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This concert I wanna tell you about

pivotal, '92 it was

grunge out of Seattle

you would have been there

I kid you not

if you'd knew about it


I was totalled then, a storm building

wipe - out brainwise.

Can't even remember where it was

this concert I wanna tell you about.


but it happened, know what i'm saying

fuck me it was up there

with Hendricks and th...

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Also by ray pool:



I am aware that many of my WOL chums see me as a little hard-hearted. Perhaps an incident that happened the other day will mollify this somewhat.

It was in Brighton and it was stonking hot. Our Gert and me decided to get an ice cream. But on the prom these could cost you £2.50 or more! So we found a Sainsbury's where we got a pack of three Soleros for £1.50. Result.

We were eating them when ...

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Also by John Coopey:


The Bitch

She saunters about,

Her nose raised in superiority.

Peacock, proud and arrogant,

Strutting around,

 lethal with spite,

Spitting her viscous venom,

Wounds cut deep,

Lashed by her tongue,

Her actions grind others down.

Whip to spur them on,

Beaten brows cry out.

No autonomy,

Trust stolen,

Integrity lost,

Freedom withdrawn.

Her senseless cunning,


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Also by Louise Clarke:

One man and his dog. | The Path | What can you see? | Medication that's what I need | My Old Dog | Baby | Knock knock... | For a Friend | Sunny Days |


At the corner of your mouth there is lightning


I am burning my fingers

Trying to remove the skin of a roasted red pepper

But someone, somewhere is dying

This songs climax is the lead singer screaming


But rather than the music dying down

It is getting louder and louder

So he must mean that the silence is fading

To successfully remove the skin of a red pe...

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Also by Stuart Buck:

ceremony | sick fire | nobody shall sleep |

Twelfth Dare

Entering to new room for this twelfth daring scene
Hearing people moaning, seeing women bobbing
As we head to a seat with a wicked throbbing
Looking at your stunned face to the action obscene

Take in the thrusting view and observe the fun parts
As my hand holds your hand and I kiss your red cheek
And we murmur to acts in front or our live peek
Not able to find words in these new twisted c...

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Also by Louis Audet:

Eleventh Dare | Tenth Dare | Ninth Dare | Eighth Dare | Seventh Dare | Sixth Dare | Fifth Dare | Fourth Dare | Third Dare | Second Dare | First Dare | Canada 150 (1) | Blue eyes, brown eyes | Freedom at WOL | Last Lecture | Sex drive | Cougar | Let loose | Retirement - Sunday | Retirement - Saturday | Retirement - Friday | Retirement - Thursday | Retirement - Wednesday | Retirement - Tuesday | Retirement - Monday | For the loving moment | Right moves | The bachelor song | Genocide |

Daring night series


Recklessly sluggish
After sleepless dusk
An open eye survivor
Struggles to wake up.
She sweeps the air,
Fingertips stretched or
As far as her muscles
Let her catch the
Wondering wool sheep.
Tension fills her peak
Until the release, then
She slumps and grumbles
Into her abused chair;
Melting once again
Into today's tedious affair.

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Also by Michaela Sheldon:

Ride the Bean | Foggy Day | I wrote this in tears | Sweet Extraction | See These Flowers | Violent Verdict | Tender Mild | Pathetically Drawn | Pitter Pat Cat | Blue Silk | My Single Mother | My Bladder | When Am I Full? | When is It Full? | His Before Mine | Suckle Numple | Sour Fingers | Time is Flying | Red Stain | Twin of Hypnos | Collarbones | Mum Was Right | Beauty x3 | I Really Shouldn't Eat in the Sand. | I, The Loon | My Detonating Device | The Pekoe |

Love is not fixed, Shakespeare!

Hi! This is me Mukund Iyer. It has been a long time putting up with a nice blog post. So here I am, giving you a piece of advice of how love is not real in my view.

"Love is not constant. It is a variable in the equation of intersection between individual life and society."

The above line says it all. Love is not real. Now, Shakespeare, one of the most notorious person with a way around...

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Also by Mukund Iyer:

Feminism: A talk about it | Ballad of a Procrastinator | Thrifty |

call me crazyjustificationlove is not real

The Granddaughter Plays

Today as my Granddaughter plays..

I fall into the simple haze

Childhood memories of long lost Daze

Feelings I had forgotton as I grew into age

How I sometimes miss that childhood haze.

Billowing curtains and breezes gone by,

I feel the beauty of my own childhood, minds' eye

Childhood haze, really never goes bye.


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 The bass guitar is not loud enough

 He explained solemnly

 Unless it rattles your cufflinks

 In the back row

 It's not concerned with melody

 Just there to add some body.


 That was a long time ago

 In our long hair days

 The next time we met

 His locks had disappeared

 Mine were slowly thinning

 I reminded him of his saying.



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David Subacchipoetrymusic

Time, Beings

Acute humans, lonely in angles.
Attempting life, death in bedsits adept
while the children they might have had
move by, skipping dead futures in the sunlight.

Cries like mice unborn, alive as ibis dead, 
the yet to be, the much too soon. The swears
on their behalf. So many meanings please just

let them die a life, form a death so lovely
that souls gather like apes upon a pond
of rip...

