
your magnificiant creation
long long ago
To swallow
the shadows of wealth
To gulp
the shadows of love n hate
To glut
your beloved creations on earth
To gorge
everything in this world
and the other world
The Gnome of shadows!
Of shadows only!!
Thursday 27th December 2018 4:05 am
Also by Vinod K A:
Ugly beauty |The Art Of . . .
She tastes love lips
But he was no angel
In a world filled with mayhem
She seeks he who is stable
Foundations that maintain
Love that withstands
Friendship is of the essence
Loyalty that is infinite
Wondering souls unite
Ties begin to merge
Bonds bound to the will of spirits
True intimacy is experience
He tastes loves lips
But she wasn’t...
Thursday 27th December 2018 3:54 am
The ornaments of truths, the hidden needlework
The webs and knots of me lay out the lace of love
The beads of words spell out the truths for you to hold
And as you pull the strings, I'm gracefully undone
And maybe this is it, and maybe that's the day
That everything before was destined to create
And I will gladly take each silent come what may
And may it come right now, ...
Wednesday 26th December 2018 8:50 pm
Also by C Banning:
(untitled) | (untitled) | (untitled) | Ashes | Something To Remember | (untitled) | (untitled) | To my sister | If Only |TEARS.
Been happy or Been sad,
fulfillment or not attaining your desires
it comes with alot of emotions.
Finding a purpose in chaos
stuck in the system for ages
motivation to feel alive again
After chains of break down leading to a break forth.
Beautiful thing about life its more about re writing than writing
It makes you tear down so you can break through
Wednesday 26th December 2018 5:34 pm
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Marla Joy on Silent Call
11 hours ago
Marla Joy on Miracles
11 hours ago