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Tears (Remove filter)

Whispers of Loneliness

Wearing a smile, but it's just a show, 

Loneliness whispers, won't let go.

In the crowd's noise, a silent plea, 

Heartache murmurs, longing to be free.


Behind laughter's mask, a tale untold, 

Loneliness unfolds, a story unfolds. 

They feed on tears, a bitter taste,

In solitude's grasp, emotions embraced.


Moving with shadows, the soul steps back,

Loneliness stay...

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lonelinesssolitudeemptinessemotionsfake smiletroubled heartheartacheTears

Tears On The Rails

There's blood on the rails

And the train stands still

But the body's nowhere

And the crowd's had its fill


Nothing can be found at all

Seems like a puff of smoke

Disappeared without a trace

The crowd thinks it's a joke.


Who was it that laid there?

Waited for the train to come?

Noone knows the actual truth


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