The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

Cure a wound another could

entry picture

The desire to wholly
Posses you
Was so great
Bitter and harrowing
Was the feeling,unfaithful
To memory's dustbin
You relegate.

At a loss how
My problem to solve
Crying out my heart
By a serene cathedral door
Myself to absolve
God blew on my way a dove!

With a tap
On the shoulder
A sympathetic
And cute girl
On par with
My ex-lover
If not better
"Believe me
There will come
A time you
Never recall
The heart sickness
Now you are
Taking tall!"

This way
In pure love
With this girl
I got on the ball
As she prophesied
Bitter memories
Forgetting all.

Cure a wound
Inflicted by one girl
Another could.//

Unlike a glass a broken heart like a broken bone could be repaired

Curelovereal life

◄ With me forever it will stay

Sorrowfully ►


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