The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

Kensington and Chelsea

entry picture

Sleep well tonight

With your burning

Log fire


Scurrying and searching,

For that 12 year old wine


A steaming shower

Cooled with luxury cosmetics,

Burning your botox lips


Sleep well tonight,

Holding on to those

Curled up in fresh satin sheets


And what troubles you?

You don’t want the poor

Living in a block of flats next door.

Well, now you don’t have to worry about that anymore


GrenfellTower grenfell poverty

◄ Strong and Unstable

So many are falling from the skies, of comfortable lives ►


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Philip Stevens

Wed 18th Oct 2017 23:49

the whole feel of the piece is wrong...

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David R Mellor

Tue 20th Jun 2017 22:07

Thank You Karen for your lovely comment, the poem was heartfelt , thanks

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Karen Ankers

Tue 20th Jun 2017 00:03

Beautifully crafted.

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David R Mellor

Mon 19th Jun 2017 22:19

Thank you Colin and Keith for taking the time for your interesting comments , which i can understand and agree somewhat . But it remains that those who live comfortably , see little of and wish to hear little about those struggling on their doorstep

<Deleted User> (13762)

Sun 18th Jun 2017 12:44

ooh David, I think some of the more wealthy K&C residents came out to support the victims of this tragedy. We can't lay the blame entirely on their doorsteps - there is nothing wrong with earning money and buying nice things and living in nice houses or living next door to the poor.

What's wrong is the system which forces the poor into substandard accommodation and the corrupt, corner cutting, money pinching politicians and corporations that feed off their vulnerability. I'm not sure it's necessarily the fault of the wealthy K&C residents but I understand the point you are making.

I can't agree with the last verse, it's too harsh and makes a sweeping generalisation. But as Keith said, a good deal to ponder.

With respect,

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keith jeffries

Sat 17th Jun 2017 21:47

Hello David, Thank you for this very poignant poem which speaks more in what remains unsaid which in turn provokes a good deal of thought. Thank you again. Keith

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