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Walking the Streets

Rachel touts for votes in Leeds,

but Rachel Gen O’ Cide is fleet,

yes, Rachel and her minder run

from awkward questions on our streets;

that mother’s questions ain’t no fun;

have you had a drink of water?

have you eaten more than crumbs?

Gaza’s children have to dig

for water whilst they’re dodging bombs,

Rachel, do you give a fig?

have you had to dig your daughter


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The haunting of a broken tap: drip, drop

The thirst after the sun: drink, gulp

She never said a lot, gargling girl

Sliding in and out of my body

Helping me breathe, walk, talk

That was why I swam

It was water

Brought me alive floating out to No Man’s

Diving down to skim the sand

It was water

Wanted it, always had it, but could never catch it.

It was water


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waterwavesinsipiddriptransparentintangiblewomenloveidentitymyselfgirlwomanmonologueyouIexistentialconfusedswimdreamabsurdeclipsesecond selfshadowshadow selfanalysisreflectself awareness

Still Waters

Birds of a feather flock together

Sitting in my stillness whilst the outside world continues to move in it's very own ebb and flow.

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stillnessebb and flowwaterbirdsmovementflying





Did you ever wonder how our planet's end may come?

By warming or by freezing? The warming arrives first.

As the Golden State continues to desiccate, people scramble for some

Water, any amount, to moisten their throats, remove their thirst.



W: 6.20.14

[ From the book Plans, Nomadic Press, 2022. ]


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thirstdroughtwaterwarmingfreezinggreenhouse effect


Where water flows, I never know

From a creek that creeks and shrieks

From an ocean that looms and booms

Wild Water for me now

Chlorine free and me free

Cold shores, freezing rain, yes it’s me again

Spring emerging, sun arising, shivers declining

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waterswimwild waterfree


tear out this heart, take it to the aching hearse

hang the coffin in the carcus of feeling

float a sanctuary around my waist,

then take me to the water to scream.


Thank you for reading! Also a thank you to the mighty Florence Welch for bringing back some of my creativity. Spending a Friday afternoon with ‘Lungs’ was both entertaining and inspiring. My first one of the year.



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Raping Mother earth

Seeing how mother earth is raped every day

Polluting the air and water with no end

Scraping the oceans for the last bit of fish

 Saving the forests is a joke, they just pretend 


While COP 26 trying to make some rules

taking Air and Water for fools

Exposing that 1% of us, more or less

is producing 66% of the mess


Now, they want to go to Mars

with no air to bre...

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Tuesday, From the Water

From here—

I wish I could capture this moment with my eyes:


A rose-golden mist of salt

shimmering in the glow of the setting sun

falling like stardust into the grey-green seams

of water, pulled tightly over by the crest of a broken wave


She could devour me in an instant with 

white-water jaws;

swallow me whole and 

spit me into her dark abyss


But here—


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wateroceanhealinglifeshort poem

水 / Mizu

My mind is saturated with sadness, 

Whilst my heart is flooded with pain. 

As my life force drowns in the world’s madness, 

My soul floats between the physical and the astral plane.

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I'm Wallowing In You Now

I've always been a timid sort

Careful to look before I leapt

Rarely dived into the water

Watched the company I kept


Then I met you and blew a fuse

Saw my inhibitions do a runner

I was all over you like a rash

I thought you were a stunner


I'm wallowing in you now

The water's as clear as mud

Never been so wringing wet

Never knew life was so good



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As I watch the waters flow

As I watch the waters flow

It calms my soul 

As I watch the light ripples

My heart mirrors its beat 

Smooth, serene 

Somewhat still 

As they move to the wind of God 

Going only where the Father blows. 


Lord, let your living waters flow.


By Faith Olajuyigbe, author of Words of Faith

Read more encouraging poems here.

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that boat on the coast croons the waves

whisking a dying infant in

a baptist sea for saving,

brought faith in God to save them,

a baptist sea for saving.

