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Story of my month (30)

As I write this poem, the final of the month
Reading back at venture and discovering self
Knowing the blended life that is shown on the shelf
Little telling stories about my living front

Being sexual being, and being prideful mom
A hard working lady to a caring partner
All facets that displays my fragile ground marker
Towards a smiling face from hectic to the calm

I hope you enjoyed ri...

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Also by Louis Audet:

Story of my month (29) | Story of my month (28) | Story of my month (27) | Story of my month (26) | Story of my month (25) | Story of my month (24) | Story of my month (23) | Story of my month (22) | Story of my month (21) | Story of my month (20) | Story of my month (19) | Story of my month (18) | Story of my month (17) | Story of my month (16) | Story of my month (15) | Different | Story of my month (14) | Story of my month (13) | Story of my month (12) | Story of my month (11) | Story of my month (10) | Story of my month (9) | Story of my month (8) | Story of my month (7) | Story of my month (6) | Story of my month (5) | Story of my month (4) | Story of my month (3) | Story of my month (2) | Story of my month (1) |

Month story


a low sun teased me out

from a pool of shadow

searching for signs of new life

even as the soil plotted against it


overhead a plane like a silver pen

wrote a lazy trail

scattering high hopes


dead leaves in disorderly fashion

a classroom of empty heads

awaited my rough comb

and a crisp goodbye. 

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Also by ray pool:


Just Maybe

I try to be there by your side throughout the year’s but now the time has come for you to be by my side through this incurable illness I am dealing with but I’m left out in the cold waiting for you and maybe that will change before I’m dead



©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover Originally Writte...

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Also by Chiari Warrior Soldier:

Popping Pills | Invisible ? Ghost Writer | He Told Her Today He Doesn't Love Her Anymore | Tears In Her Eye's | To My Eastern Band Of Cherokee Native Americans | I Was Born This Way | Hillbillies | Country Is How I Live My Life | I Did Once Love Him | Feeling's Of Being Stalked | Truth Of Our Love | Delicate Rose Bud | Loving Him | My Chiari Journey |

Poemspoetryquoteslifejust maybesadsadnessstoriessad poems

Nov 30th

For 20 years I cried on this day 

I checked out on this day 

I hated this day 

I mourned on this day 

A little girl kept quite about this day 

A little girl felt ashamed on this day 

A little girl that was drowning in her own blood on this day  

A little girl had to pick herself up so her little brothers wouldn't see

A little girl no more

Dug up holes to bury it

This ...

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Remember and Respect

Respect is little to ask for
To remember is to respect
To respect is to remember
Those who paid an ultimate debt

When generations come together
To acknowledge not to mourn
It gives out a special feeling
That’s calm sincere and warm

Hats off to those who turn out
In rain or wind or snow
In aid of those who cared so much
They joined up and decided to go

They went to different place...

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Also by Rick Varden:

Can you hear me Mother? | Under the Gun | The Blue World below | Anecdotal Attributes | Do they really want what’s best? | Is there a coffee in the house? | Political Correctness | Truth and Lies | I only work for the Council | Rumours | Families at War | The Place of Dreams? | Vicious Cycle | COLOURS | Hideaway | Talking Eyes | Friends Prominent | Parenting for Dummies | Is there a nurse in the house? (Audio) | THE SCAM |

True love


If its yours

You won't ever need to chase it


It will find you when you least expect it

And you won't ever need to ask it to stay

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Also by Wardah:

What goes around comes back around | Home | Perspective | For the Pain | Regrets | Something about You | Baby steps | That kind of a day | Actions speak louder... | Break the Cycle | Deaths Awakening |

The Traffic Memorial

A bronze Teddy bear rests at its base.
A little child's doll looks forlorn in face.
Sitting in all weathers, patiently to wait.
A doll who's missing her little playmate.

