The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

has to stop somewhere

Dare i to write a masterpiece of never ending rhyme? Where story flows and emtions grow with every single line?

keep writing and writing until one page somehow turns to four, nd four keeps on growing until suddenly there are four more?

And try as i might i just cant stop from letting the ink flow. Everything i write will link and just seemingly appear to go,

For example when starting to write about exactly how i feel, from this day to the next , and opening - no, breaking -  the seal

And turn that rhyme seemlessly into feelings about others. Whether thats about friends family or even lovers

Twist it around again to simple joys of life in general. Ups and downs highs and lows, ways to be sentimental

the ideas endless, the possibilities more so and still.... I'll jot down everything i want at my own free will.

It will be brilliant, a work of art, a script for the ages. Set ideas racing, inspirations, dreams on all the pages.

But how would i open it up, where would i begin? How will i find the formula to just let my mind win?

to just keep the juices going - do i get it from my life? My experiences and highs, my lows and my strife?

I guess i could make it personal, be something to connect to, because as i said before - some one else may of gone though - 

similar things as i have, so will feel for me as well, And that is why this should be a collection of show and tell.

For instance, if i wrote of heart che loads of people can connect. Or of care and loss, friends and foes - any of lifes defects

But it is the way it is written that will do the trick, because its not just the same old stuff written on the quick.

its the same idea, but more rehearsed - fully tunes in fact, and thats why i maintain my writing is not an act

I've heard it all before, that im too young to feel a certain way, or maybe i just copy stuff ive heard others say.

It cant be my own work as it relates to too many people, is that because at such an age a life is so feeble?

or because it hasnt happened to you, it hasnt to others? i mean its absurd to think we all dont take what life gave us,

I know, i tried, so writing this is just to prove a point - that work your dreams hard enough and they will not disappoint. 

so im doing that in writing this mainly to show myself, that hidden talents cant be shown just sitting on a shelf.

a little of self believe and the grace of whatever from above, can easily set you up for anything-  be it work or be it love.

And love is a strange thing that doesnt even know its self, i mean we try to understand it - but loves confused as well

But if any one has any idea how to figure it out, i mean truly understand that is - then give me a shout!

Because even the most apt at falling so deeply in it, no matter how many times they do, and keep their fighting spirit,

they never understand the only 'love golden rule', Is that its easy to find love, but its easier to be cruel

Not s in be cruel to some one but to be blinded by the heart, because love and lust is wanting, theres not a lot to set them apart

and if it turns outto be a fling and thats it all - said and done, we all try to sugar coat it ' they'll realise now that its gone'

but if it wasnt meant to be, then that is surely why it failed, because if it was love then surely it would prevail?

take for instance the love of a great wonderful friend, different kind of love altogether - one that will not end

friends are people who know you better than you do, they are with you through thick and thin, go through what you go through

Never let you down, always make you smile, try to make you happy, i know when i am with my true friends - then that is when i am undoubtedly me

i hope that love will find me, but on a relationship side, and be as good as friend type love- love with out even trying

make them feel like family from the moment they arrive, and live each day to the full - knowing they make me come alive. 

Be part of me like my friends and just like my family, even be my family, and recieve things 'her and me'

Then i know when that time comes that i will understand, not fully - but almost - that love has me by the hand




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