sensation (Remove filter)
I: skeleton
Face like stone
Hard to read
I find myself taking pride
In my totem pole
Of expressions, I can hide
Masterfully deceptive
Every bit secretive
All heart without sleeves
Makes it easier to breathe
But being naked
Really stripping off
And just letting everyone watch
That is true strength
True power
Is knocking down this tower
Being bare
Just a sk...
Monday 11th September 2023 7:56 pm
A Taste Of Romance
Sweet at the tip
Then flavour slides
Take another sip
Sour at the sides
Swilling around
Taste starts
To lack
Now all
That's left
Is bitter
At the
Wednesday 9th October 2019 12:55 pm
I look on as your clothes slowly glide to the floor.
The tempatation is strong to tightly hold you,
but I want to caress and stroke you
lightly and softly until you melt under my fingers.
A gentle touch around your soft firm breasts.
My mind becomes a peaceful haven
where only thoughts of affection reside.
My tongue slides gently around you hardened nipple
and I hear a soft groan.
Sunday 22nd April 2018 8:11 pm
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