The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

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My dear homeland, with fields so wide
And rivers that carve through vast, silent tide
On green hills where the calm winds flow
I left my heart in your soil below

Where wheat grows tall, and autumn turns gold
I, far from you, in the cold snow unfold
The distant peaks, where bears are hunted still
Sing in the breeze, a sweet, wistful thrill

Oh, my homeland, why did I leave thee?
With fo...

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Spiritual Anima

human nature and
sympathetic sensitivity


thought forms and will
manifest in woman and child

more so

than the inward hatred from a negative mentality

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Let the wolves run

Let the wolves run

I run faster

Let the wolves run 

I am stronger

Sure of myself 

I flex the muscles of my mind

No need to hide

I expel hexes in one breath,

You may not enter

Nor commit the theft 

Of my soul

You are uninvited 

Release the hatred from your heart

Vengeance is a waste of energy

To be enlightened is to be smart 

And rise above, rise!

I a...

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Vengeancehateenergycleansepurifyspiritualexpelhexfreespiritsoulmindbodyfreedommeditationgrowdevelopstrengthbelieffaithself beliefsense of selfprotectioncursefightdefeatblack magicpredatorwolves

I: skeleton

Face like stone

Hard to read

I find myself taking pride

In my totem pole

Of expressions, I can hide

Masterfully deceptive

Every bit secretive

All heart without sleeves

Makes it easier to breathe

But being naked

Really stripping off

And just letting everyone watch

That is true strength

True power

Is knocking down this tower

Being bare

Just a sk...

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skeletonvulnerableemotionconnectbravecourageoustruerealrawpassionsensationbeingaliveconnectedspiritsoulpowerdeceptivehideprotectdefencestonepoker facestillexpressarticulateunfilteredbold

Bigger than you

You should know better

Than to think you’re alone in this universe

You’ve seen breath come from nothing 

Animals evolve 

More complex than fathomable

Human species shapeshift and roam

With inventions inexplicable 

Grass, water, and life itself

Come to be 

And people like you 

Who all think different

And think they’re the only ones

Don’t assume you’re not connect...

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CorelistenguidebeliefUnitedkismetwiseknowingSpiritsoulfaithconnectedlifeworlduniverseintrospectionthinkingmysteryalivealiensplanbiggerselfdiscoveryopen mindbig picture

Part of us

Something speaks from beyond 

Something writhes alive

In each of us

Something pulls and breathes

Beyond our touch 

They call it instinct

But it is magically distinct 

And can lead, lead, lead 

To something in your core

They call it power of the brain 

But it’s so much more 

It cannot be explained away 

It cannot be spoken out of existence 

They call it the mi...

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Connectedalivediscoverykismetjourneyunitedwiseknowingsoulmindbrainworlduniversenaturespiritualpowerknowledgebeyondwiderspiritghostother beingtuitioninstinctidentitycoreguidelistenbelieffaith

Once again

Where was the fire that burned with in,

Water and earth would bring it to an end. 

Giving thanks for all she had,

The mystery of life were never bad.

Flying high like the eagle and hawk, 

She was wise never to get caught. 

Swimming thur the stars of change,

Everything could be the same. 

Better find the truth within, 

Tomorrow will be just like him.....



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Flame-Licked Heels

I’ve been working on

Coming back from

The dead

Realising reality

Living in this world

Becoming me

I don’t have to know who I am

But I must know that I am

I am, I am, I am

I don’t have to know what I am

To deserve to be

I’m working on being,

Just being

Because I’ve been existing

Mindless, automatic, numb

Best autopilot, me

Coming back from the dead


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deademotionlessfeelrebornresurrectionspiritgrowthself workhardshipinspireoptimismhopefuturechoiceempowerpowerdecisionstake controlmanifestconnectvibrationliveenjoybebecomechangetransformjourneyexciting

We Don't Trust Them

We don’t trust them.
Those giants who rule the Earth;
those fallen ones who stole our dominion.

We don’t trust them.
Those royal descendants of “gods”;
those of the divine blood line.

Why should we trust them?
They live in castles even today,
while we still cower in caves.

