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TobaniNataiella on Different Hand
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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh on I'm Sixty Six Today! (5/12/24)
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David RL Moore on I Am Paint
2 hours ago

Awakening in the Stillness

In the stillness of the morning,
the world awakens softly.
Light spills over the horizon,
casting shadows that dance
among the whispers of leaves.

A bird sings...
its song unfolding like petals,
with each note a breath of possibility,
a promise of an unexplored day,
where the air is thick with dreams.

Footsteps on a winding path,
and each step a choice:
the ground beneath the feet,...

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Albert Einstein

I see one thing,
you see another,
because one thing is always more than itself:
it is itself
plus the relativity of the thing.

It is the mass,
plus I don’t know how many times the acceleration.
You look,
it has transmuted,
it is already another thing.

To see
is to recreate the world,
is to interact with the beautiful,
is to interact with the ugly,
is to commune with the ...

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Albert EinsteinEinsteinenergymassthingworldyouseeaccelerationbeautifuluglyunique

To suffer

Ah, to suffer,
is not just an invisible burden
that we drag through the streets of life.
It is the mark, the scar,
of existence that shapes us.

To suffer is the pain
that teaches us to see the world
with weary eyes,
where reality is not a straight line
but a labyrinth of thorns and hopes.

In the deep silence of the night,
where the moon whispers secrets of pain,
we find the echo of...

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