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it's a grey morning fog

hazing over the landscape; the person ; love.

it makes distant       .

further away then it really is,


it blurs the lines. 

whispers,, "you are alone "

it's white noise 

hushing the love of the Sun  


drips into the earth between the soft skin of your feet  

makes slippery what you reach for 

An aeonian drab

a monochromatic moan,


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Like Her

I wish I was more like her.

The way she searches the stars makes the fireworks seem cursed. 

I felt it since the first time I laid eyes I was immersed. 

Her beauty was a habit and her love was like a purge. 

She cured me from my sadness and all the sins I’d stir. 

Trust me it was rebirth, the light inside her soul had given me a burn and then there were her curves.

I never felt a...

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