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Also by Kealan Coady:

Owl By Lamplight | Remember The Butterfly |

The Law Of This Land

They think that we are not worthy . The chosen few . With the gift of the gab and the wealth to get through .  They make their own laws . Thinking all should abide . But where are the laws of this Land . And how do we stand . We remember Laws were made when we were young . And now it's very unfair . We don't get a say when we know things are wrong . Why are we not listened to . Why are we abused ....

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Also by Wendy Higson:

Our Mums Past And Present | No Words Needed | Make Do And Mend | Shameful | Beautiful | No Holes In My Socks | People | Don't You Belive It | Racism | Don't | No Words | What A Lovely Song | Song Bird | Who Is Driving Our Taxis | My Chidren | If Only | Talk To Some One | What Next | The Remoaners |

Dear, Moon

Dear, Moon

Will the pain go away?

Will I ever stop thinking about him by the day?

Call it what you may,

but it must have been real.

Though, the next day

he did say

no love did he feel.

My lips are sealed. 

Mocking the existence of those kisses. 

Now all my prayers and wishes are for him.

If we are never to be again,

then what must I do?

Dear, Moon?

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Must touch once, twice, thrice!

Otherwise I must pay the price!

Penetrating thoughts that won’t go away,

Compulsions that haunt me day by day,

Anxiety comes, anxiety goes,

Got guilt, depression and so much obsession.




Please leave me!


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Also by Toby W:

Grandad's Armchair | Driftwood |

anxietyawarenesshopemental healthmental health issuesOCD

unknown soldier (half-life)

I see you


left forsaken

in the desert


along the footsteps

to the threshold

of your own home..


to spare you

the kiss of pity

upon your cheek


I would send before you

great trembling and thunder


to awaken all that sleep

within your house


while you still walk

the earth athirst...

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Also by nunya:

watchdog | the parachutist (deployed) |

The 'Magic Money Tree'

As a Country we have been conned.
Just like magic, a wave of the wand.
Behind magic mirrors, a cheap trick.
Out of nowhere, through smoke thick.

Out of thin air, suddenly there to see.
Teresa May has found a 'money tree'
Great timing for the DUP it was found.
On its branches over a billion pound.

This money tree must reach the sky.
A money tree means 10 votes to buy.
Nothing left on ...

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Also by Mike Bartram:

Snared Rats | The Butterfly | 'Mates Rate' | The River Styx | Sleeping Dogs | My Life Beneath The Sea | Left Behind |

Adam's Humanity


Allow that the least atom may be separated from all else:
this was my position.
Darkness, or rather nothingness
in every direction,
and every second identical.
As my fears that I must be asleep, drugged, dead or worse
shrank like stars of the morning
I knew their fate to be like mine
and emptiness, darkness or nothingness
was not really so bad!
It was now I saw as if with eyes
a br...

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Also by Adam Whitworth:

Exordium | Towering Factory Gates | For Me Gardening Mam | Bedtime Of Doom | Foundlings |


Give them the occasion...give them the day

And you will find they came

To play in everything they say

The easy game of blame.


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Also by M.C. Newberry:



I find that I must live in a world

Where, between that desperate dusk and a new dawn,

And between many a dawn and its dusk,

The only reality lies in love.


To be in love in that first dawn

And in the dusk, was to feel the sun

Warm our very passion every minute of every hour,

Reality lay only in the other.

And beyond that dreadful dusk, nothing

but dawns and dusk and ...

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Also by Chris Armstrong:

Meaning | Druid Lane | Monument |

lovetimehopeharsh realityrenewal

Vestigial Tales

Vestigial Tales

Lost when you
Become an adult

What you could tell
Your younger self

Some feelings
You can't even spell

Leaving their marks
Without a pause

It's colder inside
Than it is out

You're left with
Vague suspicions

And drowned meanings
Still haunted by what

You thought
You'd become

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Also by Robert C Gaulke:

Roleplay | The corporate poet | Beautiful | Laughter | Reverse Cinderella | The calm was the last thing to fall | Drugs | Daily Horrors | Runningintoyou | In Public | free market |

Emotional Prostitute

Every heart wants somethings thats harder to get

Like looking for that rainbow in the desert 

Or the dry spot in the rain forest

But no some people are hunters

They prey on your weak emotions while you pray for acceptance

You could stand up for them while they stain your name when your down 

That same stain will be seen around town

Looking for love no im just a corner hoe for ...

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loveconfusionregretbad habits

Grotesque decadence

A small piece I wrote while sitting by the river today, I actually hand wrote about 5 of these and left them at all the surrounding buildings haha ! 

The river dances, An iridescent reflect the sun shines as it mirrors and presents
A cinematic silhouette 
Birds glide, dive into the depths, lizards leapt down the oyster coated steps.
Dip there feet and feast on what the fishermen left, Rotten...

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Also by Jakob Robinson:

Give me peace. |


Noughts and Crosses

I'm finding

(quite often nowadays) 

that I'm slowly running out of words to describe how you left me

like a blackhole, in both good ways and bad 

it sucks in all that was good and rips those memories from me 

but takes away all that I hated 


I have so much I want to say 

and so much I hold back on 

too stubborn 

to admit what I wish I could 


I wonder how you...

