reality (Remove filter)
Infectious disease
The world's most infectious disease is the falsification of reality, it spreads like wildfire and everybody does it...that's why the world is in flames.
Friday 13th December 2024 3:02 pm
The Evolution Within
In this moment, I write what i feel
No longer creating imaginary plots
As i overcome that teenage dream.
That seventeen year old in me
Played different characters all by himself
As he lived through that mere disbelief
Not knowing how it will go
In his mind, he wrote the script
And discovered a feeling of relief.
Little did he know, the situation would turn up...
Monday 29th April 2024 8:14 pm
Young mum with a stroller
A double rum and cola
Take away that edginess
Nervous twitching
I know her
There's the hooded lady
Smoking looking hazy
Magic yeah she's crazy
wise woman
Don't go there
Off she goes now spending
Glamour life pretending
Don't decline still pending
This hoarding never ending
The build up to the ...
Thursday 15th June 2023 11:03 pm
Their Favourite Things
Bit of a cockup in original posting -here goes!
Their Favourite Things
Teardops they’re shedding; with lies they’ve been smitten,
“Bright sunlit uplands” still promised for Britons,
Brown paper packages, no attached strings,
Those are a few of their favourite things.
When reality bites, when the truth stings,
When they’re feeling sad,
They’ll simply remember their fa...
Friday 25th November 2022 2:03 pm
Faux Roses
Coarse dusky pink petals
sprinkled with fake crystals
promising a forever
but, smells fake...
I'd rather keep it real
even though it'll fade
in a day or mostly two,
its sweet scent will linger
forever in muse...
Tuesday 1st November 2022 6:39 am
I have chosen a way to cry
Slowly slowly,
A cynical way of crying calls for silence.
Tears become unconventional objects
that could be wiped off from my cheeks
and wiped back on clothes,
until the wet leaves no mark of existence.
The pain would go away
and vanish with no trace,
as though it is meant to remain unknown.
By then, all will be well, and the scars shall
thrive in preten...
Friday 8th July 2022 4:54 pm
Finally Concrete
To have you no longer whirling inside,
It's all worth the investment.
As if to reverberate for the sake of lucidity.
I must see my own thoughts,
Here before me,
To understand,
An assurance that I can ground myself.
More an elaborate attempt at conversing with ones self.
You are my mirror,
Into a world founded on my fingers yearning,
To let y...
Tuesday 26th April 2022 3:54 pm
A mental strife,
Please remember.
Why can't you just do that one simple thing?
Why can't you stop?
Find peace for once,
Make it easier for everyone you say you care for.
Where am I?
What was my goal?
I feel like you remember,
I can see it in your eyes,
You know something about me that I don't.
Please, won't you tell me?
I need to know,
Why won't you tell m...
Tuesday 26th April 2022 3:51 pm
In Real Life
Those stories we swap
in the heat of the night
Those secrets we share
on the cool mattress springs
Beyond the ears of the world
the prying eye of the sun
that’s where you’ll feel
our friendship in full flight
In real life
In real life
Those laughs that catch us
loose and disarmed
in a parked car at the riverside
Those conversations deep
that push through to the bone
binding our ...
Saturday 24th April 2021 10:41 pm
I don't wanna watch that
because it already happened,
and happens inside me when I do.
Our culture is enamored with
the psychology of observing life
rather than living it.
Why do we love to watch evil?
Why do we love bloodshed and pain?
We think,
as long as it's happening to someone else;
as long as we're not the one--
if we just watch and feel,
what we witness isn't real,
Thursday 18th February 2021 8:19 pm
Living in the Real World
What is the real world?
Now, where do we live?
Can't we forgive?
Do we ever learn?
Our minds like a sieve?
Some say, "We need war."
But all war is hell --
Yet peace we repel
The twisted with hatred
are under a spell.
The real world is we,
The real world is them--
Sharing, to free --
Diverse as we are,
Can't we disagree?
Now, it seems
fear is ruling our day.
"Might is ...
Sunday 31st January 2021 8:33 am
The Real Deal
I am the real deal, and so are you.
But what is the real deal?
Is it all of the cards we're given
Or the purpose of absolutely everything?
Or is it the sum of both?
We are the real deal
And we are finding out what that is.
Tuesday 26th January 2021 8:32 am
Just For A Moment
Just for a moment think.
