The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

Luminescent Humanity

Every tragedy leaves behind 

a trail of tears and

luminescent humanity. 


Rona is here to teach us 

life is fleeting. 

Live in the moment, 

don’t wallow in misery. 


Celebrate the little things,

smiles, high fives, sunny days...


Dance, sing, be free,

alone in your room, 

on rooftops, balconies, 

wherever your spirit leads.




◄ A Heroes Hero

Healing Muses ►


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Don Matthews

Thu 2nd Apr 2020 14:41

Thalia says she's here to help us all get through. She's sorry she can't present herself on the screen here for you but says she's here in spirit.

WOL techs will allow her to display herself in blogs but not in comments. Why's that Don she asks? I've got no answer.......


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Thu 2nd Apr 2020 14:26

It is a rare thing indeed these days Don. Who would have ever guessed air hugs would be the wave of the future?! Thanks for stopping by. Tell Thalia I said hi. ?

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Don Matthews

Thu 2nd Apr 2020 13:51

Vautaw there is a problem
Can't celebrate high fives
I'm really missing doing this
I could be risking lives

Celebrating high fives
Important part of life
I'm really missing doing this
Will do when gone, this strife.......

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