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The Blatherwight

Hyyre n proave

pon sheed unjoad

in hoye ‘n hoyle-howls

befuddled word, o’blite absurd

he gurgled remott’d vowels


Lesp he ‘n shyy

for ryle deride

aggrinn aggurny byy

rillig speech, from creatured-eeb

flowed his otherworldly vibe


So jue a norn

to borrishly

this being spoke in tongue

but wopeth no apology

for such unbridled shrung


It siff ! ...

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nonsensefearfantasyhorrorscarywordswordplaylight verse

Mouthful of Words Poem after Brian Moses

Mouthful Of Words

Poem after Brian Moses


These are the words my teacher teaches,

omnipresent, evaporating, invigilator, dichotomy,



Then there are the words at home they choose

in our chatters animated to recounting the news.


There are the words that Grandma always seems

to say that I regurgitate, no matter the situation or their

denoting: bam...

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Weaving Lines

In script, I chase elusive breath, emotions' subtle pleading,
Such words enfold, deceit swathed in a tender, soft misleading.
To paint the world through poet's lens, the rarest hues I borrow,
In stanzas sail, through mind's vast sea, where verses trade in sorrow.

A tinkerer of syllables, line by measured essence,
Might muse perceive a poet's form, shadowed in your presence?
We waltz beneat...

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