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beauty (Remove filter)

just walk away

pack your bags
go get ready

to walk the walk
through the traffic
of differing directions
wave down the runway
and remember…
never, look back

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questioning my destiny

In my study,
the test subject,
had to have
of  this
genus’ genotype
“A” and be
exhibiting these abnormalities

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Summer breeze and the bee’s knees

The sky’s serenity

The sun’s strength

Mother Nature’s pride and poise

Earth’s balance

A bouquet of beauty in every way

The stillness between the trees

The calmness of the wind’s whispers

The modesty of mother nature; sacred and serene

The breathtaking beaches

The comfort of a campfire

The boisterous BBQ gatherings

The coziness of a cabin

With sun-kissed skin


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summerbeautymother nature

On The Train This Morning

On the train this morning
I sat alone, by the window
Where normally there’d be coffee, warm
and all the world’s news in my ear

Instead, I chose dry silence
I chose the undulating wildness
strobing past my view way
I chose high green hills
and glinting mirrored rivers 
I chose lone trees, centuries old
strong against the elements
I chose lambs and sheep
moving in pairs or herds
I cho...

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makeup sex

Beauty standards ...
makeup your mind
you said you'd be ready
an hour past ...
you haven't changed at all
I'm leaving you
While i tease your hair,  suck it up
I'm head over heels in love

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Your beauty makes YOU invisible

Do people see the real you or just your beauty? 

Beauty is a barrier 

I broke the barrier 

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I see it time and time again

that beauty’s made by what is spent.


A beauty that demands a price

with outer glow and inner ice.


And observation seems to tell

it’s only as deep as the well,


for come the day the well runs dry…

such beauty simply waves goodbye.

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beautyfake beautyouter beautyvanity

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