The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

drown (Remove filter)

Black Poplar

two flightless birds on a branch

a wood-saw working in my hand

you trying to stop me sawing

hoping to keep us on dry land


below us runs a deep rushing river

if the branch is severed, we drown

I shrug off your efforts to stop me

Though it will bring both of us down


the branch is nearly sundered

I can hear it creak and groan

your hysteria makes me angry

I w...

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black poplarbranchsawicy riverdrowndepressive

A Drowning Dream.

To learn everyday was what taught to me,
Sinking in an ocean, moving steadily;
It was the ocean of knowledge and believes,
Suddenly the world changed, and power came to cease.

'Look at him, look at her', comparing to the whole world,
Trying my very best, to win in every word.
Becoming a good son, a dear brother and good friend,
But that 'I', was lost in the end.

I became what you want,...

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anxietybrokenbroken dreamscompassiondreamsdrowndrowninglow self-esteemself hateself worth


into my nostrils

the salty sea


the waves begird

my figure

deeper and deeper

I step into the ocean

her friendly arms

welcoming me

come sad maiden

I will wash away

your pain

you will never

anguish again...

By Lynn Hahn

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The Template of my Being

Been there

Done it

Eaten it

Drunk it

Almost drowned in it

Nearly died


Praised it

Cursed it

Dodged it

Traversed it

Just you name it

I’ll have tried


Smoked it

Snorted it

Been traumatised by it

Reduced to tears by it

Laughed and cried


Run it

Walked it

Chased it

Caught it

Wished I hadn’t bothered s...

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