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Ice Or Fire

Watch out for the fire

It burns your skin

Watch out for the ice

It freezes your soul

What would you prefer

Ice or fire

Freezing to death or

Turning into ashes

They both frighten me

But fire frightens me the most

My biggest fear is that my house will lit on fire

And that I will burn with it

But when I'm dead

I do want to be cremated 

That sounds weird


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Just a Nurse

A daughter, a mother and a nurse, sleepwalks to work
On four hours’ sleep, as the moon peeps above the clouds.
The sun snuggles under the covers.
The familiar uniform bares her arms against the breath of December.
Clinical blue shrouds her worries of money troubles
And ailing family members
She wears a compassionate smile.
There are blisters on the soles of her feet,
From chasing the lost ...

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Also by Eva Elizabeth:

The Last Night with Grandad. |




Life is not fair

Or is it?

It can drain you bare

Or make your face lit


It’s the master of us all

Its gives and it can take

You can feel like the king of the ball

Some days its bread other days cake


In it’s eyes

People are all the same

The bond that ties

Those who goes and those who came


For everyone in life there is a beginning

And ther...

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Also by Neill Barnard:

Light breaking through |

Wearing Thin

More frequently now, come moments

When life wears thin

And through the threadbare tissue

That we call family, community, society

That we call culture, values, mores

I see the loneliness of the living

And, more surely, the loneliness of the dead

Beyond the manufacture and the fabrication

Lies the truth, which some have named beautiful

And some have named despair


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Theresa told us, that there simply was no magic money tree

Until she conjured up a billion to buy the D.U.P.

For every vote - one hundred million? Sounds like bribery to me.

How it affects our strong and stable union - We'll have to wait to see.


Lizzie Regina - finds her coffers swelled by nearly another ten percent

While her high rise dwelling subjects get just an air bed for ...

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Also by Mark Mr T Thompson:

Stay Put | Our City Of Many Bridges |

Above My Home

A top the ridge I sit

The meadow below I live

The sun setting in the west shines new perspective on the eastern mountain tops

The color of gold

a sight with all the riches can't be sold


The Columbia River or Lake Roosevelt from the damn that changed our old ways to new so that we stay in power, snakes down the vally of old


I sit here to contemplate my anger

but the b...

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Also by New Shoes:

Blood Transfusion | Just A Thought | New Shoes, by the artist formally known as Old Shoes |


(fun fact: im writing this while we're on hangouts but you're talking to your grandma)

you are the reason for my sanity.

you are my everything.

my best friend, my brother, my will to live, my source of happiness.

the more i open up to you

about the inerworkings of my brain

i gain confidence.

the more i share with you 

about my darkest thoughts,

i feel less lonley

cos ...

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Also by m.k.:

sleep deprived teen angst. (aka, sad jumbled b/s i wrote after staying up all night) | bridges. | old habits. new habits. you won't be proud. |

best friendhappinessloveorange


Upon being handed

the gun I

choose to recline on wet, springy turf

and then lay down on the

wrinkled blue tarpaulin,

to pepper the air,

Phasianus Colchicus

blurting out the why and the where

and clasping my sweat

at 26 metres.


The older corners are the best

the low-hanging branches,

the leafy hollows, amalgamated bark, bush

and clumps of stone,


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Also by David Blake:

The Roast |


National Poetry Day Event - Eastbourne. Submissions invited

 “Freedom: A Search for Meaning”
The Poetry Café On Stage
 27th September 2017 evening
The Under Ground Theatre, Eastbourne

Local poets & poetry performers are invited to submit poems for performance on the theme of “freedom“.

Individual poets may perform for up to 10 min or as a duo/group for 15 min. The programme format (3 x 30 min sections with 2 x 20 min breaks) will be finalised ba...

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Mrs May's Farmyard (to the tune of Old McDonald)


Mrs May she had the lead


but wanted BIG majority


With a snap vote here and a shite campaign

Strong and stable falling by the wayside

Mrs May she had the lead



The lead was cut considerably


By turning weak and wobbly


With a no-show here and a u-turn there

Deficient in charisma with a hawk-eyed glare


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Also by Laura Taylor:

Bang Bang (for Karen) |

Lost & Found (And Other Myths)

Lost & Found (And Other Myths)


She couldn’t bloody find it

To fund the NHS

She swore that it was mythical

When the schools were in a mess


She claimed it was a commie myth

And we would all be broke

If we continued looking for it

And believed that beardy bloke.


She laughed at those economists

Who said we should fund community

If the country just believ...

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Also by Ian Whiteley:

Dark Tower |

austerityfalse politicsmoney treetheresa mayDUP alliance


Sidekick since i got my senses,

everytime you dissolve my defences,

always succor me when i need,

you are cognate to good time seed.

Most of the time we raise hell,

without you no day is spent well,

sometimes without reason i yell,

de facto you are my bombshell.

We always remain cheek by jowl,

but why do you often howl?

You are truly man of your word,

everytime you...

