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Y Lolfa

My rhymes form in clouds

over the arm chair

beside my note books

and the fire


My lines are captured

and preserved

in the remains of the forest

immortalised on its pulp

My words are held captive awhile

in the bright prison cells

where machines etch their pain

on smooth white sheets


My once quiet thoughts crash

noisily onto the leaves

again and ...

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Advice in Four word lines, or less.





Take care of Yourself.
Just love Yourself.
Just follow Your heart.
Don't over think problems.

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Fucked Up Lines

I drew something today.

First glance;

it's intricate,

it's how I feel,

it's me.


Second glance;

it all shifted.

It's uneven,

it's distasteful,

it's just a pile of fucked up lines.


I analyzed this thought and realized that it accurately describes my whole life.

Everything I do,

everything I say,

is what I think fits.

What I think is right.

When ...

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