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Gazing into my eyes with such ferocity

Am afraid I'll melt into a puddle of flesh and bones

The passion like a burning fire behind your eyes

I sadly come back to my personal hell : Reality

When you're down to Earth

1D said you'll know how hard it hurts

They say you know when you're in L-O-V-E

Pepper me with kisses to prove it all

Cliche dates and movie nights

Fancy dinne...

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Why Do I Stay?

It's the little things you do
The way you say my name
The way you smile at me
How easily I can laugh with you
No matter how sad I am
The way you believe in me
The way you hold me up
How strong you can be
To lift up and support me
The way we kiss after a fight
The way we grow together
How beautiful you make me feel
On my ugliest days
It's all these things,
All these reasons,
I'm stil...

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Things I'll Never Tell You

You're exasperating sometimes. 
You can be obsessive and it can be annoying. 
I sometimes get annoyed at you for no reason.

I get upset when you imply that you don't think you're handsome. 
Because you are. 
Sometimes I worry that you don't really care about me.
That you're only with me to make me feel better. 
Because I've had that before.
Sometimes I think I don't deserve you. 

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Just Because

I went out and bought you cupcakes
Just because
I came over and gave you a hug
Just because

I held you close and kissed your forehead
Just because
I told you that you're beautiful
Just because

I dealt with you and your crazy antics
Just because
I made you laugh when you were sad
Just because

Just because

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Suddenly Gone

What do you do when such a huge part of your EVERYDAY life is just gone? A complete void that appeared instantly overnight.

You have shoes here, a toothbrush, clothes that I've slept in almost every night for the past 2 years, tons of toys/games you bought our son, things you bought me, your #1 on my speed dial, your profile on Netflix, our cat Spooks that you named, everything is still here......

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- For my sleeping Savannah.


Sleep my lovely, and dream my lovely.

Close your eyes and see, my lovely.


See the fifth dimension that has formed within you,

See the universe behind your eyes.

See the truth behind the lies, see the world without disguise.


- Stars dance, in a floating sway.

Creating a rip through the milky way.

Black holes begin to turn and swirl,


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My Savy

~~I was to write a poem, to tell you how I feel. But I feel rants are more raw, expressive and real. So here's a rant, just for you. My bubby pumpkin owl, my baby boo. It may rhyme from time to time, but the message of love will remain and you'll always be mine.

Savannah Sienna Rose. Such a name is so deep that it dwells within itself to decipher what it means. A name that is travels beyond two...

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My Love

When I watched up,
Up into the pitch-black sky,
I saw your name written amongst the stars.
For you, my love, are my guiding light
Leading me home into your arms,
Where I am protected from all hurt.
And when I looked around me,
I heard the wind blow through the leaves
and the wind whispered your name.
But, my love, although just a whisper in the wind,
I can feel you coursing through my ve...

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annihilatorboyfriendbring me the horizonbubbyhappyrelationshiplifelovemetallicarelationshipss p i r i t

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