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What I say and how I say it

I hate when people take is the wrong way

I may be a bit dim at times

But please don’t take it wrong when I say these lines

I’m simply a one woman man

I always try the best I can

To please her and make her happy

Yes that’s right in just a bit sappy

I really don’t want to let go

So ill end with this I truly love her so

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Also by phillip noone:

limescale and bacteria | you,yours and I | meal for one |

The Long Slug

Snails have a hard shell

But it’s easily broken

On a thoughtless walk

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I see you clearly, 

in my muddled mind;

goddess of beauty, 

that I hope to find


So seductively,

showering in speech

 far apart are we, 

 but not out of reach. 


I hear your heartbeat

clear as the waves, 

Like angels retreat

Passing over graves



Beauty from you grows

Within my heart and soul;

It blooms...

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Also by Phillip Kelly:


Honey sweet honey

Honey sweet honey,
I see you in my dreams, dear sweet honey.
Good to see you're still jolly,
I can hear you at night my dear dolly...
You still got that melody kicking in dearie,
I can still feel it through you darling.
Got those big brown eyes dashing...
honey sweet honey,
Would you be mine tonight sweet pie?
Do not worry about anything for some time,
I got you covered in my soul tonigh...

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Also by G.N.D.:

We've met before | Nights are cold | Somewhere between places | A garden inside of me | An archer of the woods |


The Joy of Sharing Reading

A special time with my mother

A time to have an adventure to fantastical places

Meet friends in wonderful places

An imagination roller coaster ride each night


A special time with my daughter

A time to give back and revisit childhood memories

Reconnect with old friends

Take another ride on a great reading roller coaster


Reading can take us to Sendak's monstrous isl...

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No words x (6/01/2009)

Buzz number six on the intercom 
"Beep, beep, beep"- and there you'd be 
With a smile and open arms, waiting for me. 
Your home was my escape, my favourite place 
It was the very place that I knew I was safe 
It was there I went, when I had a hard day at school 
Or when I'd had another playground fall 

Everyones Grandparents died, It was always sad 
"My Nan ...

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Also by T x:

Just Because. x |

এক ধরণের সমকালীন কবিতা

মানুষের আশেপিঠে নেমে আসা তারার দিনের পোকা

ছিড়ে দাও শ্যামাফুল

বিজলিকে কবুল-

ঘুমের ভেতর ভোতা ছুড়ি হাতে পায়চারী করা খিটখিটে মনোলোভাতুর

আঁচল খুঁজতে ফালি আর ফালি খুবলায় নিজেরে মগজ-বুক

সে যেন্ না পায় টের

সাবধানে তোমার ঝিঁঝিঁর টোকাটি দাও

ফের যাও দুষ্পাঠ্য গোপন
সন্ধ্যার সাগর

কোন শুকনা হাসির দেশে গিয়া না আবার কবে মর

জন অরণ্যের এরম সাফারিপার্কে তবু অলক্ষে প্রাণে
নেমে আসো..


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Love making

Wedding bells chime, the ceremony is over 
Rice rises as we make haste down the aisle
been waiting for this day more than a little while 
the day that I am able to fully embrace my lover

bad company asked me what's the point in waiting?
while they were having sex, our love was in themaking 
an intercourse of the mind and soul as we Christian mingled 
minus the worldwide web but we still c...

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Also by Juan Pablo Lynch:

I tried | Freestyle verse #1 | Unrequited Love |


The Creepy Old House














In a creepy old house I

found a creepy old doll.

I bent to pick it up

and boy did I have a fall.


I stood up had a lump

on my head, but

otherwise alright.

I looked out the window,

day had turned to night.


I looked and looked but

did not find the doll.

I turned to leave and there

it was han...

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2:30 in the morning

I am up at 2:30 in the morning looking at the stars is not a full moon all i see is the moon don't have a telescope to look at the stars i already made my wishes at 12 am before i wrote some more poetry on my notebook i read a book earlier today the book i read was interesting i read interesting stories on the newspaper article im not sleepy yet I'm just staying up thinking about alot its alot of ...

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My mind is racing up
I can't control my thought
Am loosing the track
And now there's no turning back
No time to fall
No time to break 

I feel like drowning 
The river keep calling 
Knife on my skin
The blood's running   
And isn't getting better 

My fingers across the gun
This is my fun
Oh! They found the trigger 
This time I won't be a loser
Just shut you eyes (Ain't needing yo...

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These Drugs

These drugs making our minds feel fearless like we are at ease secretly messing with our memories. These drugs taking our pain bottling it all in vein, loosing the track of time when your high then you realize years have gone by, and you are left with nothing. These drugs wrinkling your skin aging you within, now you are dying and wish you could turn around and your whole life would be there waiti...

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The Concrete Road

the concrete road


still dark and darkening night, the dead cold of dying winter,

rain against the windscreen, speed in easy, selfish solitude.

my shirt gives up the scent of soap.

(i have no other dream.)


noise surrounds me, the oil-ribbed sounds of a lost summer,

the meaningless bypass between here and some other place.

yet hands formed this path.

(i have no othe...

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Love at first sight

I remember the first day we made eye contact 
Because that's the day my life turned around 
I knew from that very moment 
True love is what I had found 

The way you looked in my eyes 
And flashed me your beautiful smile 
Told me from that very moment 
Your what I was looking for all the while 

The way that you make me feel inside 
Takes my every breath away 
I've never come across an...

