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Loving You Hurts

Loving you hurts

There are mornings I wake up, wondering if you survived the night

Hoping and praying that you didn't hurt yourself

Knowing that you probably


I worry I don't do enough

That I don't tell how much you mean to me enough

Waking up crying because I dreamt you had died

And it felt so real


If I could do anything to make stop your pain I would

But I'm powerless to the demons in your head

I try to protect you but I can't

Because you're the strong and powerful one

I want to hurt the ones who hurt you but I know I'm too much of a coward to do anything


I try to give you happiness but it'll never outweigh the horror that you've felt

Because when I see you smile and look into those eyes

All I see is tears and pain

I don't want you to ever know how much this hurts me


I watch 13 reasons why, tears running down my cheeks

Imagining myself as Clay

Wondering if I would have a tape

Hoping you would have the decency to leave a note

Or to not do it at all


I may not be a nurse yet but I believe I've saved a life already

I've lost more sleep than you'll ever know

Don't fret about that, I'd have it no other way

I would never sleep again if it meant you would stay


It dawns on me that you've done the same for me

That's such a weird thought to me

That someone care about me as I do you

Because damn, I love you so Goddamn MUCH


I go in for a hug, looking at your arms

Always inspecting them for cuts or bruises

I know that you'll do it and all I can do is ask that you be safe

I really don't think I could go on if you weren't…





self harmbest friendssuicide preventionsuicidal thoughts13 reasons why

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Tue 15th Jan 2019 08:35

beautiful hon

<Deleted User> (16099)

Fri 31st Aug 2018 23:07

keep writing this was beautifully written.

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Melissa Wiens

Fri 31st Aug 2018 19:58

Thank you guys, it feels great to know other people like my writing as much as I do

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Taylor Crowshaw

Fri 31st Aug 2018 18:46


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Fri 31st Aug 2018 09:04

Nice one.

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