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Endless been the  wait & patience put to test
All's within reach, but elusive stays the quest 

One with the difference, to scale a new peak
Defying detractors , & let my credence speak 

Simple, it may seem, but is intricate to ingest
Tenacity now wavers, even the will to contest 

Means are solemn, yet an end's still unknown 
I hope harvest is conducive to all earlier sown

Fleeting ...

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All what one expects, gets served in contrast
Usurping the applecart, leaving utterly aghast

In just split of a second has the tables turned
Usually taken in stride, gets abruptly spurned

Own comforting environs get visibly torn apart
Pushing over the brink, to reinvent and restart

Hoping sun to shine, but pelts down with rain
Simplest of the chores, now one can't sustain

Just wh...

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Caught in mundane trivalities in my environs secure
Something seems amiss, of which I am not so sure

No shackles tie me down, still can't seem to express 
Odd feeling at the nucleus, now difficult to suppress 

Endowed though sufficiently no concerns as of now
Need stoking stimulus, to find new trigger somehow

All familiar seems daunting, must try & explore anew
To bring a bit of sembl...

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Burning Bridges




Bury the long dead past let bridges burn behind 

Bounty what life holds be cherished full in kind

Nothing stays forever in  rapid passing of time 

There still be choices to relive your lost prime.

At the end somewhere will be a beckoning light 

Ridding built up solitude to future  shining bright

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Changing Paths

Path deemed distinctive

in reality turned opposed


Odds proved enormous

from humanly supposed


All possible had a shot at

for unviable to come true


Now logic takes primacy

to ditch all on a good cue

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reflections; review; pondering


If living for subsisting

or existing to survive


Purpose stays elusive

any sense can’t derive


Going about in vortex

moving at  rapid pace


No time for indulgence

in own personal space


Stuck in same tedium

since been on to avoid


On face near amiable

 but zest seems devoid


In inferred conspiracy

end's nowhere in sight


No choi...

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Looking over the shoulder

wasn’t so long ago in past


With hoards of aspirations

and prospects spread vast


Near lifetime since elapsed

never took stock to assess 


All dished if in conjunction

or dealt out somewhat less


Known paths earlier chosen

how divergent turned about


Handful proved pleasurable

few could be done without


In unr...

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One of Those Days


Trying hardest to dispel

but the feel’s returned


Perfect thought utopia

has tables since turned


Back at a very juncture

bit uncanny and unsure


Strong urge to move on

for an  enigmatic allure


Environs are inhibiting

lackluster same routine


Needs ditching tedium

& explore vistas pristine


Mettle’s taken beating

but the intent s...

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Riding a Tiger

On face a sham normalcy

the core filled with dread


At a very cusp of no return

can’t help but forge ahead


 All deemed plain pushover

how it ended up otherwise 


None other there to fault

since caught in own devise


Those efforts painstaking

 a well thought over intent


Ended in such an imbroglio

that no one could prevent


Resources all...

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Overcoming Fear

-Caught in vague phobias

of all future may present


Riddled with ambiguity

 it might never represent


A fear of ensuing failure

 logic gets to wear a veil


Inhibiting valid outcome

it otherwise would entail


Unless strange tried out

not known if be achieved


Nothing stays impossible

what’s earnestly believed


However much be darkest


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The Ride

Old sense of exhilaration

for the spirit to soar free


To be one with elements

on an aimless kind spree


No destination so to say

nothing planned as such


Tad touch of spontaneity

& escapade a sole crutch


Legs straddling untamed

not broken in yet mount


Uncertain of the outcome

and what it’ll tantamount


Timidity all but vanished


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dream of freedom

Puppets on Strings







None our own devices

in any scheme of things


We all are but nothing

than puppets on strings


With advent designed

for a set time on stage


All expectedly ordained

impossible to rearrange


Often get manipulated

and to probable comply


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life's reflection


As much try shaking off

 odd feeling can’t avoid


On face seems normalcy

  deep within I’m paranoid


All evident brave fronts

and donned blasé guise


Reflect chinks in armor

of societal compromise


Frayed old compulsions

often daunt and afflict


Daubed in hues darker

sane rationality restrict


Old emotional stockpile

intrinsically stay...

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rue regretsadnessreflections


Kept convincing myself

 end would turn out fine


Fazed but withstanding

implore for a visible sign


Trudge turned Incessant

with reserves at very last


Stretched to the optimum

leaving me plainly aghast


Events turned divergent

 expectations got belied


Means while just perfect

 but to end never applied


Resolve nearly exhausted

on p...