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Also by Srinivas R Gowda:

An Intoxicating Love |

Homeward Bound

Homeward Bound


A simple wooden boat glides

across a sea of immense tranquility

No engine or sail to propel her forward

only a gentle movement to traverse

I am a solitary figure

on an empty open deck

Ahead lies the promontory of 

a land which is the horizon before us

with a setting sun behind

Closer I see the silhouettes

of people waving a loft

They beckon f...

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Also by keith jeffries:

Indoors | Self Imposed | The Aftermath | Gender Enjoyment | Moods | Sir Winston S Churchill | Sheeple | The Eyes | Hold onto Power | The Formative Years | Justice & Peace | Another Place | Wavelength | The Steamroller | The Season for Love | The Wind | Two Voices | A Different War | A New Vocabulary | The Barrack Room | Motorbike and Sidecar | When it is over... | The Joys of a Technophobe | A Hermitage | Election Time again | The Russians came to Tea |

The Bookie Always Wins


Pick a side; your call. But I guarantee 

the grass is greener on the other.

They've beaten you one way or another,

just like your pathetic predecessors. 

Look at you - a sweaty, neurotic mess,


dribbling the last of your whisky chaser

down your chest while glaring at the laptop 

with your back hunched. You grip your shaking hands,

praying that the Argentine footbal...

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Also by Neil Robertson:

The Prisoner of Pollen | Never Like The First Time | Transition | Acts I and II | Records |


I wish people would understand,

The plight I walk with hand-in-hand.

I wish they give me space to cry,

To make my heart able to fly.

I wish the confusion I feel to resolve,

So that I know, when to turn the valve.

I wish the stars, the moon would talk,

And tell me the time for me to walk.

I wish the birds, the bees would whisper,

The talks that I could decipher.

I wish...

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Your Revolution

Whatever happened to your revolution?

You’re working for Barclays, you’re up for promotion.

Back in the eighties you’d rage against Thatcher.

This time next month you’ll be regional manager.

Congratulations, you’ve made it in banking.

You’re queen of the high street, your CV’s outstanding.

How does it feel to be part of the team,

in the faceless, exploitative, corporate machin...

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Sun top table bare

Its Friday and it’s four o’clock

At the gardener’s arms

And the boys are at the bench

Shirts off

Sun out

Baking staking hot

The beers are in

The smokes are out

The jokes are flying

And dying like swatted flies on table tops

But laughter pervades none the less

Across reddened sultry crowns and cheeks

Where bare bravado reigns

In the hope

Of topless golden s...

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Also by Martin Elder:

I have seen |


Baby you don't got me feeling blue
You got me feeling black
All I feel is darkness, I ain't never running back, to you
I can never do that, the feelings that u left me, got me rolling back, the time
When I thought you were mine, told you that I needed you and u decided that I'm, a waste
You thought you put us in our place, breaking up the good shit, all there's left is bullshit, a cave
That ...

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Also by iesha washington:

Ex |

Tan Hill Inn

Teenagers, cycling across the Dales
up country roads in the seventies sun
wheels turning, chests burning
on our way to Tan Hill Inn

Too young to drink then
we'd sit in the garden 
catch our breath and if we're lucky
maybe the northern lights
I'd take photographs
thinking to myself
one day I'll bring my wife here
one day I'll bring my children
if I have any
and we'd cycle home


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Sister theif

It brings me joy to watch your face 
As when I bring things to our place 
Your eyes light up with a little spark
That shows this thing is your mark 

So the next time I see the thing I got
It will not ever be in its proper spot 
It will always be upon your person 
As you're not in the least fearsome 
That I will start to huff and puff
When I see you take all my stuff 
Because it bring m...

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Hey you groovy guyz what’s going on down

Everybody has just left this sweltering town

And the word is they are heading for the coast

Try and stop me and you will definitely be toast

What on earth is this mass stampede all about?

Anyway I am just going to jump scream and shout

Very nice to meet you vibrant blazing sun

Everybody is on the beach having big fun


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Also by Tom Doolan:

Batman (Adam West) R.I.P. | Vote For Me | Flaming June |

Darkness lies

Defenseless in the face of truth

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Also by rseed:

Quote stealing! John 1:5, the bible |

See you up there at love o'clock

Only a moment ago I felt my love for you rise above the ordinary.

Locked in truth and spirit.

It’s a miracle that happened because we did not push. We just opened the doors and it wafted in.

We never pushed for acceptance or approval.

And it came, again and again and again. Filling us. Flooding us.

Our union is destined for eternity. It is not of this world.

I listen as you sing ...

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Also by Chakraj:

Nothing's changed | Our Divine Dance | I feel you shining in me | You make my heart sing | Listen to your heart petal | Shit, I burnt the dictionary. | When you're in pain, thank heavens |

careless man

i told you i was fragile and you threw me across the room

then asked me why i shattered and cried past noon

you yelled at me for getting the broken pieces stuck in your chest

said you cant handle someone whos life is such a mess



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Also by Youthfullyxx:

reflection | changing is painful | insensitive lover | can i dissociate | i want to feel free | emotional quitter |





don’t rock the boat

but it’s already sinking

don’t make a noise

but the silence is poisoned

sit on the fence

but it’s splintered and breaking

look the other way

but children are starving

and words taken hostage

crammed into cages

are testing their teeth

on ragged promises

until swollen with anger

nursed by rage

they eat away the e...

