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Who are the real Monsters?

Isn't imprisonment enough?
Without the guards being too rough
And forever being cuffed
Prisoners  are abused and raped
Every damn single day
As if they haven't already paid
By being held captive and afraid.


Isn't imprisonment enough?
Without being forced to confess
To somebody else's mess
Being stripped and undressed
Every damn single day
As if they haven't already paid
By being held captive and afraid.


Isn't imprisonment enough?
Without being manipulated by guards
Who know full well the help is a facade
But when the prisoners complain

they are told they're too  mard
Every damn single day
As if they haven't already paid
By being held captive and afraid.


Isn't imprisonment enough?
Without being extorted by the system
They barely have anything on them
Still they are stolen from again
Every damn single day
As if they haven't already paid
By being held captive and afraid.


Isn't imprisonment enough?
These are still human beings
Who deserve to have rights
They may have acted not nice
And done things not right
But they still have needs
Not all are what they seem
Some really did have dreams
Not all crimes are so simple
It is not black and white
Sometimes it's not so clear cut
Ever heard of false improvement?
Yeah well it is really  kinda rough.


Isn't false imprisonment enough?
Without the guards being too rough
And forever being cuffed
Prisoners are abused and raped
Every damn single day
As if they haven't already paid
By being held captive and afraid.


abuseabuse behind barsabuse by guardsafraidalreasy paying their debtscaptivecrimecriminalcriminals are still humanscrkminals still have rightsdont lose your humanityextortionImprisonmentjaillocked upno escapenot everyone behind bars is guiltypaidpainprisonprisonsrapeset ups happen

◄ Opinions are not Fact

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HayzTee (Hayley)

Fri 3rd Aug 2018 00:39

I am not here to debate either. I'm here to express and provide a voice to those who are not heard.

Everyone listens to victims, empathises with them. But when a criminal becomes a victim no one wants to know or believe, due to our own prejudice against them.

Well here is their time to be heard for once, for people to realise they are human beings just like us, no matter what they did they can still be a victim.

If someone cheated on someone and was raped, people woukd still empathise with them. So why, when a murderer is raped by another prisoner or a guard, is that acceptable? They may have committed a worse wrong but both parties had wronged someone and caused a lot of emotional pain.

Stop believing people are not human and don't have rights or feelings or can't be emotionally damaged just because they are bad. We all do bad things, even if it's as petty as a little lie, or to the extent of murdering or extorting people.

No one is perfect and that's what makes us human. If we all functioned perfectly and didn't have errors or make errors, or have feelings, we would be a robot. And I can tell everyone one thing, if these people were robots they wouldn't be hurting so I'm pretty sure they aren't cyborg or made or machinery. Therefore they are under no circumstance deserving of the above in my own OPINION (never claimed my opinion is fact and I have a right to express it and believe I did so rather well) ?

I bid you all a good evening/day, and thank you for reading.

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HayzTee (Hayley)

Thu 2nd Aug 2018 19:05

Brian, I may very well be working on one as we speak... may take a bit but I shall get there ?

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HayzTee (Hayley)

Thu 2nd Aug 2018 19:05

Brian, I may very well be working on one as we speak... may take a bit but I shall get there ?

<Deleted User> (18980)

Thu 2nd Aug 2018 19:03


Have you a piece on the victims of crime up your sleeve? Just to redress the balance so to speak.

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HayzTee (Hayley)

Thu 2nd Aug 2018 18:08

All I shall say is as someone who has so far gone her whole life dealing with problems without violence involved, I believe there are more ways to punish people than to reduce to the same level.

I know not all prisons are like that, especially where I am from in England. However, there are also a lot of prisons that do behave this way.

It Isn't about how large the issue effects, it's the fact it exists, is to why I am writing about it.

I like to put a voice out for the minorities, and try to challenge myself to do so.

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 2nd Aug 2018 17:49

The intent is admirable but the content allows questions.
Uncivilised lands tend to have prisons that reflect their
social values - and vice versa. The deprivation of liberty
is not be taken lightly wherever and however it is imposed but for many crims it is an occupational risk.
The supervision of inmates can, like the lands involved,
to be wayward and unreliable and this is always worthy
of comment/criticism towards obtaining an improvement.
Here, when inmates complain, it is usually reported and
often thereafter a matter of judgement and punitive
costs at taxpayers' expense. Elsewhere, you may not
find anything remotely comparable, either in acceptance
or result.
Imprisonment in less socially advanced countries tends
to be casually imposed yet severe in its length and
conditions, according to prevailing values appertaining
to their place and self-belief/respect....often exacerbated
by the fears of the rulers and their adherents of being
toppled at every turn - fears justifiable in many instances
by their misuse of high office and lack of accountability.
And so the wheel turns as they become more repressive
to restrain and inhibit anything or anyone that threatens their power.
Criminals in societies nearer to home here in the West tend to be in prison because they have exhausted their
other opportunities to "go straight" - and even in prison
seek to maintain their activities. It is THIS situation that
those with the power and authority should be most
vigilant to detect, supervise and control. But the final
question remains: what punishment remains when
imprisonment itself is the most severe option available
to contain and control those who show no regard for
those they victimise - outside or inside penal establishments?

Big Sal

Thu 2nd Aug 2018 17:39

No progress without sacrifice, and no reward is without a risk. (In terms of writing)

I'll be waiting to hear what else you put to paper. Lots of under-acknowledged topics are lying in wait, and you're good at what you do.

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HayzTee (Hayley)

Thu 2nd Aug 2018 17:18

Indeed. People being put to long working days in manual labour to barely earn a few pennies for the day. But if they don't work they are beaten or punished, and receive no money.

Thank you Big Sal ?

Been working on this for a few days ?

Got a few more in progress but trying new things means work takes longer to produce. I am enjoying challenging myself though

Big Sal

Thu 2nd Aug 2018 16:54

Modern day slavery legitimized by the ruling governments. Of course there are some that advocate the death penalty, and then some that call others soft for advocating for a prison sentence.

Either way, slavery takes many forms, and this is definitely one of them.

Good piece.?

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HayzTee (Hayley)

Thu 2nd Aug 2018 15:58

This poem is written from any personal experience or experience of anyone I know, I've just seen a lot of not nice in relation to some prisons and how they treat those serving sentences, and believe it's appalling

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HayzTee (Hayley)

Thu 2nd Aug 2018 14:14

People suffer beyond their punishment at the hands of real Monsters, people without humanity. Yet we allow ourselves to be blinded under the idea that these prisoners are not human beings, but monsters; which is in fact not true. Humans make errors, perhaps very big errors, sometimes mental health is largely at play, but that doesn't mean they are not a human being.

No one deserves to be murdered, raped, extorted or abused. How are we any better by allowing this to happen to people and blindly standing by watching? That makes us no better than those who commit those crimes to begin with. Two wrongs don't make a right.

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