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The Black Sea




As far as the eye can see



Green clouds

Hugging the earth

And me





Rugged dangerous

Enveloping me


The People

The People

The People

Safe and secure in their own skin

Unique in pleasure

Happiness overflowing into me  


Green Green

Sea Sea

The People The People

And me

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A Child in Gaza

Dreaming of leaving

       This rock above my



Dreaming of leaving

The thought you are dead


Dreaming of leaving


Going back to when I

played here, running up

the path mama mama

kissing your sweet forehead


now motionless and



Dreaming of leaving


                                 Not wishing to go


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GazaIsrael. Gaza

And so it goes on…

And so it goes


People protest

Against dead bodies

“They’re all terrorists

each and every one”

He says, they say


And so it goes on


The people are lost

Picking through rubble

Discovering their loved ones

Dead clothes



But the truth is being hidden

Sanitised by the news

The killing is not so awful

They plead


And so...

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GazabidenIsrael. GazaNetanyahufamineFree Palestine

Everyone’s a C*NT


Everyone’s  a  C*NT

I see the teenagers

Throwing things on the floor

A protest

Leads to the finger


Everyone’s a CU*T


The internet is down

They said they’d send someone round

Nobody came…


Everyone’s a *UNT


They’re blaring out music

On a crowded bus

Chatting to friends

Until ears start to bleed



Everyone’s a CUN*


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societyanti socialpeople and actions

A Little Bird

He belted his little heart out

Same time every day

It lasted for hours and hours

But still…

She  does not come.


I shouted out to the little bird

“Why not perch on another tree?”


“I was calling out to you…”

the little bird replied,

“To keep that smile on your face.”

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blackbirdbirdsNatureour soul


As poor as I am

I can still see the lies

Dripping down from posters

Larger than life

Each party vying for my eye line

Sides of the same dice


Hope, Fear

Progress,  Strength

Hate, Together


Each rolling towards me

Saying anything I like …


A tannoy blurts out

Some nonsensical nonsense

flags are waving in the air

and the dumb have becom...

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electionTurkish electionsU.S. ElectionUK electiongeneral election

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