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Pick Up (A Selfish Poem)

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It’s so tempting to call you
There’s a voice screaming at me to just
Pick up the phone
Just pick up the phone
Against every urge
I’m silent, all except these prose
I must stay silent
Must wait
Wait for what?
For the message, the text, the phone call
Another voice tells me
That will never happen
Selfishly, I want you to miss me
I want to make you miss me
Make you wonder if I’m thinking of you
Realistically, you already know that answer
So it’s no use
The longer this silence grows between us
The louder she tells me you
Aren’t thinking of me
You don’t miss me
That if you did
I wouldn’t be laying here
Mind racing itself to no end with your voice dominating the echo chamber that is my skull
Fighting against myself to call you
To pick up the phone
Just pick up the phone

You always did before…


dzloveheartbreaklong distancemissi miss youi miss you alreadydepressionanxietyadhdselfishi am allowed to have selfish feelingsbut i refuse to act selfish anymorethis is my outletSometimes I wake up still thinking of youthinking of you

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