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Also by Karen Ankers:

Meeting At Euston |

Margaret, Mags or Margie

Margaret, Mags or Margie

Whoever knows your name

Knows you're kind and friendly 

With perhaps a hint of spice

Take it from someone who knows

There's a world of fans just out there

Wishing you all the best

Whether it's Margaret, Mags or Margie

We know you're one of the best

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The Only Way

The sin of my ways

Haunting for all my days

Like leaves in a tree, with the wind I sway

Attempting to fill every tray

As my heart is hardened to clay

I can only see what lies in my way

My heart is dropped into the fray

Am I not enough for one person to stay?

Father, there must be a better way!

Oh, but there is my son

I have sent you on a run 

So the Spirit may show...

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Also by Travis:

Broken | Count it All Joy | The Transformative Gospel | 2 Corinthians 5:17 | Living Water | What does God Want from Us? |


Lost in the summer haze 
still filtering out those greys,
still absent in waste, 
vacant in change 
rearranging my stain 
an inherent pain 
the colour 
My bones leak into my soul, 
the mud absorbs everything 
but the flow 
and the black fog 
still follows me home.

The desert can be bleak 
especially when the colour
constantly leaks
and the sa...

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Also by MyDystopiA:

Still | Mystic Blue | Golden Hues | Waiting |



In the midst of the summer
As back to school gets closer; troubles linger
I stopped for awhile to ease my mind
Get to the highest point to get a look
The creation and destruction of us

The best thing in my sight is the sunrise
Rising over the mountain
With no rush it peeps; then make a grand entry
I wish the life in you is the one in me
To be the light of this world
So selfless and uns...

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Also by Kae-Jan:

flawed | making moves | just you | tales of a penny |

inspirationthinking while dreaming

The Story Of My Heart

My heart is strong as steel. 

Although it shivers and I cry.

It should've stopped at birth,

but it refused to die. 


Love made a hole into it,

but now it's looking differently on you!

Do you really think survival of three surgeries

can't survive a flu?


It watches people leave,...

realizing everybody goes away...

But it blindly trusts and puts a new heartbeat


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stuff comes from volcanoes

stuff is also the roar of 45 fire engines, phone calls and alarms that didn’t work

stuff is the roar of where are my family, what will I do now, where are the authorities

stuff is the roar of inside the volcano, waving from windows or crawling on the ground

stuff is the roar of mothers clutching their children and fathers dropping them to people 3 floors belo...

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What Do the Children Think?

I seriously wonder if

the mores by which we conduct our adult lives

are assessed and implemented

by Ages Nine/Ten.

Kids have innate character.

They are observant and honest, decisive and brutal.

They judge by the keenest survival principle:

'cause and effect according to ME!'


I think the impact of prime birthdays

19/20; 39/40; 59/60 etc.

are about quantity not q...

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Also by Cynthia Buell Thomas:

The Art of Japanese Flower Arranging |

Becoming a ghost

There's this song I always come back to,
It reminds me of the day I first met you.
No other words mean as much to me as the lyrics that were sang in the song,
it's a constant reminder of how we held on for so long.
You might've been just a ghost but you knew what flesh felt like,
you knew what a hug meant and how to treat someone in the cold night.
You were no stranger to love and comfort,

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A Tower In Silence

Since I lived in the shadow of Grenfell in the 70s in what is now the 'Latymer Christian Centre' the tragedy has moved me more than I can adequately express

Here's a pome comparing Grenfell with the Parsi towers of silence.


"A Tower In Silence"

High above the city
On Malabar Hill, Mumbai
Stands a mist caressed silent tower

A shrine of mystery
Where carrion birds flock to feas...

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Also by Rick Gammon:

Inconsequential Death of a Hermit | About A Motorway. |

Kensington and Chelsea

Sleep well tonight

With your burning

Log fire


Scurrying and searching,

For that 12 year old wine


A steaming shower

Cooled with luxury cosmetics,

Burning your botox lips


Sleep well tonight,

Holding on to those

Curled up in fresh satin sheets


And what troubles you?

You don’t want the poor

Living in a block of flats next door.

Well, now yo...

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GrenfellTower grenfell poverty

Native Blood

My skin is red, and my soul is too

A reflection of my ancestors through and through

I walk the path, it's rocky and narrow

Never straying, straight as an arrow


Am I deserving of my blood?

Why are we the same color as clay and mud?

We were fashioned from this very Earth

We were imbued with embers from the hearth of the Creator


One day we'll crumble and return to th...

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Walking with water walking with love

Walking with water


When I was a child I believed God lived in the skies.

It was the only way God could see everything

God was everywhere his proximity was frightening

I walked the mountains searching endlessly

I know I wasn’t alone in these beliefs

I’ve written fifty years and a day, written as they say

without knowing whether my words are listened to

so I walk these m...

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Now That's What I Call War On Terror Music (Volumes 22-33)

Let's go
Put out for bunny ears
Fire up the hugs the tears
Book the stadium
Shout luv ya
We won't give in
Then sing your song
About being fucked so hard
you can't walk
to screaming eight-year-old children
                         eight-year-old children..
Earnest gurning saplings
And remember
Never give in to terrorism..

