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Ive changed all the locks and the ways to my heart

Ive patched up the holes you tore all apart

Repainted the lies you captured me with

Remodeled my life from pain to pure bliss

I no longer miss you, I pity your soul

Ive worked long and hard to patch up these holes

The space is all new 

I can rent it out

This space is all mine and what Im about

Your key will not work


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Also by terra loop:

I saw God today |

relationshipheartbreakabusepainheartbrokensurvival love

Going To The Store


An old family tradition

Going To The Store for groceries

back in time every neighborhood

had a independent grocery

mom & pop

living over the store

kids stocking shelves

personalized meat market

bottles returned for 2cents

we knew the proprietors

by their first name

we knew their families

we grew up with them

the independent store on the corner

the anc...

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Also by d.knape:

Slow Learner | Stale Bread | Stale Bread | West Texas Rhapsody | The Interview | Out Of Date | Something Fishy | The Visit | Rank Amateur | Timeshare | Write Out Loud | Useful Idiot | Goldfish | Butterfly Words | Hatched | Web Cookies | I Write Poetry | Water | Internet | Texts | A Love Poem | The Walking Dead | Mourning Dove | Mourning Dove | Texas Chickens | Corner Man | Something Important | If It's Broke, Fix It | The Wiggly Apostrophe | A Room Full Of Poets | GNU | Mistakes | When I Go |

He Never Returned

Loving Aunties never moved

in case one day

the door might open

instead time marches on

welcome mat gathers dust

baby cousins enter life

not knowing his smile

the family left behind

still wait,still hope

ten years have passed

since being dropped off

in Manchester city centre

traveling to a hostel

for a few days

disappearing into thin air

no goodbye messa...

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Also by Nigel Astell:

We Stay Strong |

Ten years to this very day he went away



Ice in the wind this storm black night

Stings me awake

To walk the sodden way again.

Again this ex-communication

No black candles, no witches’ curses,

No lifting of the gloom

Just shivering in a room.

Imagining an iceflower

Shimmering in the heat

Of a living body

This genesis of the heart

Tells me

‘we are not who we think we are’

 A phoenix made in time ...

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Also by John E Marks:

Princess | Upward Over the Mountain | Regret | Children | Lies Denied | WIND-BLOWN | MOZART | Salt made from tears | Last line missing | Orthodox Blues | Paralysis | Tommy | At Risk | The Alpha and Omega | The cloths of heaven | To the crags, where eagles soar |

Spider fear

"I am an insect and I live in the grass,

Terrified of being eaten at every blade that I pass.

I look out for spiders,nasty,evil and scary,

With numerous eyes,sharp fangs and feet that are hairy.

Pursued by a spider once I'm lucky to be still alive.

He was distracted by a fly,thankfully I did survive."


Spiders inspire fear like few animals will.

Lurking in webs lying ready...

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Also by hugh:

A shock for Jock | The three wishes | Follow up to a dirty girl | Alcoholic Aid,but unfortunately a wee rejection | mildred | An examination twist | A bill con | A catastrophy | Anya | Dolly folly | A wee error | the smile on your face | So many ANTS! | A satisfaction nightmare | I made a mistake | 4-letter words! | Shell sequel | No wind in the Willows ! | The transfer of pain machine | Its fly day, the tenth of August | A sad wish | A tragedy in Jerusalem | It started with a sneeze | Don't drink and drive! | Football crazy | A little bit of flirt | It was difficult to digest what had happened | "White" said Fred | Read the lids | No milk to drink | How to console a poor cook after a catastrophy |




My poetry at times it does

Get me in such a mess

The grammar's bad the spelling wrong

A mess I must address


But this is not the mess I mean

This hits me from the rear

My verse it gains a sudden soul

And in my eye, a tear


It seems that I can have two messes

One in poetic script

The other on a deeper plane

Emotions getting ripped


Don Ma...