Just for a moment dream.
What if this world were different,
If it isn’t as it seems?
Sunday 10th January 2021 3:57 am
We all reach that point in life
Where Halloween holds no magic
The ragged clothes and haggard looks
The pale of face and wrinkled mask
The wild unkempt hair of cobwebs
The brittle touch of ancient hand
The racing heartbeat
Pounding out its horror rhythm
The nervous look into dark corners
Death waiting across the grey veil
A cold sweat and night chi...
Friday 6th November 2020 2:08 pm
Lost in the Lyrics
I remember getting lost in the lyrics when I was a young girl. I would stop and start my record or cassette a hundred times while I wrote down every word so I could sing along to the song.
Lyrics was my escape when I had no place to go.
I learned lyrics, meter, and rhyme, from the best poetry teachers of my time...
Stevie Wonder, Stevie Nicks, Tina Turner, James Taylor, Bob Seger, Barb...
Thursday 29th October 2020 10:09 pm
She was trying
Trying to be calm
Trying to mute the
Monologue inside her mind.
Full of contradictions to herself,
Full of arguments
Full of endless thoughts
She felt like being pulled
In a spiral
Down and down and down
With each breath she took
Swallowing her own soul
As if she split up
Into two halves
Halves against each other
She was he...
Thursday 23rd July 2020 5:13 pm
when out
she was known for her
infectious smile,
non stop chattering
and childish charisma.
but inside the walls of her room
she was the one,
with puffy red eyes,
bloody wrists,
broken heart,
and lost soul.
Tuesday 23rd June 2020 9:42 am
Thirteen Minutes From Home
Thirteen Minutes From Home
I was thirteen minutes from home
On a warm April day
Bumping my way through a crowd
The future a lifetime away
There were cars revving their engines
As they crawled along the street
kids were playing in gardens
And getting under everyone’s feet
Just for a second I paused
As I turned into Pandemic Close
As the noise fell away lik...
Saturday 25th April 2020 3:07 pm
In this world that we see,
It may not all be real,
The illusions and gimmicks,
Are all part of the spiel.
Repetition is normalised,
It’s the nine to five grind,
But thats just a way,
To keep the rest of us all blind.
We are stuck in a world,
That doesn’t want us to see,
The injustice and the cruelty,
That has been manipulated for humanity.
Saturday 3rd August 2019 9:13 am
Imprisoned or Prism
This poem is a response to Cynthia B.T's. polite polemic, Mind in a Cage.
I am grateful to her for having incited me to use my mind.
Imprisoned or Prism
Our mind is the eye
By which we see, or not, all worlds;
The humdrum, the yet to come,
The mathematical, the fantastical.
By which we perceive, or n...
Tuesday 25th June 2019 4:21 pm
Seeing Things
What is the scale of reality?
We all have our own truths
Our own views
How do you quantify actuality?
“A fantasy is a vision
It is solely in your vision
It is envisioned by you
A vision is a fantasy”
But saints had visions!
Politicians have visions!
Some people have double vision
Anyone that has sight has vision
Whether they have a sixth sense
Or no...
Wednesday 19th June 2019 1:28 pm
Glad to hear your voice
Happy to be with you
Always, you're very nice
Whatever you say or do
Lucky, to be your friend
To share you fact and fun
Forever together no end
Shining heart as the sun
Among thousand fans
We're the mates in reality
Sharing act and talks
Hearts believe in Honesty
Wednesday 27th February 2019 11:08 am
Rose Colored Reality
Too much reality
can burn a hole
through your soul.
I prefer to temper it
with rose colored glasses,
as you know.
With my glasses on
I can see past the ego
to the wounds at
war within.
I can see that the
past, present, and
future are all
an illusion...
created for one purpose
to tell the story
of how we want to
show up in this world.
I can see beyond
Wednesday 23rd January 2019 3:08 pm
What if the hyperreal really isn’t real,
And the news never happened?
Our perceptions are just pixels, photons,
Bits and bytes scattered on a screen.
Gods and monsters both just
Misapprehensions of a troubled mind.
But whose mind is responsible for
The anxiety provoking representation?
Surely some eternal consciousness
Has not conspired to create in y...
Tuesday 15th January 2019 11:15 am
New Year Addiction
Those few seconds before the new year
when the countdown begins,
my soul soars with so much hope and joy.