I see them from sand afloat-

a buoy in the water with chance

and such a sacred body

might sinking be belief-

to then arise them another-



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godpoemreality vs religionwateralive

Saving Water

We like to choose how to behave, 
But right now water - we must save. 
Think - must this water now be used? 
And can its usage be reduced?

You may like to bathe or wash your car, 
But don't let use of water go too far. 
So remember if water is now stored, 
For charity there could be a big reward.

Of water there may soon be a dearth, 
So save our water to save our Earth. 
So do not le...

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Stuart VannerWaterSaving Water

Redemption in the Water

drown in egoism.

how we forget – don’t.

for flicker- shift  

this shell ashore,

revive the rolling

carcass and dissect,

drag that black heart

with the colour waves,

bleaching comatose

vanity that presses

with weight of our bodies-


we sunk like sinking

stripping skin for river,

it rowed,

it rowed,

wrapped with those oars

wallow, watch, wallow,


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spirit assortment

Shining ever so bright
a beacon of hope, like a chinese lantern
photosynthesis get' me through the night
beauty so divine, i wonder if i could map her
would the geometry show me the light?
because she must be god's best work

my third eye look through the peephole
how can she not have walls up when she deals with these people
guide me, be my mentor
would you take my hand, and put this fl...

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lovelove poemlove poemsmetaphysicalmetaphysicsOasispoemspiritualitywater

The Sea



A black ocean falls upon me

I am consumed by the waves

Deeper I drown

The cold sends shocks through my body

A cattle prod for every inch of flesh

The pressure grows

Crushing my bones

The weight of 1000 suns reduces me to ash

I am nothing


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Some Friends are necessary for life. 
As the air.  As the water and food
Those friends, help us, to survive 
In our hearts running, same as blood 


They offer faithful trusted advice
And always keep the shining smile
Show satisfaction pureily, so nice
Have bounties tool, deeply as Nile


They never get argument to complain
They ever look for the cheerful talk to ...

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Laugh to Live.


Happiness, in hands for you.

If you decided, not to be sad.

As a cup of water, to drink.

To clean your thoughts, to be glad.


Sadness, does not need to broach.

It always knocks, worried heart.

But Happiness, with a golden coach.

Asks, to ride happiness cart.


The Brain is yours, “to make use”.

Positively, think of your own.

Feel your value, never abuse.


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The Season of cleanse

I hear the pitter patter outside my window
So soothing and melodic to my ears now
The rain outside is pouring down
Creating a melodic soothing sound
I again start to finally breathe
As this cleansing process sets me free
The noise it makes charms me
Often helping me see clearly
I long for Autumn to soon come around
It's the rainy season, I have found
The water trickling from the sky

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autumnblisscleancleansefreemelodicmental easepoemquietrainrainingSeasonseasonalseasonssoothing soundsoothongsoundtheraputictherapywater

Early Autumn Lake

Below the incurious sheep on the hill

                that stare at me as they endlessly chew

The sun is warm and I perch on a stone to watch quietly

As it is reflected off the surface of the lake:

                the part not covered with pond weed

                where flies dip and buzz

                dragonflies and damselflies dart

                     and hover:


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reflection reminscing

My emotions pouring out

My head lost in the clouds

But my body seemed to drown

I look at whats around

Your nowhere to be found

Whos problem is it now

Somehow I feel proud

I got sober

When we were over

And yet you still use

I feel like I was used

When the money ran out

Cheating came from the muse

Yet I stayed amused

I ignored the clues

My emotions are my...

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Aquatic Stardust - a freewrite

Aquarian Aquarius,
everyone be hearing us.
What an exciting life you lead,
cosmic superhuman centipede.
I’m Centric G pause for the D:
ejaculating antiquating - even thoughts dilapidated.
You should go through twice
extinguish anguish from your life
cosmic zombie souls are sliced.
Universal detoxification 
electrocuting nation-notions
rubbing Atlas, struggled rolling
infinitesimal scro...

