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Candy Cane Lane

Down On Candy Cane Lane
Several Elves Burst Into Flame
Rudolph Was Sad
But, Santa Was Mad
Knowing Spiked Eggnog Was To Blame.

Santa Put The Drink On A Shelf
Too High Up For Any Elf.
But, The Elves Formed A Plan
And Hired A Man
Who Took And Drank It Himself.

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ChristmasSantaLimerickfunny poem




I have failed at everything.
Everything I try to do.

I have failed in school.
I was never well behaved.

I have failed at work.
I was never a very good slave.

I have failed at family.
Where are they now?

I have failed at life.
I’m barely making it somehow.

I’m not a famous person.
I’m not a wealthy man.
I’m not a holy guru;
Nor wanted by any friend.

I’m just goo...

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The Legend of the Gawanjee

In the ancients days,
of the 1980’s.

Stories flew
around the middle school.

About a beast in the woods,
called the Gawanjee.

It came from the Pit,
of an old coal mine.

It was part lizard-man,
and a part Bigfoot.

It slept in the warmth,
of an old gob pile.

And in the winter,
it could be seen frozen.

In the ice,
of the deep, dark lakes.

Kids would tell,
of being chas...

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A thousand times regret.

Choices made,
that cannot be unmade.

Stupid things,
done again and again.

laid for a useless life.

Coming to an end for some time.

At least death will be done right.

Kind of hard to screw that up.


(Photo taken by poet. It's the Pennsylvania hills behind Frank Lloyd Wright's Kentuck Knob House.)

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We Don't Trust Them

We don’t trust them.
Those giants who rule the Earth;
those fallen ones who stole our dominion.

We don’t trust them.
Those royal descendants of “gods”;
those of the divine blood line.

Why should we trust them?
They live in castles even today,
while we still cower in caves.

Why should we trust them?
From days of old,
we die in their wars,
we beg to consume what they own.

Why sh...

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Smitten (A Sonnet)

He was smitten with love for her;
by that arrow deep and sure.
A gooey warmth between them;
filling the heart all within.

But, love's shaft festered, stinking foul;
to gangrenous, aching howl.
Through steamy glass his love moaned;
as he stood outside alone.

Those barbs cannot be reversed;
holding fast in a soul feeling cursed.
Longing for the lost one gone,
to the breast of a differ...

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SonnetLoveHateLove LostPainValentine's Day


I remember in poverty,
eating ramen noodles,

Beans and Weenies.
Meatless sauce

Rice, Rice, Rice,
without any real

Bologna Sandwiches.
Hamburger Helper

Fried Spam,
and all kinds of meat,

Hot Dogs on a stick,
burnt to a

Catfish from the creek,
yellow belly

Milwaukee’s Best.
Another broken

The cheape...

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It Fits

It fits.
It just simply does.

My arm fits behind your head,
as we lie on the bed, in the glow.

Your head on my shoulder,
comfortable and light.

It fits.
It just does.

Staring at the ceiling;
at the cobweb on the fan.

Nobody cares. There are no thoughts,
just reverie, and peace. Just to be.

It fits.
It just fits.

This life with you,
and who we are.

This growth togeth...

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In My Life Time

In my entire life,
the worst things to come
upon me,
has come at the,
hands of respectable
people, who call themselves

It has not been,
scary men, in dark shadows.
It has not been,
those people, across the sea.
It has not been,
the conman, stealing my soul.

It has been,
men and their wives,
who own businesses,
and lands,
and courts,
and governments,
and religions,

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Justice is always achieved through violence.

When a nation wants justice they carpet bomb the enemy, and drop nukes on their head.

When a government wants justice, they drag you from your car or home, lock you in a cage, put you before a joke of a court, and lock you in a bigger cage.

When an employer wants justice, they fire you and destroy the lives of you and your children.

Justice ...

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Created perfect,
From the dust of the Earth.

Then, moved to the Garden,
the Paradise of God.

Created for a purpose,
a call to tend and to keep.

To garden, Paradise,
To protect, the peaceful place of God.

To walk with God,
in the cool of the evening.

Powers beyond us today,
buried within us today.

Total control of the Garden,
dominion with love and wisdom.

Communing with...

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Time Marches On

Time Marches On

Time marches on,
but things can change.
The flow of life is the same,
but we can spin away.

Find a place to abide;
a life to call your own.
Find a way to live;
a way to feel alive.

All the road blocks,
will guide your way.
Till you are strong enough,
to crush them all.

That path of least resistance,
is how the water flows.
Carving a river, a gorge,
a valley,...

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Good Boy

We murdered our dog today.

Or at least that’s how it feels.
We say it’s for the best.
We say he’s suffering.
But, it feels like a pointless death.

He ran into the vets office.
A Good Boy with cancer.
He tripped twice, bumping a wall,
and peed for the last time.

What did he think as he went inside?

Did he trust us to heal him?

Every day is a new day to a dog,
even when they su...

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Church Nursery

You were in that church nursery,

where they forced you to play.

They made you share your toy,

with that boy, who kept stealing it.