Why should we trust them?
From days of old,
we die in their wars,
we beg to consume what they own.

Why sh...

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Created perfect,
From the dust of the Earth.

Then, moved to the Garden,
the Paradise of God.

Created for a purpose,
a call to tend and to keep.

To garden, Paradise,
To protect, the peaceful place of God.

To walk with God,
in the cool of the evening.

Powers beyond us today,
buried within us today.

Total control of the Garden,
dominion with love and wisdom.

Communing with...

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'Fore he die

From those days of catching fireflies,

To the days of seeing how night lies.

Being the one around the center of seven,

Who knew he might be overlooken.


Soon the days turned into a mere trickle,

As the nights lasting for hours made him feeble.


As the stars passed by felt so much without any lace,

Thus the creation of a treasure chest took place.

Not really the trea...

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The stars I hold as electric beams run through me

Vibrating I'm moving a zillion miles an hour the moons just let on like he knew me
Blow back the kisses the sun has just blew me
from the planets so truly
Recharge put celestial through me
I share out what you have given to me
Times ten it returns right back to me

To enable one to keep must give it away

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Strong as a bear 

You guide me 

Never write alone as I write 

There's a presence besides me 

Helping me to be the best to express emotions deep inside me

I didn't believe in myself the way I do now 

I didn't know you then as well as I do now 

Your girls they miss you 

I let them know you are around 

The signs you leave me 

The king you are crowned

Me I am the lucky...

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Reforming Clay

I felt like a clay pot

once from the earth

Born with spirit, soul cropped

The owners; my guardians, held me

They allowed me to be used

for my true purposes,

not as a pot but a holder of life;



Later, others wanted me to be a pot for use

To look and act like other pots 

Or my uniqueness challenged their sameness 

So I became like them, soul lost.


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Soul Searching

Craving escape

From infinity

It entwines

For a while

In a body

Exploring confines

Of humanity

Begging to break

Unknown boundary


Releasing timeless


Tilts on the edge

Of insanity

Won't rest

Till it is

What it's 

Meant to be

A Quest that confesses


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I was in the arctic.
Those frozen forests of Alaska.
North of Fairbanks,
in the wild Yukon.


It was night,
and the moon shown,
on the white, bright snow.
Everything had a light, blue glow.


It was cold,
minus 60 degrees,
and I prayed to God,
for a sign to go.


I needed a change,
a new life, away
to go. A way to escape,
the life I was in.


I no longer cared.

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spoken wordSpiritfreedom

spirit and sanity

Since I cannot sense a name for God

power will stutter out of my mouth

In the old days it was the Village Church

Rich with Stain Glass Hypocrisy and Sin

In the middle it was a wasteland, dead

Then I saw God and everything changed


Spirit stood on my shoulder and held me

Angels came in plain clothes to erase me

No-one left even though I tried to kill me

In the attire ...

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Solar return

instances of mesmerizing glimpses vivify and lend clarity into an understanding of soul.

evocation leaves an everlasting mark as two twin flames embark from a space of divine love to create fate

meticulous minds pick a place and time, upon your arrival show a sign that's vital, gravity pulls us in for a kiss as our hearts meet.

my greatest wishes grant admission, a star is born and with t...

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astrologybirthdaycelebrationexpansivefemininityfeminismlightlovepeacepoempoemspoetrysolar returnsoulspiritspiritualitysun signwisheszodiac

Days of Old

Days of Old

I remember the days of old,
when I crossed the fields alone.
When I ran the forests;
when I ran the trails,
in those days of youth,
in those days of sun.

I remember the color of life.
Everything seemed different.
There was a brightness to the light;
a shine, to everything.

I remember hopping those fences.
Going to those hidden places,
to see what I could see.
Those ...

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FreedomHappy placeMysticalRememberSpirit

Luminescent Humanity

Every tragedy leaves behind 

a trail of tears and

luminescent humanity. 


Rona is here to teach us 

life is fleeting. 

Live in the moment, 

don’t wallow in misery. 


Celebrate the little things,

smiles, high fives, sunny days...