When the ball drops at Times Square,
there is a momentary
return to innocence.
As the confetti flies and music fills the air,
I imagine we are a world at peace...
no worries, no violence, no division,
just a few beautiful seconds of clarity and simplicity
that dis...
Tuesday 1st January 2019 5:37 am
Getting acquainted with the moon
behind glass
we exchange so many glances
and on my back
a thousand heart-attacks roll past
My fingers beside, cross and uncross
as you sleep, so black
back in the real world
paid up entirely
on your subscription
to actual reality
O would you bring me a souvenir
from the envious depths of endless peace
perhaps a child or a patient nurse
or some cont...
Tuesday 20th November 2018 6:29 pm
Gazing into my eyes with such ferocity
Am afraid I'll melt into a puddle of flesh and bones
The passion like a burning fire behind your eyes
I sadly come back to my personal hell : Reality
When you're down to Earth
1D said you'll know how hard it hurts
They say you know when you're in L-O-V-E
Pepper me with kisses to prove it all
Cliche dates and movie nights
Fancy dinne...
Sunday 15th July 2018 4:23 pm
World Creation
nick goth
World Creation
The world wasn't built on fat laziness
But some people are so damn lazy MM
The world wasn't built on false hopes
But some people are fine liars
The world wasn't built on fake cash
But some people are excellent fraudsters
The world wasn't built on blood money
But some people are lethal gangsters
The world wasn't built on unw...
Friday 4th May 2018 4:17 pm
The Art Of Loneliness
I never said I was sad
I try to be real
This reality is nothing mundane
I hide my problems well
What I feel is better than what i hear
They say loneliness is pain
I say loneliness comes from being alone
After all, it can be comforting
My reality is unhealthy but soft
Your reality is dramatic and boxed
I prefer a state of non-existence with lemon than construct a falsi...
Thursday 11th January 2018 5:27 pm
Trekking to the Top of the World
With every passing minute a different scene is unveiled.
Each revealing a new dimension, a changing perspective on reality.
The infinitely majestic mountains, covered in their entirety with a thick layer of condensed water.
Power, stability, brut earth force dissapears into the abyss.
While the clouds rule the sky, the mountains are strangers to you and I.
Look around and take in th...
Thursday 5th October 2017 5:20 pm
When life is but a dream
There exists a time
between sleeping and wake
when only the night owls stir
the street lights flicker to candle light
& nothing but absent thoughts whir.
Reality becomes but a stencil
as the dreamers direct their scape
the black bats cry a warning sound
2 minutes ‘til the curtain calls fate.
As all the possibles become truths -
between broken sparks that are woven together
lost begi...
Tuesday 4th July 2017 11:31 am
Welcome to a Place Where...
Welcome to a place so secret and scarce, where love dwells and people swear.
A place where allusion is key to misleading love and people all around hide from the truth.
Welcome to a place where tennis shoes have thrones and your own shoes carry pillows.
Welcome to a place where boys and girls portray men and women, but the parents don’t know they started the trend.
Welcome to a place w...
Friday 9th June 2017 4:43 pm
Anti-climatical paradox
It is an anti-climactical relapse into the repression and suppression of life.
You'll be on a cloud of positivity held in the captivity of optimism.
And then as if your minds been hit by a tun of bricks that indicate the euphemism of the candidness of reality.
As you get older you realise that the higher you climb the further it is to fall,
so you get indecisive between the f...
Monday 28th November 2016 8:04 am
rudely interrupted
It is the assumption that people tend to reflect and contemplate in the dawn of the night
When noones awake to hear the sorrow in your sobs
When it's too dark to see the weakness in your eyes
And your lonliness enables your imprisoned vulnerability to surface
But what happens when this negativity suddenly seep its way into the happenings of your everyday life
When these mor...
Wednesday 16th November 2016 8:36 pm
Fucked Up Lines
I drew something today.
First glance;
it's intricate,
it's how I feel,
it's me.
Second glance;
it all shifted.
It's uneven,
it's distasteful,
it's just a pile of fucked up lines.
I analyzed this thought and realized that it accurately describes my whole life.
Everything I do,
everything I say,
is what I think fits.
What I think is right.
When ...
