The big oaks at the corner
stretch their leaves to gather the evening sun.
A breeze lifts and turns them,
dark, bright, bright, dark.
A green glitter effect
that entrances me
starting the long stretching walk along the lane.
As I walk, the sun lights overhead leaves,
creates broderie anglais shadows
where cars slowly trail only feet apart.
Above a lacy sheet of alto cumulus spreads
Saturday 7th October 2017 7:18 pm
Overwhelming Sky
The overwhelming sky enthralls me
Shows me its magic, fills me with glory
Layers of stratus, piles of towering cumulus
Cirrus lacing glazes overtop
Neon pink icy scribbling on an evening horizon
Fireworks sunsets, pale sleepy dawns
Reds, yellows, purples, greens overwrite the blue and black
Gauguin, Picasso, Rothko must have felt this
The Starry Night is truth, no wonder Vincent suffered s...
Monday 2nd October 2017 3:57 pm
Hidden Freedoms
Child of Empire, he freely starved in Valetta
Free to resent the many fat priests
Free to go
Desperate, hoping
Stowaway to Istanbul
Free to be beaten by the Ottomans
Sent back to hunger
Not stopped yet
Stowaway to Britain
Set loose in Imperial London
Free to prosper
Free to work
Free-diver repairing Brighton’s Pier
Freely volunteered in 1914’s Expeditionary Force
Free to marry,...
Friday 29th September 2017 7:04 pm
THe Many names of rain
Precipitation within sight
Rain, drizzle, mizzle
Soft weather, mucky weather
‘The Smoky Smirr o Rain’
Liquid sunshine
Slow words, gentle
But it was spitting this morning
Pitter patter, splash, splish, splodge, squelch
And it bucketed down last night
A torrent, raining cats and dogs
Not a light soaking rain
Squalling, hailing and sleeting
Flooding, flowing, swamping
A deluge chucking ...
Saturday 26th August 2017 8:11 pm
Great men die, and so they lie
In their tombs and graves
Glorified, magnified
By their followers and slaves
Quiet mounds on the Downs
Lasting through the many ages
May cover cruel tyrants
Rather than wise sages
All men must die, all tombs will lie
Tuesday 18th July 2017 5:54 pm
Deep in the time of eclipse
As birds bed down and dusk creeps up
We see the Suns halo and crown
Reaching out to her children
Light in the darkness
Sunlight scatters from escaping electrons
Bounces off minute dust particles
While stripped atoms glow as crown jewels
Incandescently hot
Ethereal furnace
The act of seeing makes real
The fact of knowing sees beauty
The inner joyousness o...
Friday 16th June 2017 2:58 pm
Desert Sky
Driving in a roast red desert
Headlights staring into primeval dark
The untrammeled sky glorious
Above us a bridge of stars
Rivering between rocky horizons
At once near and so very far
Cricking my neck to see
I bounced around the back of the open jeep
Absorbing, amid the shudders, splendor
Star birth and death, worlds hidden by distance
Great glowing nebulae
Fat in the centre, a d...
Sunday 4th June 2017 3:07 pm
Our strange stay here on Earth
We did not ask for this
We cannot control what we must
We can only rise to the times
And do what we see as right
There is no one there to listen
No parent in the sky
We are the author of our souls
The believer in our faith
Children of the universe
Intellect and compassion?
Built solely from an interplay of atomic particles
Our strange stay here on Earth
The true...
Wednesday 31st May 2017 7:55 pm
Chalk undulates across Southern England
Hills, gentle yet steep
Can be overtopped by clay peppered with flints
So treasured by the old folk
As old as the hills is true here
The chalk is a two hundred million year ocean
Stiffened and folded over time
By our living planet
Several human species
Have hunted in these valleys
Have dug into and sculpted these hills
Have left their ghosts ...
Saturday 27th May 2017 7:44 pm
After the Dance
We wade though the bright grass
Tired, footsore, happy
Hearing a bird calling by the reeds
Notes curling amongst themselves,
Spinning through the warm air
Distantly, traffic busies itself,
Here, tranquillity reigns,
After a full night dancing,
We walk.
Saturday 27th May 2017 1:12 pm
English summers, often damp, can invoke long stifling twilights
Nothing landbound needlessly moves
Contrails crayon across the sky
So many, this close to London’s hub
Distantly, the buzz of a low plane, pleasure rider reaching up
Into the realm of the starlings as they sussurate
A car comes past in the lane droning away round the curves
Here the runway cross remains
The old...
Friday 26th May 2017 2:08 pm
Solar thoughts or To our mistress, the sun
Source of heat and fuel for life
Beautiful at the horizon
Painting clouds and sky
We bask and burn in her glory
And she sits supreme at system centre
Girdled by her planets
Visited by stray comets
Regally burning
Interior electrons impede her light
Rendering our glowing orb opaque
Not that you can see this
It would burn your eyes out
Friday 26th May 2017 12:35 pm
To walk among ruins
To walk among ruins is to realize the fragility of life
To connect with those who came before
To observe commonalties,
To puzzle at differences
To marvel at ingenuity
To hear their voices echoed in stones that have stood for thousands of years
Inevitably, to misunderstand the message
Friday 26th May 2017 10:41 am
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