They got mad, when you beat him,

with that red fire truck.

They said you were bad, and needed

a long time out.

Everyone made a big deal,

and you learned a lot that day.

That day, your mom never went back.

But you went back on that...

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ChurchLoveGivinglessons learned

Entitled to Love

They tell us;
“You are not entitled to anything.”

But, somehow we feel that’s wrong.

The birds have food,
the beasts have water;
and they can find a mate.

They tell us;
“The world is harsh,
it hands you nothing.”

But, humans seem to make it worse.

Your rules, and laws and boundaries of the mind;
enslave us to earn a dollar,
while you stand and jeer and watch.

They tell...

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Remember When

Remember when we acted so sly,
Going to lunch and getting high?
Remember when we camped and drank all night;
all of us glowing in the fires light?

Remember the girls we used to date,
How they never used to make us wait?
Remember the time we all skipped school?
Always together, forever, free and cool.

Remember how we all dressed the same,
And thought those over 20 were lame?
Remember ...

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I Want You

I Want You

I want you in my life;
more than anyone else.

I want to hold you;
till Earth fades away.

I want your kiss;
till we can’t breathe.

I want you;
while we live.

Just you;
till death.



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Our Nation's Rock Bottom

Our Nation's Rock Bottom

There comes a point in a person’s life where things must change.
They have hurt themselves, and others.
They have lost everything they had.
They have even lost their way.
It’s a point,
 where the failures and the terrible things of their past rise up to haunt them.
They must change or perish.

Because of what they have allowed to happen,
 they find themselves i...

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Spoken WordPoliticalsocial


I was in the arctic.
Those frozen forests of Alaska.
North of Fairbanks,
in the wild Yukon.


It was night,
and the moon shown,
on the white, bright snow.
Everything had a light, blue glow.


It was cold,
minus 60 degrees,
and I prayed to God,
for a sign to go.


I needed a change,
a new life, away
to go. A way to escape,
the life I was in.


I no longer cared.

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spoken wordSpiritfreedom

Unholy Boss

Unholy Boss

It was during the Pandemic of 2020,
when I heard a boss chewing out a worker.
“You’ve been coming in late…Lately”
“You check your phone too much, buddy”
“You drag your feet too much, after lunch.”
“You take too long when you get the stuff.”
“Your attitude has been terrible, man.”
“And that’s why I have to make rules for everyone.”

He says this while working during a shut d...

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Spoken Word poetrysocial justiceworking class menfreedom

Scary Things

Scary Things

That scary thing won’t happen.
Reject it; stand against it.
Get in its face, like a boss.
Break its nose; then laugh at its blood.

Has the worst thing come to pass?
How many times in your life?
That anxiety demon;
kills us a thousand times, before death.

I will pray about it now.
I will believe I am safe.
I will trust that I am free
I will give love, and love some mo...

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Powerfearspoken wordtruth

Nature's Breath


Nature's Breath


In those days;
when the shutdown came.
When mankind laid low;
and the money didn’t flow.

In those days,
nature took a breath.
Nature began to heal.
Nature felt relief.

In those days,
the poisons stopped.
The greed died,
and the rich man cursed.

In those days,
the birds sang.
The butterflies flew.
The bumblebee worked.

In those days,
the virus s...

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House of Giants

House of Giants


Through houses of Giants,
we crawl on our knees.

We slave for our feed,
and all of our need.

They have framed our life,
till the day we die

Through their house, we fly,
work, and drive.

Their bones corrupt us,
surround us, and stink.

Every word is no.
Every sign is stop.
Everything is wait.
I’m gonna escape.

I will find a way.
I will be free.


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freedomSpoken Word poetryconspiracytruthgreeddestruction

Conspiracy Theorist

Conspiracy Theorist

I am a Conspiracy Theorist.
I can’t help it.
Maybe it’s genetic.
Maybe I learned it;
when those I trusted  lied.
When those who should know,
When they just told me,
what they were told,
to tell me.
When they say, “Because I said so.”

Maybe I’m a rebel.
Maybe you are too.
I see things, that don’t add up.
I hear things, that don’t match.
I have a funny...

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Conspiracy Theoriesfreedomrebellion

Days of Old

Days of Old

I remember the days of old,
when I crossed the fields alone.
When I ran the forests;
when I ran the trails,
in those days of youth,
in those days of sun.

I remember the color of life.
Everything seemed different.
There was a brightness to the light;
a shine, to everything.

I remember hopping those fences.
Going to those hidden places,
to see what I could see.
Those ...

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FreedomHappy placeMysticalRememberSpirit

I Hate Lying

I Hate Lying


I hate lying;
it’s a weakness.
It shows a truth;
that others rule me.

If I have to lie;
it’s to avoid pain,
discomfort, and shame.
To make you feel good.

Slaves lie to the boss;
to save their lifeline.
But, to hell with him,
and his profit.

I live my life,
to never lie.
My freedom dies,
under your rules.

If I must lie,
you won’t be near.
I love to be ...

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Spoken Word poetryfreedomtruth

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