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Stephen Gospage on Forgive, Not Forget
12 hours ago

Hélène on We Rise
15 hours ago

Tom Doolan on In Your Arms
17 hours ago

Graham Sherwood on Return to Waterloo
20 hours ago

Graham Sherwood on One thing becomes another
20 hours ago

Mike Bartram on 'Baby Bear'
20 hours ago

Graham Sherwood on Forgive, Not Forget
22 hours ago

23 hours ago

23 hours ago

K. Lynn on We Rise
23 hours ago


a girl sits with a book in her lap, being too heavy for her scrawny legs, it slips and clatters to the floor beneath her desk. the teacher expresses exasperation at her inattentiveness and offers to teach her skills to fix her focus

that girl is me

and i like being broken.


the vice president of the united states believes homosexuals are going to hell. he said gay couples signaled soc...

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August 12

So more unexpected last night, 
Unexpected does not mean unwanted,
Unexpected does not mean unknown,
Unexpected does not mean unreciprocated,
It means just that...unexpected

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Gray Line with Black, Blue and Yellow

“Georgia O’Keefe is over-rated,” I overhear the museum patron behind me say, and I cannot help but internally agree, however there is something so enticing about this flower, one of many such blooms, not all would hear her call, yet she catches my eye, not once but a multiplicity of times, but I garner the courage to approach her, to marvel at all she has laid bare for me to see. My breath catches...

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Cell Dissolution

My eyes close and I dissolve into the pillows languidly, one cell at a time.

You claim me in the most primitive of ways
I don't dare question it, and I don't dare breathe
I just take your offer and float along as you lead me
slowly down the passages of feather sensations
with every step a little deeper into the air where I can taste myself, the scent heady.
You grasp my waist and the dance...

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Am I?

Am I? I'm as disconnected as the stars vast expanding drifting isolated weightless fractious Now am I shrinking? Folding into myself, tucked away in some secret heart pocket. compact treasured safe sacred whole I am brought into focus with the words I'm here I know

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How an Ode to Glitter Became an Elegy to Ziggy Stardust

Oh Mr. Stardust and I have a mutual love

Copolymer sheets grinded down to miniscule hexagons

Not as glamourous as crushed diamonds

But now availible in an epic array of application methods

My way to freak out in a moonage daydream

It glints and gleams with glimpses of faraway starmen

My mind does a dreamlike disco

A heady intoxication lacking propriety

Have you tasted it? I...

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A Poem on the Purpose of Metaphor and Simile

Using simile in poetry is like using a throw pillow or two,
     to set the mood of a bedroom. 
Too many pillows
     and the poem becomes a pain in the ass.
Literary devices serve to cement concepts in our brains
     because most of us have memories like a sieve.
Mixing the cement… um the metaphors is tricky
     tricky like a fox
          tricky like former U.S. Presidents whose name i...

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that moment is so golden

You are the silence between breaths, that moment that encompasses every potential

Where I’m not only questioning and I’m not just knowing, I'm filling every space in between.

You are the strings that tie my heart down, keeping it from flying away with every little joy.

Fuck you bring me such joy!

Joyous flights of ecstasy in your hugs.

And when I hear you say you need me as much as ...

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Work Sets You Free

Proud fathers of progress, eagerly name their successes strong manly names like:

     George or Honest John.

     Joe or Tsar Bomba.

     Red Beard or Fat Man.


“Our sons will pierce the sky and deliver peace,” their shouts ring in the ears of any who dare question the creation of this phallic emancipation.


The patriarchs preach science from their pulpits constructed of:


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Post Traumatic Echos

moonlight tastes sour

sweat runs through bedroom sheet veins

she gives up on sleep


hallway footfalls

undesired sharp edges



echos beat within

in discord with her heart

as hands grip at wind


doorknob, alive, there

embraced by her palm frantic

gasp … inhale … freedom


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(but also when she said no)

When he said yes

(but also when she said no)

(not the she that I love now, but the she that I loved then)

I became an open gash with feelings gushing to cover all who cared.

When he said yes

(but also when she said no)

My torment twisted and turned in mystifying yet comforting ways.


When he said yes

(but also when she said no).


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