Dance, sing, be free,

alone in your room, 

on rooftops, balconies, 

wherever your spirit leads.

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Poetry and creative writing by the philosopher and author, alexis karpouzos.

Actress : Martha mourouzi

alexis karpouzos on Amazon

alexis karpouzos on Goodreads

alexis karpouzos on youtube

alexis karpouzos on spotify

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Poetry and creative writing by the philosopher and author, alexis karpouzos.

Actress : Martha mourouzi

alexis karpouzos on amazon

alexis karpouzos on Goodreads

alexis karpouzos on instagram

alexis karpouzos on twitter

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Alexis karpouzos poetry and creative writing.

Actress : Martha mourouzi

Alexis karpouzos on Amazon

Alexis karpouzos on Goodereads

alexis karpouzos on instagram


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The flesh and the spirit(By Anne Brandstreet)/ስጋና መንፈስ/Translation/By Alem Hailu

In secret place where once I stood
Close by the Banks of Lacrim flood,
I heard two sisters reason on
Things that are past and things to come.
One Flesh was call'd, who had her eye
On worldly wealth and vanity;
The other Spirit, who did rear
Her thoughts unto a higher sphere.

"Sister," quoth Flesh, "what l...

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Astral Travelling

The projection

Was watching

It's physical form

As it lay there



Well worn

Now spirit's

Set free

Of age

Gender, race

In all places

At once

No more




Astral travelling

Sends back

Dreams to

Main brain

Explores the

World faster

Than a

Train, tram or plane

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AstralSpiritthe traveller

sea to song

effective myth, metaphor, & mysticism transcend

semantic efforts to articulate dynamics erupting

dreamlike amidst more trusted, linear conceptions

of reality, imagination, experience, & being


by presenting arrangements so engaging, uncannily

familiar, irreducibly insightful, idealogically slippery,

that the foamsplash suddenness of its crashing

across a previously unnotic...

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You hear me?

You hear me?

When spirits speak,
many will listen.

Hearing and listening
are not the same.

We may listen to the words,
and not hear their meaning.

Some one will say blah blah blah.
If that is you, please move on.

It's amazing how words can flip
the switch. You hear me?


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Wished I knew

Be with me if I got it all
Stay with me if I lose it all
Catch me if I fall
Be my rock so I can stand tall
Stay with me through the bad and good times
I promise you we gone get it together and ball
Don’t tell your friends our problems
People close be the ones that want you to fall
You just told me you love me
I know It’s not love it’s lust
You just glad you finally fucking me
You won’t ...

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Nonet -Frangipani

Night heady with the lingering scents.. 
The tropical breeze caressing
Senses awakened to the peak.. 
Frangipani blooms, falls..
Left spirit healing 
Under the tree
Hoping to

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Paralysed - A monorhyme

Stroke of time has played a brutal stroke.. 
Mind and body arrested in a stifling choke.. 
No words to articulate yet the spirit never broke ..
The body has stopped listening, cannot be evoked.. 
Lying on the bed, angry thoughts  provoke.. 
Not fair,as destiny has partaken a cruel joke ..
Nevertheless the spirit dare not paralyse... 
To give in now, will be a grave revoke.. 

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The windows to soul lightening up.. 
The swim of laughter and the mischievous wink
The shine of innocence striking up
Stealing hearts with a single blink.. 

The connect is simply an unfathomable one
The cross-eyed look when she peers into the soul
Watching that funny face of my little one.. 
Parts of me are purloined, enchanting them into whole... 

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Kings and Scribes

How easy it is to judge 

from the throne of 


How comforting to

cast off what 

doesn't fit our

moral code.

Perspective is 

colored by our own 

evolution and lingering 


The soul of a scribe

cannot help but 

share truths

that set spirits

free, no matter 

the cost of their 

own liberty. 

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Let him

It was a show

God was calling me

And I didnt know

Already Believing in faith

But wanted to walk it with somebody

But God placed everybody

To be a busy body

Leaving me to be with him

Showing me this was a spirtiual show

I had no idea

Just let him do

Open your eyes

And he will show you through

You will see the positive side of it

Seeing why he deverted every...

