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defeat (Remove filter)

Let the wolves run

Let the wolves run

I run faster

Let the wolves run 

I am stronger

Sure of myself 

I flex the muscles of my mind

No need to hide

I expel hexes in one breath,

You may not enter

Nor commit the theft 

Of my soul

You are uninvited 

Release the hatred from your heart

Vengeance is a waste of energy

To be enlightened is to be smart 

And rise above, rise!

I a...

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Vengeancehateenergycleansepurifyspiritualexpelhexfreespiritsoulmindbodyfreedommeditationgrowdevelopstrengthbelieffaithself beliefsense of selfprotectioncursefightdefeatblack magicpredatorwolves

Sermons of A Turnip Farmer

Somewhere out there just before the horizon ends
Sits a turnip farmer all alone,


Talking about how the 7 deadly sins are stitched into every fabric, every Fibre of the universe
The worms stuffing their faces with greed and vegetable, stop to listen to him intently
As do the turnips, the soil, the nothingness and  even a prophet or two,

He talks and talks, that's all he does

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The Waters Of Love

There's cloud all around me
Grey from my ashtray
But I am not lost, not doomed,
Not yet anyway

This swamp tests me 
These waters are foul
My senses have failed me
My heart has thrown in the towel

These sweet limes hanging nearby
All poisonous fruits
My throat is so dry
And their citrus, a deep hue

I know better than that, I should
I should have tried harder than that, I could

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Man Versus Marlin

In and out the sea doth sway

Erasing mans death and decay.

An old man's struggle,

No net, no sail. Only a flag

of permanent defeat.


Great fish swimming around and around,

the reel running, a screaming sound.

A Marlin swims, the ultimate catch,

only days to see if luck they will have.


The men struggle and pray away,

A massive catch needed to save the day.


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boatdecaydefeatfishermanfishingmarlinmouths to feedseastormstrugglewaves

Objectify Me


i just think it is funny that

my body cannot be viewed

by a man

without him making a comment


i just think it is funny that

i have to cross the street

to avoid his words in my ear


i just think it is funny that

 he cannot look at

my hair

 my legs

my body

without sucking air through his teeth

and viewing me

only as the object

he believes i a...

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Love never captures the stars 
for we burn in the hollow 
of the black hole 
tearing at our souls. 

Yearning to be free, 
on our knees, we plead, 
blind at times in defeat,
deaf to the trees, 
the hearts true needs 

but on we climb toward the light, 
the rainbow an illusion of mind 
knowing the journey is the gold, 
that truth comes in numbers
and in reverse the future unfolds.


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defeatillusionlife's journeyloveyearning


Rinse repeat 
the soul clean 
walk the tightrope 
to my dreams 
pull apart 
my stitches and seams 
bleed out the bleak 
buries me beneath 
drowning in defeat 
living on my knees 
upside down 
the yellow screams 
in threes.


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When the remnants of defeat are strewn about the floor,

Covering my ripped and battered boots,

Crick and cracking evermore,


When my wounds burn and blister from the heat,

To drag my heavy soul to the depths of darkness,


When the mirror shatters to pierce the life that was lived before,

And hope dissolves into the sea,


When my dead, cold heart da...

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As I Continue

I'm not weak

I can't accept defeat

Its like a foreign language to me

Stand up strong

Tall and face them all

Defy gravity

Never a victim of depravity

Your smirks

Your sneers

Pssh all I hear are cheers

Moving along

Like a song

A step at a time

Never out of line

Just ebbing with the flow


As I continue to grow.

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Salvage the Unsalvageable

To salvage the unsalvageable, you must first believe you can

For it's something that will deteriorate beneath a trembling hand.

You must fight, lie, cheat, steal, plead for a second chance

But you must also know that the first is undoubtedly your last glance.

You can clutch and grab all that you can but come the beginning of the night,

What you say will be okay will never be alright...

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