The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

Popping Pills

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{Popping Pills}


A bad habit of popping pills like that old tapped out addict that is looking for their next fix like a cocaine rockstar on their best high of their life 


But when they come down off of that rockstar high then reality set's in then they withdraw from friend's and their family while trying to hide their pill popping addiction 


But now they cannot do it anymore because it's killing them because they are constantly high not feeling no pain and no emotions to the outside world around them as their friend's try to rescue them but they push them away like they wasn't even there with them as it's breaking their heart's to see them like this because they haven't been a witness to someone trying to kill themselves like this oh man reality bites like that murderous person trying to escape from those prison walls they live behind  


And as you try



And you try~try~try to be their rescuer but that is slowly slipping through your finger's as you shout it to the Lord above to give you the strength to save them and he show's the path to take to save them now you can help them before they are laying dead and so cold in their casket as God would be their last rock~a~bye, rock~a~bye 



As they ask you not to worry or cry as they slowly die 





©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 11/30/2017 all rights reserved 

addictaddictionfictionalfictional piecebad habitsfictional characterlearninglifelivingold friend'sold friend's in trouble with pillspast experiencespoemspoetrywitnesswitnessedwritingwriting poetry

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