imagination (Remove filter)
Fruits of over-thoughtfulness and secret espers
“Fruits of over-thoughtfulness”
Even to my best of friends,
I couldn't talk.
Because of the thought,
They might;
While I sulk.
I rather stitch My mouth,
Than to disturb,
the only person, I want
To converse with.
I am not solo,
Have solitude got my
Back, when tired;
As all my plans got,
What if all my companions...
Wednesday 30th October 2024 2:48 pm
Expressions of Love: Part VI
Title: Time
Time flows by
Like the silky fabric
Of her dress
Each ticking second
A slight touch
Each ticking minute
A flowing twist
Each ticking hour
A small rustle
The fabric of time
Is the fabric of her dress
Thursday 18th May 2023 7:15 pm
Blue Cow Delight
How could it be a cow blue as the sky
if it had wings I’m sure it would fly
and what of its milk they said chocolate was
served only on full moon simply because
the taste so delicate went straight to the head
with special powers even turning grass red
but of blue cows and moons
both can’t be found soon
takes a special kind of eye
in the right type of sky
so th...
Sunday 12th December 2021 10:27 pm
A Good Book
No matter how hard I try
there's always nights of
which can never be said
is slept without having
raised from a most
comfortable bed
searching for something
to help me sleep
when mother said
“it’s all in your head!”
so I tried just that
even went to
the library and read and read
cus a good book will do that
help me relax
so there every day
I’d find ...
Tuesday 7th December 2021 10:00 pm
The Great Devour
[ ] The stress burns the brain with great fire.
[ ] The mind shrinks; the body tires.
[ ] The vivid image is no longer the building of & empire.
[ ] The tension crumbles the goals that were once desired.
[ ] For the stars they once looked upon to aim higher.
[ ] But the ground 6 feet deep they now desire.
[ ] For the pain hurts & there is no denial.
[ ] R...
Tuesday 16th February 2021 8:09 pm
a pair of old cowboy boots
a pair of old cowboy boots (1950s)
Kenny and I always wanted
a pair of cowboy boots
there was no money for such
a childish wish
one day walking
in the woods
we stumbled upon a trash dump
someone richer than us
had discarded what
we considered treasures
we found old comic books
an old alarm clock
that worked, once we banged
it ...
Monday 18th January 2021 7:51 pm
Whatever We Imagine
There is greater evil in this world,
And greater good, than we ever perceive.
There is far more wrong, and far more right,
Than we ever believe.
There is only ourselves out there,
And whatever we imagine.
There is just our self to turn to,
To retain our balance.
It isn't what we meet in life
But how we choose to meet it.
It isn't what turns out in life
But what we do about it.
Monday 21st December 2020 6:44 am
Ginger And Fred
human imagination roams wild
soaring free atop mundane days
wild ideas coming from nowhere
weird notions, even funnier ways
I helplessly fantasise with women
shutting my eyes to imagine bliss
with movie stars and weather girls,
its them I fondle, cuddle and kiss
my Ginger boasts assets to die for
she's what any man would desire
yet for all her wondrous charm...
Sunday 13th September 2020 11:54 am
I had a book all full of spells
Where childhood magic
Weaved its way
Between the yellowed pages
Where dragon’s breath
Set woodland glades alight
And lost children danced
With the frightened and the fey
The teeth of angry wolves
Chewed at the edges
Whilst chattering little demons
Clawed along your spine
Strange apples fell from wizene...
Friday 8th May 2020 2:40 pm
Death May Be The King Of Terrors
Death May Be The King Of Terrors
Each brush stroke of a word painter
Smeared bloody crimson red
Seen through eyes that recognise
The things that can’t be touched
Behind accumulated layers of gore
Where shadows are the surface
What is felt is hidden behind
What is seen
So your mind fills in the gaps
gives corporeality to the phantom
even as the scalpel ni...
Tuesday 14th April 2020 2:16 pm
Take some words
And write them down
Give them life
Give them sound
Twist them
Turn them
Make them real
Let them become
Whatever you feel
Sunday 3rd March 2019 12:56 am
One of my favorite games
to play as a child
was seeing shapes
in the clouds:
Dogs, cats,
elephants, giraffes,
airplanes, unicorns...
It was one of the
few pleasures
of my childhood.
As I grew up,
I began to see
scarier things:
Dragons, demons,
torn hearts,
flaming arrows...
Now in the archway
of my golden years,
I see beauty that
brings me to tears:
Sunday 17th February 2019 7:18 pm
A Dark Night
Kneeling at the window as if in prayer
He looks out at the night
The surrounding trees are black shadows
Barely seen against the indigo of the sky
No stars shine tonight
But an unrisen moon lightens the air a little
With an almost imagined spectral light
Somewhere over the distant lake an owl calls
And calls again
A late moth blunders against the open window
Wednesday 18th July 2018 12:40 pm
Angels and Monsters
I crept out the back door
to hide from the horror
of what stood before me
too afraid to watch it anymore
People dying all around me
Tears in my tired eyes
Weary of listening to
the same old story every time
being told to the next generation,
to learn and unlearn in one blink
of the eye
Creeping out of the light
and into the darkness of anonymity
Stepping into the obscurity
of the m...
