The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

Becoming a ghost

There's this song I always come back to,
It reminds me of the day I first met you.
No other words mean as much to me as the lyrics that were sang in the song,
it's a constant reminder of how we held on for so long.
You might've been just a ghost but you knew what flesh felt like,
you knew what a hug meant and how to treat someone in the cold night.
You were no stranger to love and comfort,
you were the definition of kindness,
you managed to treat me from my social blindness.
You allowed me to open up to you,
share my story and my pain.
From that point on I knew what you meant,
I knew what you wanted,
but I never provided.
Now I'm the ghost you once spoke of,
hiding behind the comfort of my keyboard,
playing the role of a person you once knew.



◄ The last farewell this winter brought

For you I will do my best ►


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