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Lost in the Lyrics

I remember getting lost in the lyrics when I was a young girl. I would stop and start my record or cassette a hundred times while I wrote down every word so I could sing along to the song. 

Lyrics was my escape when I had no place to go.

I learned lyrics, meter, and rhyme, from the best poetry teachers of my time... 

Stevie Wonder, Stevie Nicks, Tina Turner, James Taylor,  Bob Seger, Barbra Streisand, Cat Stevens, Rod Stewart, Helen Reddy, Leonard Cohen, Carly Simon, Elvis Presley, Elton John, the list goes on and on...

Now, YouTube is my playground. So many new artists to discover and classics to visit. 

The first thing I do when I find a song is scroll through the comments to the lyrics. 

Getting lost in the lyrics still makes me happy. It is my springboard to an alternate reality, one of peace, love, harmony...



◄ Seahorses & Dreams

Full Moon Rising ►



Mon 26th Jul 2021 12:49

Very new to this platform, but very happy to hear that I am not the odd one out, who tries to read, follow and memorize lyrics! And some lyrics really make a lasting impact on me! Thanks for putting this up!

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Fri 30th Oct 2020 02:41

Poetry in motion...perfect description of music J.D. Same here, I think I would go insane without music and poetry!

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Fri 30th Oct 2020 02:34

Sometimes Paul, I don’t want to be found. ? I just want to read and write poetry and listen to music. Forget all the drama! Yes, we definitely took our simple life for granted. I love technology, but there was something magical about listening to the radio and scratchy records.

Yes, the Beetles, Stones, Eagles, KISS, ELO, ABBA, Queen... so many awesome bands. An ocean of music to save the day!

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Fri 30th Oct 2020 02:24

Thanks Jordyn. I didn’t recognize the name Melanie Safka so I looked her up on YT and indeed I sang her song “Brand New Key” about a thousand times when it first came out. I love discovering long forgotten music and seeing what the artists are up to now or the legacy they left behind. I will definitely check out more of Melanie’s music.

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Jordyn Elizabeth

Fri 30th Oct 2020 00:06

I absolutely love this piece and maybe that is because I often find myself doing the same. ❤ You listed quite a few influential people, I was wondering, were you ever a fan of Melanie Safka? (Assuming you know her.) Both her voice and lyrics have a soothing quality to them. She's easily on of my favorites.


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J.D. Bardo

Thu 29th Oct 2020 22:24

Music, Poetry in motion, in my teens, (and still) the salvation to my solitude. lest not forget the Moody Blues, seems we have the same play list.

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