Beta kittens with floppy ears
Warm the cockles

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Also by Suki Spangles:

The Welcome Party |






                Find it


Like lost keys

That the rest of your friends








f i n d i n g 


I thought he was

Like                             Me.


Sucking on sympathy tits



Feeding on help

And Then

He was m o t h e r.


I'm not


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Also by Connor Lannes:

The Somewhere: Lucifer |

Connor Lannes


your hands in
the breathing quiet

darkness softens
grey into
the hidden corners

the new morning rises
pale and
soft bellied

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Also by A.M. Clarke:

Rain at the Farmer's Market |


This is the beginning,

At first the world is spinning.

Every step I have taken,

There is a chance I have fallen.

Tomorrow will be something new,

Yesterday I flew,

Today I shall soar.

The day will end,

My wings begin to bend,

Sadly this is goodbye my friend.

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Also by Vanessa Grosz:

Masked | Things Have Changed | Little Black Sparrow |

Run for your life

Run, run now, run, run for your life.
For you cannot hide what you are,
Then I sat by myself, and then again,
We were three, alone, together,
I looked at myself and again,
We three, what are we?
In time we are one,
One dance on the lines of a page,
One page in one book, on one shelf
Against one wall and in one room.

I stand and stand again, and again,
For I remain three today,
All in...

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Also by AM Cash:

TS Elliot's Window |

Emotions in equal measure

I never knew you can hate and love in equal measure,

Pleasant memories ,a love you treasure

Torn by those you trust,

A child's innocence desacrated to dust


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The Cause Of My Sorrows

You trouble me like the autumn wind.
Which leaf by leaf, Strips the tree's bare
Leaving only the possibility of a tomorrow
If memories were like the leaves
Blown away by an idle breeze
Then I could Dismiss you and your memory
and leave you to decay"

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Also by Anna Marie Grinter:

Faith Vortex | The Mighty Hood | Human Body | anon |


I've got a lot of things I carry

I've got a lot of things in my pocket

one of which is a locket

that holds a picture of you

a memory sealed within a shrine of gold

that I will forever hold

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Deep in the time of eclipse
As birds bed down and dusk creeps up
We see the Suns halo and crown
Reaching out to her children
Light in the darkness

Sunlight scatters from escaping electrons
Bounces off minute dust particles
While stripped atoms glow as crown jewels
Incandescently hot
Ethereal furnace

The act of seeing makes real
The fact of knowing sees beauty
The inner joyousness o...

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Also by Kim Whysall-Hammond:

Desert Sky |

sunsolar eclipsescience

Bursting The Internet Bubble...

As the Millenium ticked over the Dot-Coms were growing fat like leeches on a backpackers legs. Everyone was talking about them bursting and indeed there were a few signs to show that something was going to happen. I was studying for a degree in The Netherlands and one of my elective courses was in poetry. One of our assignments was to take an existing song and write new lyrics for it... This was m...

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DotComInternetBubbleStock market crashWall streetComputers

Voodoo Doll

Burrowed underground like a leper, feeling quarantined against my will.  Seeing through the looking glass, with pupils dialated a weakened structure survives amonsgt the hills. Isolated feeling numb staring at the sky that's pale and bleak, I'm playing hide and seek in a coffin in my mind.  A winter frost warms a decaying heart melting in a frozen hell.  My skin is like a voodoo doll, impaled and ...

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Also by Ian Zachary Cosmonaut:

Fractured Halo | Silhouettes | Lights & Shadows | The Alchemist (Incinerated Spirit) | Lights & Shadows |

drug poems

Cell Dissolution

My eyes close and I dissolve into the pillows languidly, one cell at a time.

You claim me in the most primitive of ways
I don't dare question it, and I don't dare breathe
I just take your offer and float along as you lead me
slowly down the passages of feather sensations
with every step a little deeper into the air where I can taste myself, the scent heady.
You grasp my waist and the dance...

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Also by Dana Lyn:

Am I? | How an Ode to Glitter Became an Elegy to Ziggy Stardust | A Poem on the Purpose of Metaphor and Simile |

No Flowers on the Bridge

Life's a game of take & give 
Just tell me how did it come to this? 
They walked their way into the abyss 
But I see no flowers, on the bridge? 

The laughs, the screams  
The night, far from your dreams 
A city bows as it continues to live 
But I see no flowers, on the bridge?

The sirens call and the thunders rolls
In a stranger, solace unfolds
How can your story ever be told?
But n...

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London BridgeLondonremembrance

The Bad Omen To My Happiness

Whenever I love, I'm hated, And whenever I hate, I'm loved, Whenever I'm single, I see happy couples everywhere, And whenever I mingle, I see happy singles everywhere, Love, Love, The bad omen to my happiness. She altered my attitude, I'm now fake, I never lied, but I tell her I'm fine, Happiness is not by my side, but those fake smiles, I give out several of them, I pretend not to miss...

