Grotesque decadence

A small piece I wrote while sitting by the river today, I actually hand wrote about 5 of these and left them at all the surrounding buildings haha ! 

The river dances, An iridescent reflect the sun shines as it mirrors and presents
A cinematic silhouette 
Birds glide, dive into the depths, lizards leapt down the oyster coated steps.
Dip there feet and feast on what the fishermen left, Rotten carcasses of auburn flesh. 
Stunk like the garbage in the harbours neck, passels delivered to its heart and chest an un returnable  dress.
Strangling turtles till there hung to death, 
I saw beauty blemished, though stayed silent in my head. 
For I know I can't fight what's already dead.   





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Big Sal

Thu 30th Aug 2018 14:39

Last line and title are killer!?

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