The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

Good comments

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Good comments 

Friday, 31st August 2018


It is reciprocal 

for any individual

to respond the call

and smash the wall


yes, if one comes with the gesture

make sure

that he is  responded with

an answer clearly worded 


but not always

as it may not show the orderly way

to read and respond

sometimes you may not find the mood


but make a point

and maintain

the habit of responding 

by positively sending the comments


I have found 

and gained the ground

with no obligation at all

to fall in negative lines


Hamukh Amathalal Mehta  



◄ It's pleasure

Some mission on ►


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Don Matthews

Tue 19th Nov 2019 22:04

I bend my gramma, spell rong
Don't care if given shit
I am a happi little poet
Will keep on with it

So there....


Muriel Steele

Tue 27th Aug 2019 10:32

Good comments are here for this page. But we need more good material about this site comments for the page, which means that from your comments we are trying to collect something best. But still we not get it now.

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lisa donohoe

Wed 21st Aug 2019 09:26

Brilliantly put ?
Very enjoyable. To capture the essence of validation and approval without caring to much is unique. Well done

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