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The Resolve

Reality proves daunting

bit tricky to comprehend


Rigidity seldom sustains

must learn aptly to bend


Time plays a role pivotal

in forging future ahead


For your cup to be fullest

or empty if deem instead

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Each time tried resurfacing

in a new vortex got caught


Adding on presented misery

to existing scene distraught


Tired of repetitive challenges

testing every bit of strength


Wonder extent of all trials

and of tribulation’s length


Little placidity is yearned for

the current struggle to end


With a little let up in effort

as respite in ongoing ...

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The Cortege

Lived life being damned

in death getting adored


Extolled to extremities

in past all but abhorred


 Dwelled in deprivation

in livery being adorned


Hated earlier presence

absence now’s mourned


May the dear departed

find final resting place


Beyond the life of misery

or any recurring disgrace


Duplicitous sort facets

thus truly come t...

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The Knock

Lo and behold that feeling

once more has returned


To tease test and torment

dead past willfully spurned


From window shut forever

heard unmistakable creak


A portent of ensuing havoc

and destruction it’ll wreak


Dilemmas deemed sorted

in archives since then lost


Will augment latent agony

with much heftier paid cost


An arduous uphill dr...

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The Torment

Much of withstanding endurance reflects strain Practically on outer edge for challenge to sustain Intricate arduous trudge sans time out for recess Blend though near perfect but outcome can’t assess Peaks few, abyss aplenty and many a shifty bend None but faith to turn to own beliefs I still defend Whatever be the upshot in time will get to learn Notoriety if does e...

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Beset current despondency

goads me again to express


Reason for disenchantment

and issues crucial  address


It’s not just plain strangers

but ones considered as own


Despite all indulged civility

apathy in return got shown


Kept seeking sane rationale

 searched the very core inside


Answers did never justify

with none to stand be...

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April Rain

Welcome overcast sky

from incessant heat


Drizzle gently falling

on freshly wet street


Feel is overwhelming

for indolence to set


With drop in mercury

and in rain to get wet


Odd for time of year

coming event it tells


Rains not lot farther

quelling of arid spells


Sprung as a surprise

catching all unaware


Speeding all measure...

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joyrelieffreshnessanticipationexpectationnaturerekindled romance

Trading Places

Time to sever all alliances

shades dark which depict


No purpose those serve

 and independence restrict


Had my share of amends

 beliefs now must uphold


 Fix impending glitches

skewed life thus remold


All of robbed past verve

it’s time now to beget


 Seek out fresher vistas

sans cause for any upset


In environs carved out


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Fraught Grapple


Now nearly at the cusp of finding logic to the dare

With expended all vigor and resources in despair


Past forte banked upon has since proven wrong

Heart though persistent, head tells to move along


Most of earlier envisaged is contrarily turning about

Staunchest of old values now cast many a doubt


Notwithstanding abilities, I feel isolated and prone


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Assesmentmisclaculationsretrospectioncontradictionhopewinds of change

Typical Day

Staring out of window

admiring nature’s awe


Picture full of perfection

sans single evident flaw


 Indolent tepid sunshine

 streaks daubed with gold


As if time has stood still

to treasure and behold


A lone cloud high above

seemingly gone astray


Wending its way towards

blurred horizon far away


The trees swaying gently

with gusts of ...

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appreciationaweBlissnaturenature worshipwonderment

Holi - The Colourful Festival


Holi – The Festival


Yellow green and orange

lot other varied shades.


Spell cultural harmony

even after festivity fades.


Different cross sections

all diversities are defined.


Everyone comes together

this day one would find.


Heralds change of season

sort of an age old trend.


With overthrow of the evil

all goodness must ex...

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Evident charade in milieu

each with made up guise


In world of make believe

full of social compromise


Realism often shrouded

on face of false pretense


Sensitivity paid no heed to

justifying fake defense


Apparent picture painted

with every hue gone awry


From projected on surface

 actuality remains a far cry







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Peace with Self


Searching in state of futility

for favorable drift of gust  


Waiting for an apt moment

to trim sails for final thrust


 Weathered many a past gale

now to placidity must align


Get rid of vain probabilities

and to harsh realism resign


All expectancy disconnected

disappointment amputates


Acceptance acts as panacea

feel good truly accentua...