Friday 14th October 2016 6:13 am
Unrequited Love
Unrequited love is the destruction of the heart
It is walking across an endless desert occupied with faded mirages that show you beauty like never before
Constantly consumed by its wonder, constantly consumed by the despair for your love for it
She is the mirage, you are the lonley aching fool in an endless desert
You are the one slowly suffocating by the boundless intesity of what you...
Tuesday 27th September 2016 5:03 pm
It cuts deep within,
Its' touch gentle and soft.
It barks and howls,
Its' voice lovely and calm.
Its' thoughts are demeaning,
Its' love unconditional.
Its' presence a weight,
Pride churned in the ridicule.
It beats you to your knees,
But your kneecaps don't agree.
You stand on your feet,
While the blades stab in deep.
The scars show malformity,
Yet the face shows ever delight.
Monday 25th April 2016 5:39 am
Asleep in the concious body
I don't know what he's saying
But reality keeps fading
I see no sense in those speeches
Maybe because no word of his reaches
The spirit slips away
The sounds arround transform into waves by the bay
Am I dead yet ? I don't think so
It's my imagination that want's me to bow
Bow down from its power
like I am a little coward
I am asleep in a concious body
Wednesday 28th October 2015 3:01 pm
Colourful dream
Colourful dream
I really wanna dream,
but i don’t wanna sleep.
No, I don’t wanna feel,
Yes, I want you to leave.
I was so far away,
hidden in my dream.
Whole world is covered grey
and I can’t stay in here.
I want my colours back,
fly between blue clouds.
‘Cause grass shouldn‘t be black,
I know without all doubts.
It’s not because of me,
...Monday 21st September 2015 9:07 pm
stark organic matter
excreting tastes of life
tied to a cycle
destined to a path
seen by none
the rules of competition
forever consumed by the glory
light to light
de come possed
Thursday 26th March 2015 4:47 pm
The Resolve
Reality proves daunting
bit tricky to comprehend
Rigidity seldom sustains
must learn aptly to bend
Time plays a role pivotal
in forging future ahead
For your cup to be fullest
or empty if deem instead
Thursday 18th September 2014 9:49 am
Spring Meets Summer
Today I got up in the morning
Before the dawn
And watched the spring
Dressed in a beautiful gown
Passing to summer its crown.
I opened my door wide
To watch the summer like a bride
Accepts her sister’s presents.
The moment of love and peace,
The moment of happiness
I would love to seize.
The moment of sadness
I would love to cease.
I walked to...
Sunday 1st June 2014 8:33 pm
(not) painting a Carr's water-biscuit box
(not) painting a Carr’s water-biscuit box
George looked at me, in an all-knowing way, and said
“paint what you see”
as he handed me a Carr’s water-biscuit box
it’s blue, I thought, and boring,
but I took it away and set it on a table
in luke-warm autumn sunlight
after a while, I had a rough oil pastel sketch
that I thought was quite accomplished
I had caught the slight sheen from th...
Wednesday 26th February 2014 5:01 pm
The Cocoon
The curtains a cocoon
which I have outgrown
crushing me
though I dare not venture out
my wings maimed
by an internal eternity.
Some days they open
as the sunlight shines
and snow falls
yet it remains a parallel world
a door to an unfamiliar universe
remains locked.
Even inside plates pile up
like a porcelain possum
they ...
Monday 21st January 2013 1:36 pm
The Dark Matters
that wise bard once quoth
“more things in heaven and earth”
never words truer
the merest seventeen percent
what terror lies hid in that
lost four score and three
those tricks of the night
must need more fearful attention
with chances so high
inscrutable dark
hides nature in majority
one day ascendant
Monday 3rd September 2012 12:38 am
nobody nor nothing is real
absolute, yes,
for you are never truly gone
just no longer assembled
in the correct order of atoms
to make any further sense of
your ordeals
so they can’t be real
Monday 3rd September 2012 12:16 am
Mornin' On The Desert
Mornin' on the desert, and the wind is blowin' free,
the elements have freedom,
but what about me?
Trailing from bar to bar
like new age saloons,
why's it so hard
just to find me a home?
I keep on wandering,
wondering where's my milk and honey?
People sippin' on moonshine
or as some call it money.
Mornin' on the desert, and th...
Sunday 15th April 2012 5:18 pm
The Day Of Sense
Wednesday 15th February 2012 10:26 am
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