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Also by Don Matthews:

Drunk Fairy Grounded | FUN BUS Trip to BBC Archives : Pete and Dud | Bipolar Mania : An Example Of | Watcha Cooking Up Don? | Just Kill Me | A Good Stand-Up Comic | Balance | Princess Puss Goes to Yodel School | Bedazzle | House I Hear You Calling | Swissy Miss | The Festival of Britain 1951 For Those Who Can Remember | Oh Little Ant | Spike and I and the Factory of Human Daleks | My Premature Saturday Shorts Poem | My Neurons Are Going Away | Spelling Errors | Spike and I, and the School of Silliness | Brian, You Get Mind Muck-Ups ? | My Verse Is Quite Frustrated | FUN BUS: Celebrates National Hottie Day | WOL's New Rhymers Club | FUN BUS : Don Patents Our Bus | A Family That Kills Together |

Time has Fallen

cold is the loss


as strangers pass - within us


this emptiness - is all of you


bereft - is that smile I miss of you 


that warmth, of brightness


so near was I - that moment of truth,

                           when I met your gaze


in reality, I lost - for love felt

                             was my insecurity


time has fallen as tears - ...

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Liberté | The cello player | We’ll meet again | Breathless | The Opal of my eye |

"Love Song From the Ledge"

Love Song From The Ledge

Craig James Ackerman







The crust has begun to form along the edges of my innocence.

Like a vinyl tablecloth at an old Italian restaurant.

Used to be bright, red and hopeful.

Now dull, faded and nihilistic.

Grasping at the last fleeting straws of pigment.

Generations late of change.

Soon to be folded u...

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Sweet Simplicity

you entice me with your beauty


To live in the darkness of complexity

stops my heart from beating


Child like smiles turn to



My door stays closed

as does my mind

when I am approached with

dark matter


I run and search for you

Sweet Simplicity 


For I know you will fill my soul

with tranquility

and keep my attent...

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Also by lynn hahn:


Good comments

Good comments 

Friday, 31st August 2018


It is reciprocal 

for any individual

to respond the call

and smash the wall


yes, if one comes with the gesture

make sure

that he is  responded with

an answer clearly worded 


but not always

as it may not show the orderly way

to read and respond

sometimes you may not find the mood


but make a point


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Also by Hasmukh Mehta:

It's pleasure | Relief | The words are meant to | Masterstroke of the language | Take the pledge | Love with hatred | The heart burns | Faith keeps us | True creator | Simple mean | Feel no sore | The best method | The reasons for | With a rose in hand | The personal approach | Until the cessation | No to any reply | Honey testes | Perfect or imperfect | Emotions | under the magic spell | Struggle hard | Woman's part | Rise again | We promise | No happiness here | Feel the intensity | Looks so simple | Women everywgere | In the direction | So beautiful | Offer your self | The spirit soars high | Overcome the shock | The person knows | Let us be | Get in well | At first sight | In an easy time | No violation of the modesty | The day | So beautiful yourself |


Loving You Hurts

Loving you hurts

There are mornings I wake up, wondering if you survived the night

Hoping and praying that you didn't hurt yourself

Knowing that you probably


I worry I don't do enough

That I don't tell how much you mean to me enough

Waking up crying because I dreamt you had died

And it felt so real


If I could do anything to make stop your pain I would

But I'm p...

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Also by Melissa Wiens:

The Hypocrisy of Fashion | It's Easier Not to Care | Love Not Hate | We Have a Dream |

self harmbest friendssuicide preventionsuicidal thoughts13 reasons why

Where do I stand

Where do I stand with you, am I strictly a ghost?
Someone from recent past that you'll drain in the sea
Letting go of the fight without a blinking fee
That ruined your desire to form a loving host

Where do I stand with you, am I still in your heart?
Someone that makes you smile of our loving moments
Bringing you joyous thoughts and some laughing movements
When thinking of our love in our ...