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harsh reality

Reflective Debate

Living known paradigm fortunately unfortunate

With all dished copiously yet with an empty  plate


With situations definitive I am unable to equate

Only if emotional clutter  could get wiped off slate


Kin, cohort and siblings even closest of the mate

Now add on to torment thus sensibilities agitate


Far too long it has been for turbulence to abate

Must alter course...

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Relective Grudge










Trying to put brave guise

deep down within I burn


In quest of eternal bliss

notoriety I got to earn


None were expectations

or any of bartered trade


Folly proved true essence

of calling spade a spade


Gave in to most situation

never wished any return


Response stayed hostile

sans as much of  concer...

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Another Day Of Bliss


Streaks of tepid sunshine

with magical golden spell


Provoke latent indolence

 for fresh fervor compel


Scatter of nomadic clouds

of varied  shape and form


Reflect strokes of artistry

  nature aiming to perform


Trees full with mangoes

heralding in joyous time


Cuckoo cooing in concord

 some singing choir sublime


Distant sight of g...

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Magicappreciating lifenaturebeautycontentmentslow lane

Wandering Fado









Soft music offering backdrop

 in a tongue peculiarly diverse


It were some sort of a ballad

with words woven in a verse 


Couldn’t grasp what projected,

just felt the sense profound


It traversed beyond restrictions,

free spirited and totally unbound


The warm voice mesmerizing,

emanating from deepest of core


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enchantmentinspirationappreciating lifemagic



Feeling blue and lonely,

for positivity I’ve doubts


Long has been torment

 with endless sort bouts


Undoing other’s tangles

accidently I got caught


Intricately opposing to,

how I would’ve thought  


Unknown with intent wily

I still can face and fend


Familiar I can’t decipher

with their density contend  


If success was a hal...

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Veracity recovered





Life works bit mysteriously

on its own goes in reverse


When embroiled in misery

with apt resolves inverse


What one deems as finale

proves momentary recess


With larger picture intact

easing all caused distress


Abilities notwithstanding

faith one mustn’t distrust


 Time will take own course

 and life inevitably readjust


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Conceded Reality







Few moments desolate

often get you to think


How the twist of events

push you over the brink


Streaks of fleeting joy

abruptly come to end


Sans even little caution

or time to comprehend


Just split of a moment

it hits one ever so hard


Striking at susceptibility

when entirely off guard


Once past the insta...

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It indeed turned a folly

telling wrong  from right


Each came out a winner

with me conceding fight


I’ve reached a juncture

doesn’t matter anymore


On face may seem loser

but wiser since before


Likely never transpired

surprising didn’t emerge


Accepted all dished out

veiling own latent urge

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reflectionregretchanged perspective

Deemed Rapture









Some day in the future

dawn will break again


None be grudges nursed

 or space  for any disdain


Where vales be pristine

 living modest and plain


Bliss ...

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The Brink

On the face all is cheery

deep within bit suspect


With answer writ large

sans effort don’t expect


Coming on to very edge

wonder if be able to fly


All efforts withstanding

but own beliefs I’ll  rely

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I’ve reached a juncture

doesn’t matter anymore


On face may seem loser

but wiser since before


Likely never transpired

surprising didn’t emerge


Accepted all dished out

veiling own latent urge


No rue is being nursed

none there to complain


Excused are all ignorant

let my loss be their gain


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A Longing

At core of it all is yearning

to someone similar belong


Another there to relate to

and walk  distances along


Bond in sort of perpetuity

till  infinitum which extends


Joyous in times favorable

 supportive in nasty bends


Tolerant of most nuances

offering emotional bind


Forever whetting intellect

as stimulus for the mind

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Bespoke Monotony


Jaded lasting tedium

beset with gloomy cape


More I try ridding off

seems stuck at nape


Tattered and misshapen

the vilely kind of garb


Root cause for despair

inviting many a barb


Donned inadvertently

as cover up sort drape


From all harsh realities

 when I sought escape


Ever since it stayed on

not even once removed



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Despairlosspoignancyreflectionremorserue regret









Confounds very purpose

 in the end what it ensues


Logic macabre it nurtures

plain irrationality accrues


Those closer tend to shun

all unknown you befriend


Despise meant well being

disinterest try to pretend


The time will pass you by

in  state sorry to repent


Unaware you’re of perils

uncertainties it’ll pre...

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