I see a victims discarded walking cane.
Another life lost, another buried name.
2 fingers on a wrist watch frozen in time.
A set of keys lie beside this 'traffic sign'

A pair of glasses, smashed on contact.
A lonely c...

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Also by Mike Bartram:

Winter Time | Magical Days | Let's Be Each Other | The Robin | Secrets | Feeling Blessed |

Dreaming and you

I went into that same awful dream.

That sad night movie still repeating

to this trapped audience.


Our empty bed long recoiled

from the warm spot where you once slept.

The house bereft of everything

but the dust of our together days.

Nothing to hear but the beat of my breath,

the breeze that diluted your scent centuries ago.


Then you shake me awake

‘Are you O...

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Also by David T Jones:

Dawn by the river | Relationship karma | Wistful @ Wittering | Beatification and snacks |

Back To Infinity.

I have seen our souls escaping,

In my dream state. 

Bearing witness as they swiftly drift through the night breeze with ease and it nearly appears as though they are...



precarious steps across the sands of time but before the hands of time they were headed toward the City of Lost Ways, located deep inside of a jungle which has somehow lost its days, and yet the su...

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Back To InfinityLovesong66 billion hours a dayJavis T.

The Gift Of The Gab

Why do they always think they know better . Why not give others a chance . Thinking their always right when all could be wrong . They are rude and sometimes uncaring  . Won't let others speak has they find . Thinking their thoughts are the only ones listened to . So others keep quiet and find . It's best to jump in and be forcefull . Be brave speak your mind , have your say . It's better than not ...

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Also by Wendy Higson:

Excuses for Extreamists | Hope | Politicians | The Bravest Of The Brave | Bad Feelings | Our Banks | How Dare He | Faith In Others . |

"Diana Prince Forever!"

That's what my parents always called me with a smirk
But I wasn't
I was just different

The highlight of my week wasn't watching Knight Rider like the other boys
It was Wonder Woman
Imagining myself wearing her gold tiara and bracelets
Her lasso of truth
Spinning round and saving the world
Then going back to being normal Diana Prince

My older brother bought me Action Man
And ...

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bullyingchildhoodherowonder woman




I'm really impressed with how 

professional everyone is


Despite where your eyes go

It takes a lot to wake up 


Every morning and 

Do what you're told


Despite what you know 

Of the world


I like that tie 

You're wearing


That's a wonderful



Are we ready to

Make money


Are we ready to



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Also by Robert C Gaulke:

Meet The New People | Little Flashing Man | Improvised Devices | Imperfect Circumstances | We could be artists | Drawing Circles | Another Thing Again | Content | Playing Adults | Miss Stoic | Ex-introverts | Dirty | pledge drive promises | Traveling with you | Like Snowden |

Broken shells

Guarded and cocooned was I,

In a shell , believed to be built in stone .

Years of shelter from the warmth 

And distances from hearts ,

Had indeed induced a chillness soaked within .


He broke the shell, as if it were of thin air ,

His enthusiasm made me lie bare .

Apprehension and disbelief lasted a while ,

But, the excitement of a whole new world at my feet ,

And  t...

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Deeper By Night

my wish ing well dee per by night
the moon a pen ny tum bling in
through cease less re vo lu tions I
lay as un con scious on the floor
some one laid a coat o ver me
the old in tox i ca ted rogue
up to my neck sink ing dee per
I hoped to wake un a ware of
where I lay be fore the thick et
of par tic u la ri ty has
me pinned in place like a spi der
or fly on the web just to praise
the o...

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Also by Adam Whitworth:

A Poem Between Friends | Refugees | Refugees In Peril | Much | A woman is like a white | Swami Speaks | Fundamental Particles |

The Seasons Pass

i. Spring


The joy that springs as dormant world revives,

Renewing all that winter’s sleep had lost.

The vivid green that sprouts and quickly thrives,

When freed from chilling chains of snow and frost.


The ice begins to melt, the streams to surge

In spate, to swell the rivers to the seas;

They pass, and feed the flowers that emerge,

And succour the renewal of the t...