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Also by Louis Audet:

For my captain | Breathing | The fun in the sun | Her smile | Getting out |

On Tents Left Behind At Festivals

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Spoken Word poetryfestivalcapitalismconsumerismperformance poetry


I have felt the ruinous touch of time,


Many a times i am traumatized

By the facny of life,

Ya Life for sure.

I am in a trance to never awake,

the ripples touch my feet

I am in Lithe

numb in the lap of hyacinth..

I fell the every rhythm of my pulse

May not....

The tapestry keeps folding and unfolding

over and anon.

I'm lost in the riddle -

Have  I ...

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Weed | Wounds are sleeping here | Life Goes On | Bloom My Love | Open Market | Fading.. | Sweet Wound | THE BOG | Weapon |

Compulsive Manipulation

The monster digs it's claws in tight
I can't escape it, with all my might
I want to run away or hide
But today, with you, I stand to fight
The dark won't win, only light

I can feel the thread, moving my limbs
Like a puppeteer is pulling the strings
I see myself saying and doing these things
As the pied pipers' flute continues to sing

The voices that speak so clearly to me
Try to chan...

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Also by HayzTee:

Forced upon Friendly Fire | Have patience with our Pain | The Rollercoaster which we name Bipolar | I am Both (with audio by me) | I am Both | The Soul eaters | The Chronic Pain Game | Battle Cry | Many sides of the truth | The "C", forever with me. | Meant for Me | True Love never dies | Who are the real Monsters? | Opinions are not Fact |

Compulsive liarcompulsive manipulationcontroldeceptionfacadeknow when to walkliesmanipulationmental gamesmind gamesnot all actions require a reactionpuppeteerreactionstrengthwalk away

A Quiet Man

A Quiet Man


She sat among strangers, discarded pamphlets strewn everywhere.
A face smiling up at her from a photo on a chair.
Handsome and young, she could not leave him abandoned.
Picking them up she clutched them to her chest,
quickly walking away to join up with the rest.


As his friend of many years had sat waiting a few days before,
his love, his wife would not answer his ...

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Also by Taylor Crowshaw:

I Want | Beyond the Trees | Cooking up a Storm | The Fledgling | There is Beauty | Nanna is a Yodeller | The Feather | Her Heart | One Night | Man is the Beast | I Am An Orphan Now (Age 46) | Too Short for Shorts | The Book | An Acorn's Story | Nan's Lippy | Hope Ain't Gonna Float | You Held Me With Your Tears | A Hot Evening in August | Breathless | Ripped Away | The Fox Visited Me Last Night |

Someone to love me.

Someone to love me. 


Isn’t it funny? 

I could show up on your front door step after I’ve gotten done at the gym and find you with someone else. 

You could lie to me when you open the door and say “I don’t know I’m fucked up” 

But I stay because I just want someone to love me. 

You could abuse me with your words and your hands and leave scars. 

But I stay because I just want ...

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Hunger mistaken for thirst


wake up in pain
expecting the worst
mind driving again
you’re reassured

fine tune frequencies 
they still work
everything’s alright
life continues

aching you feel
doesn’t subside 
it only finds
new places to hide

obscure pleasures
continue their work
extreme measures
appear practical
dailyness takes 
what it claims it deserves
leaving you scratching at night
a hung...

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Also by Robert C Gaulke:

Venn Diagram | ...and now forgive us for a brief commercial interruption... | One View | Human Touch | Fuck Yesterday | My Agency | You can be too careful nowadays | The Lack | Someone selling out in front of you | time matters | Ways of Being | French Films | EOD | Life is Suicide | Reading Is Hard | Early Onset | The moving center | sensual gum | Hone Avenue | What am I supposed to do with this information |

Tit for Tat

Ok for one but not for another . Why pay Tariffs for some things . But not for Others . Do to them what they do to you . Then Fairness and Kindness will always show through .

