The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

Infinity (Remove filter)


there's that distance in her

something remote and far

like the canals of Mars, an

ice monolith atop a star


her soul of cosmic mystery

went to places I cannot ken

sheathed in armoured silk

none knew where or when


in those blue eyes is infinity

windows on time and space

blinking before shutters up

in a cryptic chain-mail face


enigmatic were her ridd...

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Be infinitely infinite into infinity

I’m a cycle

I’m a circle

I’m a forever

I’m always

Casting shadows on myself

Packing silver on the shelves

Plus! Plus! Plus! Plus!

I’m infinity

Maths was never my forte

You cannot minus or divide me

I’m a forever

I’m always

Smiling when the moon comes

Smelling for when Monday runs

I was reborn, refreshed

I can be ironed and pressed

Good as new

I’m ...

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Infinityforeveralwaysfunenergyrythmicword playpep talkadvice

Trekking to the Top of the World

With every passing minute a different scene is unveiled.

Each revealing a new dimension, a changing perspective on reality.

The infinitely majestic mountains, covered in their entirety with a thick layer of condensed water.

Power, stability, brut earth force dissapears into the abyss.

While the clouds rule the sky, the mountains are strangers to you and I.

Look around and take in th...

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Time is infinite now
music carries the essence 
of a soul like an echo inside
repeating rhythmically 
drumming through history 
thud thud thud comes the love 
blue red is my blood
blue was the colour 
I caught from above

like a train in my brain 
acid rain stains colour 
reclaims the lights flash 
either side a fairground ride 
alive inside my mind 
feels always like 
I'm crashing...

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Infinitytimemusicartist musings

Times Five

The moon comes at me 
through the trees, 
golden gleaming 
picking apart my seams. 

The sound it screams 
and the colour drowns me 
in my dreams, 
echoes low 
in twos and fours, 

infinity comes 
through open doors 
shaded in cloud, 
dim then alive 
so bright the shine. 

A diamond flickers 
five times.


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