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autumn (Remove filter)

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Autumnal Abscission

The whiff of death,

party’s over, this

technicolour decline

needs a makeover.


Leaves gone acrid,

red, white and

blue blossoms

turned rancid brown.


Red and yellow

spots emerging,

a bloated assemblage

is rotting down.


Unkempt and



have putrefied.


And desperate

deadheads cling on,

won’t give up

on cal...

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autumntory government



Autumn, cloaked in scarlet, russet and bronze,

Is a spendthrift who

Flings gold across the landscape

Steps proudly midst Harvest’s abundance.


Caresses velvety peaches

Plucks bushels of pears, plums and pomegranates

Bites crisp, caramel apples

Tastes tangy hot cider.


Greets goblins at her door

Hands out treats to pint-sized Jack-O-Lanterns

While wit...

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nature Autumnautumn

faln (10/16/2023)

i wish the forests
could take me back
puln deep: 
neath the shake of
the leaf
and ire 
of the rhime 
fed way 
while my bones turn to rest
and my soul to the deep,
knowing spores

from death to the winds
carried high to the rains
again and again
again and again
again and again;

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autumnnaturedecayrebirthknowing deathi could live

September Sunset

Golden windows
And golden walls. 
Silver back surfers
Riding through the fall. 
I'm here waiting 
Why can't I stay in the Golden halls?

The trees are embers. 
There are apples on the floor.
I get the feeling 
death is at my door.  
wish I could stay in the golden halls. 

The golden halls. 
The golden halls. 
Wish I could stay in the golden halls.

This is about ...

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The winter frost calls
As memories of spring fade,
Autumn breeze beckons

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frostseasonshaiku seasonsspringautumnwinter

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