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Also by Trevor Alexander:

Another Day | A Bee Meanders | Early Train |

Healing Your Heart.

Your eyes supply the unfortunate clue
The uneven pathway of tears
Give away the hurt you have been through
Ripped apart, picked apart your heart

When something so beautiful has been broken
It can never be as it once was
Put back together and  possibly re-awoken
Held in place by sheer will and hope

No matter how much of your heart you give me
I will respect it
No matter how much of yo...

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Also by Duncan McKenzie Ross:

Words and Truth | My Choice | Today | Love Hate? | Wake Up | From Here to Hades | Another one from the crazy dream collection ( as yet untitled) | Armageddon | Sailing With The Stars (revised) |

Accidents Will Happen

For all the aging punks . With apologies to Elvis Costello.


Oh I just don't know where to begin:

we don't want it forever

so it's now or never.

We should keep them hanging on

till the investors have gone

and make sure they can’t get in

without a police chaperone.




Because accidents will happen

if we let the frackers win

and we’ll all be the vi...

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Also by Tim Ellis:

Yesterday |

frackingspoof songelvis costelloEnvironment

The Glowering Mists of Autumn

The Glowering Mists of Autumn


As I travel life's journey I'm often-times struck

By a vision both novel and possibly true; that serenity

In a dangerous world without luck,

Is impossible; but is there a temporal divinity?


Perhaps the root causes of wonder and joy

Really are in the sky, or on Dante's fine peak,

Or my fireside, where the dance won't annoy

In the compa...

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Also by Chris Hubbard:

Perignon | De Jeune | Great White Heron | Life by Numbers | Australia Centurion | Air Worthiness | Lady Porcelain Kindness | The Tower of the Winds | The Humble Heart of the Craftsman | The Quiet Soldier | Pavane | Tone Poem | The Imperfect Gardener | Sun - Kings |




leads me

through the trapdoor 





into the cell


No walls

save for my 

own convictions 


Life fed


a hatch in





to freedom


No bars

save for 




to solitary 

within the





Own mind


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to be a lamb | A girl called intensity | salvation | Monochrome Secret | Death of Belief | cut copper | Seeping River | pigeon |

My Muse Is Dead

Beige walls stand empty where original artworks once hung
A woman, beyond her years in mind and body, sits at her desk
Staring at a screen that, despite vast knowledge at her fingertips
Is empty
The cloud of cognizance that enveloped her has cleared
Ridiculed by those she trusted
"Over medicated"
No more pills
No more gange
Nothing to help control the demons within her mind
There is no f...

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Also by Miranda Fegan:

Untitled | Good Girl | My Ray Of Sunshine | Pick Up (A Selfish Poem) | Creative | Stupid | Take Them | I Miss You | Homesick Walls | I Can Be Good (Z) | Cast Aside | I Know Who I Am | How Are You | My Ocean (S) | Haven't Changed | A Promise to You (Z)(11/01/2017) | Soul (10/16/2017) | Not This Way (Z) (11/20/17) | What on your mind? (Smoke Signals) (October '17) | A Cloud of Cognizance (October '17) | Patience (September '17) | Oh, Pixie (January '17) | Bittersweet (S) (July '17) | I See What Is To Happen (11/8/2017) | Sol (9/11/2017) | Home (20/11/2017) |

adhdartistsbipolarBipolar depression sadnessbulliesdepressiongiving up on passionsgiving up on peoplemedicationmental illnessocdprocessing emotionsptsdshame

Letters with Words

Sky gets brighter

Black dog appears

Calling my name

Whispering as he nears


Words softened, falling

One by one, letters

Clinched, left broken

Fragments and pieces


Captured and glued

A story is breaking

Two sides reconciling

To harmony and healing

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Sitting In thoughts

Sitting in thoughts, deep thoughts, hoping that tomorrow will bring a better day. Tired of sitting at home, thinking, deeply, in thoughts. Looking at my phone, wondering if, i will get that call to say there's a job vacancy. Come along for an interview. That one job that will make a big change in my life, a life I long for, a life that will give me all I desire and more.