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Also by Wendy Higson:

Scaremongering | Chosen Words | Believe | Let Your Feelings Show | Look Beneath | Free Speech | Sensibility |

dirty pigs

Cut deep into my flesh.

Tear me apart like a pig being slaughtered.

Take my heart and rip it to shreds

Make me feel again.


Tell me endearing lies.

Look into my eyes.

Paint me in the skys.

Take me in between the lines.


Show me your sorrow.

Your pain.

Show me everything.




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pain. sorrow. heart break


As I type, I cry.

I cry a river of tears, 

enough to drown the whole world in. 

I thought I had cried enough.

I thought that they’d already killed all of my favorite characters

I thought everyone had already left.

The sky is stormy and you cannot see the stars.

Just like me. 

My stars have been hidden by the dark cloud of

depression and death. 

Even in giant crowds of...

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Also by Elle Shaine:

Spiderwebs | The Lies They Tell |

YOU ARE THE MUSIC - a song lyric

You are the music in my heart

And with each note I feel a part

Of some eternal symphony

Written just for you and me


You are the melody in my mind

And with its tune I always find

New meaning in this life I live

New ways to love, new ways to give


You are the song I've come to know

Wherever in this world I go

As sweet as any sung by birds

But they will never...

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Also by M.C. Newberry:


Mama Fado

Before now was
      a song: 

You go to the graveyard to talk to yourself
      by black night remembering stars

More have sailed away
than can ever return
you have loved them all
and your love still burns

More still remain children
while trees around them grow
lilliputians of emotions
yet you love all you know

That love caught up with a miller
as he set out to sea
his sails ...

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Also by Adam Whitworth:

Atlantic Cliffs | A Letter, As A Dry Leaf | Sheep May Safely Graze | The Crowd   | Of Changeable Weather | The Leap | V. S. Naipaul 1932-2018 | Mindscapes | At Present | The World Of Slavery | Anon | All ThezeDreamz |


"I need to improve my media presence,"

said the weasel to the shrew.

"Some selfies and a profile page,

an agent should know what to do. 

No more slinking and stinking for me,

i'll lift my image

come out of the wild.

What think you?"


"Just wishful thinking, weasel words,"

replied the cunning and baleful shrew,

knowing full well the seed now sown

he took the ide...

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Also by ray pool:


An Ode to Trouvaille

I have always been a whole person

Please don’t let what I now describe convince you otherwise 

But I left the other part of me in foreign country 



I love the way he says my name 

With words and phrases I have heard before 

But those that have not enlightened me until now 

I can breathe around him, more than mere survival 


I met him in a world where sum...

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Bless in a dress (Or just a coincidence that happened at the right place at the right time, I honestly do not know anymore)

With your new red dress,
you walk with such class,
whenever I see you,
you just push me away.

With your new red dress,
you've made my life a mess.

We used to walk along all through the day,
now I can hardly see you,
just wanna say this to your face,
you empty me out.

Like your new red dress,
you're already stained,
easy to wash it,
yet it'll never change your face.

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dressfacelove poemblesspoetry

dream 111111

The dream the dream the dream! I write like Liz Hand. The dark underbelly of the city. Not just people dying. All of it. Every city has one. All are the same. The dark 3am beat. Put my poem in your book. My dream of it. An artist painting an artist painting an artist  painting an artist... 


The big young potentially dangerous Russian stood in front of me. He thought what he had to say is i...

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Daybreak moments

The day is emerging from its nightly slumber

opening its sleep weary eyes to peak at the surroundings.

The human race joins in this rebirth

every day is a new fresh feast for the senses.


What wonders do I behold

while walking on the near empty street

the distant golden orb shining

its warming rays on my naked face


The strimmer-man at his task

cutting forth the ...

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Also by Jon Stainsby:

A flower in bloom | Beautiful raindrops | View from on High | Tyranny digs its own grave | Ellie |



(I've always thought there was a gap in the market for a fusion of top-rate poetry and a medical procedure.  A travelogue of my biopsy to test for prostate cancer.)