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The Language of Trees

Have you ever communed with a tree?

The essence of all

Mother earths rich gift

Used your eyes, studied her bark, roots, canopy.

Noticed her position in the forest family

A watcher of the woods or an infant in the glade

Full sun or partial shade

 Colour, shape, size, branches, leaves can all be studied

But have you ever looked deeper.

Looked beyond, felt her fears, dreams...

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To My Protectors



Soft whispers that guide me

Reminders that the game is not over 

Reflection will not be neglected 

Innate abilities rising to the surface

Ancestral Inner G has a purpose 

Their blood is my blood 

As Above, So Below

Ancient wisdom runs through my veins 

Always observing 

My ancestors leave nothing unnoticed 

Gentle spirits that guide me

Giving dire...

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Awake in a world that is asleep,

Always in a constant fluctuation of chaos,

My spirit seeks balance and peace.


Solitude has become my friend,

For the crowd that is riding the wave has unconsciously become my enemy,

Negativity is toxic.


My energy is prescious,

I must protect it,

Cherish it,

Everyone is not worthy.

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Post Meditation

I grow the interest to know who thinks me,

I am still and silent at first,

The breath moves, I am given life,

I am in it, of it and with it,

The same as you, I am


I notice that my form is a vessel,

But I am not my form,

My thoughts run like programs

But I am not my thoughts

my emotions are felt deeply

But I am not my emotions


My body a sensory interpreter


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Meditationthinkinginterestspiritspiritualitylifemy life

Tongue and Cheek

It has taken ahold of me once more.

Basking and marinating;

my life is in limbo.

At a halt,

with a glance,

Hope arises,

and then just as quickly sets as the sun.

Moments are cherished 

but then despised with a gun.

Feeling the chambers loaded with each shell,

the thought it so real, 

so quick,

so painless.

So easy.

But where does that leave us?

Going fo...

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gunreal lifespiritualityspiritlet golovelossbeautifulfreefreedomsuicide

Significance of the Nineteenth Autumn

As the nineteenth autumn has come upon me,
It’s a whole new world I see.
Treacherous creatures, so often, hush and hide,
And it seemeth to me, a change in tide.

The poetry of soothing sensation has gone,
The glimmering golden glow of the sun is now none.
Some say,’ The Head is battling with the Heart’.
Well ! All Logic has been torn apart.

As I gaze into the vast emptiness
The dawning...

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The Template of my Being

Been there

Done it

Eaten it

Drunk it

Almost drowned in it

Nearly died


Praised it

Cursed it

Dodged it

Traversed it

Just you name it

I’ll have tried


Smoked it

Snorted it

Been traumatised by it

Reduced to tears by it

Laughed and cried


Run it

Walked it

Chased it

Caught it

Wished I hadn’t bothered s...

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I lived my life, most often, like a ghost,

ethereal, drifting from room to room,

a chill chasing me from pillar to post.


Rippling across the senses of those whom,

in solitude, sought meaning in their life

before they passed beyond it to the tomb.


I was not noticed by them, or my wife

who gladly let me rest in silent shade

whilst stab...

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I Miss You

Hello there,

Angel from my nightmares.

Devil from my dreams

a grey spirit that weaves

its way through my existence.

What a Dementor does to souls

or a Dalek to a human heart.


Even a superhuman heart

can break.


Just ask Logan,

a force so strong

a returning phoenix

could not reignite remnants.


I miss you.

Whatever yo...

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lovelossinternetfeminismtumblrradfemfeminazitrutheternitymissyouherhimthemtogetherforeveralonesilentangeldemondevilsatanreligionzealotryKingdom HeartsDoctor WhoDaleksX-MenLoganWolverinePhoenixJean GreysuperheromutantsuperhumanTime Lordghostmemoryspirit

We Miss You

Dear Jimbo,

On this day you left.

The Earth could no longer handle your grace, for this world can be an ugly place.

We couldn't handle your departure by ourselves. You showed us that we still have each other and that family is more than we were allowing it to be. Some of us will recoil and shrink. We look at them and we think about growth, our own extra terrestrial face as universal being...

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