And as the day closes a...

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Somehow there is a window open from me to you, 

Not my fault as it's not yours, 

Yet still you blame,. 

Why can't you accept 

and send goodwill and peace, 

It seems when I am tired or sad, 

Not often 

You sense this 

as if you feel what I feel 

and it makes you angry 

I don't know why, 

Maybe I should close this window 

Bolt it shut, 

Or put up pretty curtain...

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Also by Nicola Byrnes:

Kisses | Magical ways | The trouble with me | (untitled) | Silent words | (untitled) | Mountains | Crazy Diamond | Moonlight. |


Where did He put it?

Why can't I find it?

Is it in the dew drop on the sharpest tentacle of the grass?

Or is that tree hiding it in the 90th ring in its bark?

Do I have to find an 8th sea in the quest to have it?

Or should I look for it in the drop of blood of the ant squished under a giant's foot?

Did you have it as a legacy or got it in inheritance?

Did you somehow lose it a...

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Also by Sidra Shahid:

My Dear Muse of Writing! | Gradual Descent in Life | "You're so lucky" they say! | Am I the worst one You have yet made?! | Dear God! | Burn the Fairytale Books! | The Subjects Don't Change, The Effects Do! | I am not whole | From myself to Jane Austen | We are All Actors | Questions Questions | My Anxiety | Poor Little Rich Girl |

The Theif, The Craftsman, The Artist, The Liar.

I'm afraid to kiss you
Because of the fear of being left breathless
Gasping for air 
The theif you are stealing life from my lungs

I'm afraid to leave you
Because without you near I'd surely fall apart
Picking up the pieces 
The craftsman you are, putting me back together

I'm afraid to be loved by you 
Because of the unrealistic, idealistic picture you paint of me
Every brush stroke

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has to stop somewhere

Dare i to write a masterpiece of never ending rhyme? Where story flows and emtions grow with every single line?

keep writing and writing until one page somehow turns to four, nd four keeps on growing until suddenly there are four more?

And try as i might i just cant stop from letting the ink flow. Everything i write will link and just seemingly appear to go,

For example when starting to w...

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Also by Scott Villers-Stubbs:

News | parenthood |


A Fire Screen for Learning

A Fire Screen for Learning


A card table and fire screen combination

a wedding gift to my parents

made entirely by hand

A woven tapestry of an alpine scene

in a wooden frame covered in glass


Every evening I would remove it

from its place in the hearth

re arrange it into a low table

on which my school homework was placed


I sat cross legged within easy rea...

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Also by keith jeffries:

The Najd | Disdain | The Visitor | What Comes Next | People Watching | Enveloped in Darkness | Destiny | The Passage of Time | The Cerebral Cavern | November | Appearances | Ageing | The Rat Race | Juxtaposed | My High Street | The Young | Petrified | A Life of Anxiety |

Ridiculous Rhymes

If I were a terrier

life would be merrier

If I were a hyena

I'd be served a subpoena

If I were a cobra

I'd rarely be sobra

If I were an otter

I'd behave like a rotter

If I were a cow

grass I wouldn't allow

If I were a hippo

I'd go in for a dippo

If I were a vulture

I'd acquire some real culture

If I were a rat

I'd fart at the cat

If I were a cheetah


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Also by Jennifer Malden:

Jealousy | Perceptions | The boyfriend |

My Pain

My pain


No more vibrations in my heart

Those beating are on a routine task

No monsoon or spring in my valley

Those changes are purely seasonal 


Why then I pray for a rain

Is it to seed burdened pain in my heart? 

Why then I cry for a rain

Is it to hide my tears behind? 


I am nothing, neither a proud vacuum, nor a filled ocean


A journey from me arou...