They made me wear a nappy

(I wasn’t very happy).

They said I might be needing

A pad to catch the bleeding

Of later crimson stainers

Which seeped out from my anus

Which had become right sloppy

From my prosta...

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Also by John Coopey:


hiding places (discernment)

In the quiet I listen to some

whispered words you've spoke


and some you never have--


it's like putting my ear to a conch

and hearing all the silence we protect


being lifted from concealment by a noisy sea.

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Also by nunya:

disconnect (regenesis in infrared) | awkward | waters | sonogenesis | heosphoros | on entering decade three as a divorcee--good heavens, not this again... | year of the jackal | Page C3 Headlines |

Towards Beachy Head

In the distance

the green tops to the chalkwhite cliffs

slope down to the sea

behind countless breakwaters

wading out through low waves

their wooden posts testament

to the shifting stones of time


Below the grey sky

the bluegrey water rattles the beaches

sloping down to the sea

between stark black breakwaters

mute guardians of the coast

each wooden barrier m...

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Also by Chris Armstrong:

On the Beach | Eastbourne |

groynesbreakwaterscliffswhite cliffsbeachesstonesseasky


MEMORIES OF THE CAMINO                                                         

Saw nothing down below on the way to Vancouver –

a more or less straight line for nine hours or so.

Sat above a wing, beside a door, paying more

for the privilege, my legs need to stretch for these

longer hauls – all part of the call on me by

Mister P, some while ago, some day that was.


I watc...

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Also by Peter Taylor:


Maria remind me of the rain (Song Lyrics)



Am G C Am G C

Am G C F G


Maria remind me of the rain falling - dancing on a hot Spanish roof

falling finding its way

as the heat turned steam - drew away

by a shearing wind (that blew)

while you lay in sequin Spanish lace

Oh I remember

Oh how I remember

The thunder growled

The banshee howled

The dancing rain

pounded and groomed the ground


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music lyricsweather


If you are first to rise in the morning,

  move lightly as you go, 

Children upstairs are still sleeping,

  folded in soft blankets, soft breathing.

Step, more softly than their dreaming.

Step, more softly than their dreaming.

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5.26(Last Rodeo)

The first victim, you made me 
The first causality, I was 
The first mistake you took to heart.

5 stones you cast into the river 
Mistakes your friends made 
I paid the price.

5 cards you cast aside 
All because of a couple racks
5 scorpions you set ablaze 
All because of a little detail.

Loved you like a brother I never had
Stood up for you like you was blood
Had your back ag...

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Green T shirt

Blue Nike nylon shorts

Shuffling trainers

Laces barely knotted moves along the street

The straw grey threads of hair spread out

From under the baseball cap

Sauntering and dragging

the arched hanging frame of a body

against the low set trolley

neck bent

head slightly stooped

against the staggered scowl that passes for a smile

indistinct in the bac...

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Also by Martin Elder:

Identical twin | Sunning themselves |

The Photo ??

I looked at the photo then came the hurt,

I closed my eyes and reflected on self-worth,

I opened the bottle when I considered the pain,

But I put it back down when I realized no gain,

I tried to think and remain calm,

But all my thoughts included extreme harm,

After all we had planned over the years ,

How do I stop the cascading tears?

"I believe in love and all it stands f...

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Also by Mayah ROSE:

Too Late?? | Me? | Vacancy ? | There Is? | I Watched You? |

remembering is such an easy task

I see my dead body

flaoting on the streets

like an old used piece of cloth

full of blood and memories

that are forgotten

by everyone but me

the smell of skin fliling

my nose cavities

an earth that is only here

to make my scent


a person thats only job

is to forget

a body that reminds me

of long touches

a brush into a skin

that is burning


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Also by racha:

black holes |

I Hate You.