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An Hour Before

The future is blank
it's a big secret
nobody is saying anything about it.
I wake just before dawn
to the sound of
trees shaking hands
outside the window,
the wind sweeping along the roof
dusting up the crumbs of sleep.
Time wiping the slate clean;
tearing out the page
dropping in a new one,
shifting return,
setting cold feet to the floor,
each rhythmic press
blackening the page.

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Also by Tom Harding:

How It Happens | Midsummer | Kairos | The Opposite Of A Poet | A Day Such As This |

Martin Thinks I'm Catholic

Martin Thinks I’m Catholic
With thanks to Andy N, for suggesting it


My father adored me.  He cuddled me in his arms 
after my birth and said, Doesn’t she look intelligent, love?

My mother believed I wasted that intelligence raising babies. 
I was relieved disappointment had no place in her grateful sigh,
as I arrived at the hospital in time to watch her die.

My brothers consider ...

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AutobiographyPoemStockport WOL

Wearing stripes

She always made me think

There was nothing to be gained

By kissing looser lips

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Cure a wound another could

The desire to wholly
Posses you
Was so great
Bitter and harrowing
Was the feeling,unfaithful
To memory's dustbin
You relegate.

At a loss how
My problem to solve
Crying out my heart
By a serene cathedral door
Myself to absolve
God blew on my way a dove!

With a tap
On the shoulder
A sympathetic
And cute girl
On par with
My ex-lover
If not better
"Believe me
There will come

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Also by Alem Hailu G/Kristos:

With me forever it will stay | Don't use a sword for a word | Stood on its head | From the frying pan into the fire |

Curelovereal life

June Collage Poem: Evil

Baggy trouser party I will vote for you!

Faded flowers, flowing emotions


Jumping over invisible cats

A stucco heron stalks a halting river

Three bags full, why three, why he, evil be


Evil wears many faces

Ginger Dorris offered peanuts

I bruise easily. My shelter is flimsy

And fragmented. It tastes of shallowed wounds


Sometimes it's a blessing

When a tra...

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Stockport Collage PoemEvilStockport WOL

Street Life

The bags under his eyes,

hung heavy, weighed down

by cold nights and occasional

fights, over disputed terrority.

Inflated by street life.

Dark circles shade cracked

eyelids and blistered skin, on

a once handsome face.

Now, sallow thin.

A hoarse voice, begging for change.

With each donated coin, life remained

the same, as the day before and a

thousand more.



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Also by Seán Maguire:

Battling the cold |


A spark lit up
A small, thin matchstick,
Gently rubbed from
A matchbox's wall.

Cursed at the fire
That burns a frail wick,
Drilled tightly into
Candle of false hopes.

Glimpsed the beauty
Of radiance and awe,
A fleeting light
To bleak, weary past.

The dancing flame
Slowly melts and hurts,
The paraffin
Where homeless hope lives.

It brightly shines,
As it ghastly burns,

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false hopeloveromance

The Gathering of Forces

Do not mistake silence or stillness

for acquiescence

You see the shell of the egg

waiting to hatch

Trust me

This is not submission

Not all protests are noisy affairs

and there's no shame in

protecting yourself

​​​Trust me

Do not presume I'm no threat

There is power in being


Trust me

When language does not fit

When tradition is a disconnec...

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Behind The Veil

The day death came, she saw

A moth holding court

In the corner of the room, a flickering

Sepia shadow, muted

Whispers from the nearby

Ether where her God

Was waiting.

And it fluttered flighty

Morse code, signals of

Transition and how to slip

Behind the veil; softly,

Softly in the fading of

Presence, the evaporating

Senses, she found it

Her silken sunbeam, ...

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Also by Seanin Hughes:

Sunday Mass | I'd Be Queen Of Myself (if I weren't anti-monarchy) | Chameleon |

deathGrief death bereavement consolation

Ballot Cross



No tethered wants
nor garnished voice
but a stroke of intent
another of choice.


words and foto Tommy Carroll 



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Also by Tommy Carroll:

15 hours | As if to care | let's be more precise |

Great Expectations!


Gertrude and her boyfriend, Pete,

at last had set a date.

They booked the church and hotel suite 

in which to celebrate. 

The hen night went with such a swing

 (the ‘stripper-man’ was hot!) 

The girls teased ‘Gert’ on everything 

and laughed about ‘What’s what’!

“Just wait until your wedding night!” 

Collectively, they gushed.

“You’ll get ‘what’s what’ ...

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Also by John Andrew Nield:

Majority Matters! | Keeping 'Mum' ! | 'Righty-tighty, Lefty-loosey'! |

Writing Without

Writing without the drug

is like breathing without lungs,

like drowning as fingertips go numb,

reaching for a ledge to scrawl myself upon.


Unable to grasp a pen,

PJ offers me sanctuary in her songs.

I curl myself up softly in them now and

            again and again I look towards the exit

            and again and again find the hallways blocked by martyrs of myself


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My feelings scream wildly,

caused by the turbulent scars that lacerate me


Once again guns… beheaded days succumb the people

into a nocturnal shade of impotence;

piling up the path of violence,

distress, conflict, grief


Liberty screams mutilated… for…

for the men that do not want peace,

for the unconsciousness of those that kill ruthlessly,

for the wickedness of...

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Also by Noris Roberts:

I seek | With his hands stained with blood |


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