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With Love

summer ages with
a sudden hour
thin and

words follow
like leaves
each their own
separate turning

my sister tells me
what i don't remember

morning softens
bleeding into
a new light

and she begins

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Also by A.M. Clarke:

A Room Alone |


Sometimes, before I fall asleep,
I close my eyes and try to remember,
Hoping to drift away in the comfort 
Of our memories; the time we stole.
From where, I don't know. 
But I am sure of this 
Instead of peaceful bliss
I receive a kick in my stomach
Too painful to describe
It reaches my chest 
Giving me shortness of breath 
All sense of comfort is lost
Somewhere in the time that we sto...

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Also by Alonelymouse:

While I wait | Lethargy |


I’d just cleaned up the clagnuts of a right humongous dump

When my reverie it got disturbed and on the door a thump

Announced the cleaner’s coming so I quickly let her in;

She raced hot-foot into the bog and bent beside the rim

Proceeding with her bogbrush to scour the crap within;

I saw we shared a fetish which is difficult to find

So I lifted up her tabard and I blobbed her fro...

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Also by John Coopey:





Anolini – pasta shells stuffed with meat

And cooked in broth, is what we’re eating;

Steam rises from plates but there’s no speaking,

We sip Chianti to moderate the heat

The first to break silence admits defeat;

Parmesan a generous sprinkling,

Grated black pepper our noses crinkling;

Each Christmas a ritual we repeat.


This dish from the mountains of Ital...

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Windows into Me

This is a window into me

Look and you may see

Smudges of yourself

And reflections of society


Windows in the form of

Framed soliloquies

Exhibitions for free


Clean my glass chalice

Clean my glass cauldron

Clean my glass coffin


A voyeurs gathering

Windows into me

Take a look and you may see

Smudges of yourself

And reflections of society

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Also by 220August:

All Dead | For a moment (Lyrics) | Seduce me | Missing you from me | Fall and Foster | Now Julie says man | When Our Song Becomes a Prayer | To Evona From Corbin |


Go For It

Love ain't shit if it ain't a little reckless

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Pantoum For Near Death

Her thoughts in the water
eyes the colour of the moon
mouth bubbling aether's froth
trying to speak, to breath

Eyes the colour of the moon
wording quick ancient tongues
trying to speak, to breath
ebbing loose her essence

Wording quick ancient tongues
mouth bubbling aether's frother
ebbing loose her essence
thoughts in the water 

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Also by Kealan Coady:

Protest At An American Petrol Station | When Bees Make Honey In A Goat's Skull | Abilify | Cold Cup | Notes On A Soiled Mattress |

Frost Bitten Stooge

What should I take with me to winter?

The warmth of your cheeks or the ice in your veins?

Through Cold hearts

Flow cold stares

When cruel intentions were small embers crying for life

Everyone of your kisses fuelled its flames

At every touch a chill

At every intersection I assessed this impasse

Masked as a self inflicted wound

Bombarded by over valued assumptions

I cav...

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Unwavering pain. 

Dry tears, blood-flushed cheeks. 


On first glance, appearing strong.

Behind the mask, I am weak.


Dream stained pillow, drenched in grief.

Twilight, my best friend.

Eyes locked open. 

Tangled stomach.


Begging for the end.  

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Still with the written word - my comic-crime novel of the above title is now available via Amazon (Kindle

version)  plus a "look-in feature/ while print copies can be ordered from the above and other major retailers.  I've managed to include some rhyme/verse at various points in my story and that pleases me.

ISBN 9781786232502 

Christmas is coming!

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Also by M.C. Newberry:




It was twilight,

blaze peeping the pane.

All set to fly,

and to break the chain.

All of the sudden,

she was free.

Of so-called fetter,

and of life's spree.

Without any frontier,

without any irk.

She was at bliss,

even enjoying the quirk.

To reach the top,

let's sit at vent.