I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.
That's all I can say for now.
You're selfish, you're heartless and nobody wants you around.

Why would anyone ever like a selfish cow like you.
An inconvenience, a burden and a terrible person to be, too.

I wish I could forgive you but I can't stand your sound.
You're pathetic, you're ugly...please just don't come around.

You can cover your ears and ...

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self loathingself hateanxiety





 Just for a while

 The feel of summer,

 Fields of sunflowers,

 Light dazzling,

 Heat caressing,

 France not Cheshire

 Kind of summer.


 Smell of lusty earth,

 Taste of young wine

 That won't travel,

 Freshness of fruit

 And vegetables,

 Proudly displayed

 On market stalls.


 Just for a while

 The illusion of summer,


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David SubacchipoetryWelsh Poetry

Get out

Get Out


I have to leave the house tomorrow


Fatigue energized by hope-



Depression fueled by gas-



Truth obscured by astro-



Men & women of honor being held up

to ridicule


A nation dedicated to human rights saving families from

each other


Deaths of innocents lending grievance for




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I Could Love You

One love replaces another.

That's how things work, you claim. 

And the: "It will never get better.",

is a line, which should be banned. 


You draw every day like a painter. 

You draw smiles on sad people's faces. 

In our hearts we call you 'dear'.

I'd go with you anywhere!


You've moved me! 


I love that logic of yours.

Admire your eager and happy mind! 


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He had a calm assurance

Beaming the smile that says- 'iknow'..

she answered my questions.

A pat on the knee..

He cleared my confusions as he shared his story

-delightedly, contentedly.

By the fireside..

At the rocker chair..

where i listen,

as she he tells.

Our conversation,

that one with the old- wise and full.

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A Winter Sock's Lament


It's rather dark and bleak in here
and I think I've worked out why;
We've nothing left to talk about -
the conversation has run dry

We can be quite a jolly bunch
full of rhymes and rhetoric
But time ticks slow and now we know
in the end... we're just too thick

So we're feeling quite neglected
'cos in this summer weather
we're forced to lie inside this drawer
and be no use whats...

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Also by David Lindsay:

Cake Or Pie? | Idiomatic | The Scarecrow |



Harry died in his bed, sad

But nobody knew.

Someone knocked on his door

After a week or two.

When there wasn’t an answer

Someone went away,

Just thought he was deaf

Or, gone out for the day.

Then a week or two later

The mail’s in the hall

But the postman’s too busy

To give him a call,

And the milkman stopped coming

A long time ago;

When there isn’t a sign


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lonelymandeadin bed

Echoes of terror


He always called him his life
Little did he know until the 
day he last saw him
They were walking side by side
And there came the echoes of terrors
Like that of third world war 

Woke up in her harms, 
Confused and lost 
She called him her life
Others were moving on, 
They have to move on
For the other side is greener

He missed him a lot, But she's around and always calls him h...

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I had my eyes shut

But I couldn't sleep at all

Guess I'm going nuts

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Also by Clive:

In Denial | Temptation |

When I get mad I write poetry

Some of my best poetry is written in the space

between drunkenness and pain

Before I drink too much to regret

Or fall asleep and forget


Some of my best poetry is written in the space

between thoughtfulness and folly

When I’m mad enough for words to whirl

but not for blood to boil


When I’m mad enough for blood to boil

but not enough for it to spill


When ...

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Also by Becky Who:

International Bake-off: Britain 1 - France 0 | Five minutes more | Geneva airport | Written in anger and confusion | I can't write today | Would you pole dance for a friend? | French Heat |

The river

This journey will be long and unfulfilling, do not be fooled

For what you seek will bring such magnificent distress and surely be your end

 Many of souls have fallen to this illusion, failing to see beyond such brilliant deception

Do not despair in your desires of the river you once bathed in as that river no longer exists

Do not fret, your woes lie not of what that river is now


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