Monday 26th February 2018 4:20 pm
If I was ...
If I was a princess, of a faraway land,
Oh, how I would love to order and demand!
If I was a president of a very fancy club,
As a pet I would have a zebra colt and lion cub.
If I was the leader of a well known rescue team,
so many times I would've ridden a submarine.
If I was the owner of a restaurant so famous,
I would be rich enough to own a personal train and bus.
But I have to ...
Saturday 17th February 2018 3:46 am
Let Me Sit Beneath An Old Lamp
Let Me Sit Beneath An Old Lamp
Let me sit beneath an old lamp
With its shade tilted at an angle
Tracing my finger along rough paper
Glowing in a yellow light
Lost in worlds of other’s making
Drawn from the ebb and flow of words
Upon a dim-lit page
As evening draws in
Closing around my imagination
Unthreatening, comforting,
Time passing unnaturally
Against t...
Monday 8th August 2016 9:17 pm
Black Dahlia.
Lay down and close your eyes,
Above the earth and gravity below
I float somewhere beyond.
You're painting a picture in your mind
Neither here, nor there -
You belong to a space,
Unrelated to this world.
Out of reach, the stars still enrapture
The Black Dahlia has made its home,
Within your mind - and a cautious gentleness.
The Black Dahlia is neither here - ...
Wednesday 29th June 2016 12:27 pm
Not the killing type (Part I)
I try not to question my humanity
and let me be damned,
but I’m not the killing type.
Only sometimes
I want to put out someone’s eyes
press them in or pluck them out
like the clear plastic baubles from a lifeless doll.
Like a force majeure,
rip the bricks from walls
watching architecture crumble and tumble
the relics of a past age fall,
flutter like shredded b...
Tuesday 23rd February 2016 10:10 am
Asleep in the concious body
I don't know what he's saying
But reality keeps fading
I see no sense in those speeches
Maybe because no word of his reaches
The spirit slips away
The sounds arround transform into waves by the bay
Am I dead yet ? I don't think so
It's my imagination that want's me to bow
Bow down from its power
like I am a little coward
I am asleep in a concious body
Wednesday 28th October 2015 3:01 pm
In The Halls Of The Kingmaker
In The Halls Of The Kingmaker
I touch the rough stone walls,
feeling the room whisper with history.
The open fires cast medieval glows,
while wood smoke threads the tapestries.
Floorboards shiver underfoot,
groaning softly in their dotage
as visitors step gently
in the footsteps of kings.
Up and around
the spiral staircase,
just wide enough
to fit a climbing guest
whose hands
Wednesday 8th April 2015 11:15 pm
Lillie's Coffee Bar
It's a place that illuminates the freest forms of me
A few pumps on my pedals, turns of my handles, and I'm already there
Tall palms twirled in lights line the way to my imagination
Tiny bells ding against the glass door as I glide inside
Freshly roasted beans percolate through anticipation to perfection
Burlap coffee sacks hang as window shades
Handiwork of local artists accents...
Friday 19th September 2014 8:04 pm
All Hallows Eve
All Hallows Eve
Gnarled tree roots claw from the ground
scratching over disturbed graves.
Pumpkins grin their toothless snarl,
fleshy tongues of seed and fibre.
The spectral drift of chilling mist
that prods and pokes at exposed flesh.
Somewhere a creature of the night
mewls in whimpering ecstasy
Dank leaves of autumn line the paths
as little ...
Sunday 27th October 2013 8:24 pm
Night Scented Stock
Night Scented Stock
unfamiliar room
in a strange bed
full of creaks
eyes heavy lidded
from restless sleep
shadows dance
in corners
at the edge
of your peering.
silence hisses
as the house groans
branches prise
at the window frame
scratching out
their insistent cravings
in regular tattoos
heartbeat racing
Wednesday 23rd October 2013 7:41 pm
The Template of my Being
Been there
Done it
Eaten it
Drunk it
Almost drowned in it
Nearly died
Praised it
Cursed it
Dodged it
Traversed it
Just you name it
I’ll have tried
Smoked it
Snorted it
Been traumatised by it
Reduced to tears by it
Laughed and cried
Run it
Walked it
Chased it
Caught it
Wished I hadn’t bothered s...
Monday 24th June 2013 4:00 pm
We Visited A Rainbow
We visited a rainbow
at school the other day.
Every colour said hello
except for gloomy grey.
We visited a rainbow,
and used its arch to slide,
then when it started raining,
we used the arch to hide.
We visited a rainbow,
but never saw its gold.
Our teacher said it’s locked away,
but we think it’s been sold.
...Sunday 12th May 2013 9:16 am
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