Be ready to fly,

and eradicate the dent!

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The latter of the two

This is short and to the point.


no the Earth.

The Earth has given you two choices:

The first being as a scorpion trapped in the deceptive tangles of a well made web, a lemming in man's cycle of destruction, of both the mind and the physical.

The second being as a frog, cherishing the habitation and nourishment received by the lily pad that springs forth of the moist bed, allow...

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for amy



my gran clears beer lines,

caustic fizzes in the sink;

round the kitchen table -

my baby walker now a car;

the scent of daytime beer.


the dog smells dead fowl;

yelps, pines for running,

my dad’s van and Sundays;

feathers as death’s proof;

heavy, high, hanging flesh.


vicious grins and woollen hair,

pagan gods of carved turnip,


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At the end of my day

Every breath I take 

Every second alone that passes on

Never before I had felt so little 

Never before you had gone

Had I ever said that much

Why couldn't you see the truth when everything was there 

Nothing was there to hide

Everything that I had to abide

Every time I see your face now

I see only your smile 

You have gone so far 

That only your shadow speaks with ...

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Also by Dipta Gomes:

Perfectly Broken | Mindless Whispers | Love passes with time |

Passing Fashions

When they grow up they dress in a new life:

a family of new suits and shirts to wear.

And the ties are new too.

He strides out on his new catwalk

proudly wearing his new self,

blind to the day the cloth may unravel

or fade or lose its style.

What will clothe him then?

I shall not grace his shoulders again:

I am the coat he has outworn

in my pockets are his memories


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Also by Chris Armstrong:

Danse Macabre | Winter from a Window | Parallel Echoes of Love | Ancestral | Three Haiku | Microcosm | Zen Reflexions | Above the Valley |

fashionclothessuitscoatslifememoriesthe pastfamilies

How do I love?

The lamp lit up
The dark room
Eyes half-awaked
A blank stare
At blinding light
Like a ray
Shooting the self
Reasons to hate
The good life
That must have been
When one day
Faced a road's bend
Beheld pain
In the mirror
Bleeding tears
Drowning the sight
Of real love
Of a real man
Worth to fight
For forever
Beyond death
And to a dream
Of a life
Of love beyond

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Also by Marianne May:

To the Waves and to the Sun |



I wish I could say that I want you to be happy.

But truthfully,

I want you to miss me at 3 am 

when your bed is cold.

I want you to feel sad

when you're in the car

and my favorite song comes on.

I want you to realize 

that I'm not around.

I want you to notice

the traces of me everywhere.

I want you to feel this

just because

I'm too selfish.

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Also by Maria Renea:

May Flowers | five courses. | Drunk | absent | Cheating | I can sense goodbyes | November |

The Wind's Lament

( a section of quatrains excerpted from a larger narrative poem)

The sun which once warmed the morning dew,
Gave my breezes the scent of thyme,
Now it barely climbs above the yew
Spreading over that grave on the chine.

And what if I danced now before you,
As the waves along the shore?
Would you know that he did adore you,
Feel the warmth of his love like before?

Oh Annie! Soon the l...

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In days of old, at the dawn of time
when life was microbes in primal slime
Mother Nature in contemplation
declared the start of repeat creation.
  Varieties of life, will grow and mate
in a unique way to perpetuate
 forms of life with various span
plus one special item, “Intelligent man”
where worldly creatures, whatever of station
 will in death...feed the Earth,
for a future gene...

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Also by ken eaton-dykes:


Do we inherit stupidity from the food chain?

If It Started This Christmas

As the year moves ever closer to it’s end,
I wish to call out to each and every friend,
to say I wish them all peace and goodwill,
with plenty to eat & even some wine to spill.

The greatest gift I could wish to see for us all,
would be peace and love forever, so that we’d recall,
it started one Christmas and was then always adored,
I believe if we share goodwill we never would be bored.


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ChristmasPeaceLoveOne WorldGoodwill

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