The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The Pride

The Pride



This old and gummy English lion

Feeding on the tears of little girls.

Finding its bravery in packs

Of like-minded scavengers

Who prowl and growl

And claim a foul

For every perceived slight

In history.


Huzzah! Hurrah!

We won a contest

Prejudiced by racist taunts

And sieg-Heil accusations

By the Nazis

Towards the reconciled.


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nationalismracistsfootballenglandthree lionshatredshame

Living in the Real World


What is the real world?
Now, where do we live?
Can't we forgive?
Do we ever learn?
Our minds like a sieve?

Some say, "We need war."
But all war is hell --
Yet peace we repel
The twisted with hatred
are under a spell.

The real world is we,
The real world is them--
Sharing, to free --
Diverse as we are,
Can't we disagree?

Now, it seems
fear is ruling our day.
"Might is ...

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evolutionforgivenesshatehatredrealityworld war3 the end

Silent sounds of quiet quirky quiffs

Spent my destiny trying to find someone like you,
went through a decade worth of decaying decoys,
going downhill with the destroyed disguise.

Spent my love on hoarding hordes of hatred,
yet just like heather hills you're calming for my mind.

And I, need to get away,
so why, keep on lying to my face. 

So this house was built by ordinary men and women,
powering through hustles while we...

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Harsh fireflies.

Sitting here 

in the dark. 

Smoking poison, 

While soaking up the night sky like lotion. 

Stars shine bright, 

like little fireflies dancing in a summer breeze. 


I wish upon upon the biggest star, 

while there’s a breeze between my shaking knees. 

I bow my head and begin to weep  


I fucked another one, 

a lifeless soul. 


Rubbing their flesh against m...

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Fuck upcloudymindsorrowhatefuckinghatredselfworth


I've been lied to, setup, used as damage control, taken advantage of. thrown through your ringer and drowned in your crocidile tears. But you never knocked me down. Your sins against me, I wear them as armor.

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In Screaming Rain(Thoughts in the rain)

Laying against the darkest wall,

Memories clogged in contorted shock,

Losing consiousness to everything in all,

Its brightest moments dashing up the clock.


The stars dissolve as the sky swiftly falls,

Balled unto the shredded grass,

A lightened match, then a blow to the flames jaw,

Water sunk in the jeans of my last.


Cladded grief material upon my wrist,

Marks ...

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Self harmsuicidecontemplationrainnaturehatred

Offend a Daily Mail reader - today!

Offend a Daily Mail reader – today!


In our miniscule existences upon this planet Earth

There’s precious few occurrences to occasion us true mirth

So listen up real loudly, those with brains and minds to spare

Who still hang on to plucking out true hope from thinnest air

Here’s the solution, if you’re open to such play

Just offend a Daily Mail reader today



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Daily MailJan MoirRichard LittlejohnbrainshilaritycardigansLucy Meadowshellhatredvomitdrinkingtolerancelovecancerholy graileyeballs

Hatred Junkie

Fake nostalgia spews out from your head

For a sepia England that was never there

Hatred junkie, you know

Where the blood river flows

Feel the bile at your knees


Marching bands drown out your higher brain

Blaring voices drive your soul insane

Hatred junkie, you feel

Like a cog on a wheel

Grinding so out of time – after time


God made you useless


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BNPBushellEDLLittlejohn. BNPEnglandnostalgiasepiaEnoch Powellbloodhatredpityhangoverhypocrisyhypocriteswordsprejudiceocean

The Darkness








The darkness is

creeping upon us,

eating away our souls.


It brings about

racism, hatred, murder.

It blinds us to what

we are becoming.


In the far

distance there

is a light,

a glimmer of hope.


Is it

too far away?

Is it

too late?

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