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poetryrapcomedysemanticssemantic fieldssilly semanticsfreewritefreestyleloveuniversegalaxiesearthwaterlifefantasysci-fidoggosdogsmemessilliness


i’m sinking in a pool of my own thoughts and my own mind

a whole sea full of water yet it’s full of nothing but air

do you hear me? 

there’s nothing really there yet i’m


i’m drownig and gasping for air...


but no water is there? 

how the fuck is it possible for me to feel like i’m drowning when i thought i knew how to swim


i’m drowning becau...

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Newport, Rhode Island

Crisp air cuts through my skin, like paper to skin

the warmth of the sun

heats the metal of the railing below my hand,

holding steady to the rough current below.


Ropes of green curl below the surface,

peeking through the waves,

currents whip past the haul,

my soul opens to the depths as I look out.


Past the cobbled staircase surrounding the light house,

and dri...

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Just Me

Cold mornings

Warm bath water

It suffocates me

Its calming taking my breathe away

The water is loving me

Turning me on

No one is here with me

Spread my legs

Allowing the water to pour down

Sending shopping spree tension down, on the lower half of me

My hands play free in my park

As, no one was there to question me; what do I like best at my water park

The ocean ...

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A Storm Was Raging

I woke this morning
 before dawn
In the deep
 quiet of the night.

A gentle breeze was telling me
 "Go back to sleep"

But I was restless.

I rose thirsty, thinking of water
 but found myself walking
Past the kitchen,
 to the back hall.

I put on my sandals and left.

Walking east, I marveled
 at the brightness of the Morning Star
"Phosphorus" you had called it once;
 it seemed...

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Ignorance is bliss

So I guess that they've imprisoned us into this predetermined preposition 

When the truth is there so blatantly but we can't help but not to listen 

Because ignorance is bliss so we'll stay blissfully unaware 

As to the GMO's in all our food and the geo engineering in the air 

I suppose we'll go organic and refuse the water from the tap 

What about the metals likened to a subtle che...

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MAN:          In so short a time

I saw a future



From the formless waters


From the darkness

The way begins

All words are water



GAIA:             From my innermost being

       I gave abundance!

My words flow from the mountain top

My words give succour to the land

My words are the waters of the sea


PRIEST:          The ...

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Grotesque decadence

A small piece I wrote while sitting by the river today, I actually hand wrote about 5 of these and left them at all the surrounding buildings haha ! 

The river dances, An iridescent reflect the sun shines as it mirrors and presents
A cinematic silhouette 
Birds glide, dive into the depths, lizards leapt down the oyster coated steps.
Dip there feet and feast on what the fishermen left, Rotten...

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i am alone, and as i drown they mock my pain
they drop stones in my satchel
they slash my open wounds to watch me bleed
they throw knives at my face hoping i'll break

and yet i dont
i smile and i move through life and sometimes i cry but yet i dont
i sit home (alone) and scream but my voice echoes
my voice seeps through the cracks in the window and through the empty halls
and once again ...

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I feel like I am choking,

drowning in my unspilt tears. 

But the dams don't yet break even though the buoy in my throat is rising with the sea

and the canal that is my throat, tightens. 


No matter how hard my mind steers the sails away from the emotional storm within,

The crashing seas cannot help but spill over the edge of the boat. 


My tears are smooth like the PVC ma...

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Crycryingsad poemsailorseawater

No love in return

Imagine being trapped in a puddle,

The ice froze over the top a long time ago and no matter how hard you try, you cannot break it. 

Every time it thaws a little, the cold that follows sets the water harder than before. 

Swimming to the surface never gets easier,

You give up,

But never for long. You swim harder each time but the glass-like ceiling is never gone. 

The hand that onc...

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Peace is a Place..

Peace is a road leading to the place

where the green of winter is holding fast

against the browns of summer’s advance..

Peace is stepping on wood old as life

on a path damp and wet

and filled with colour, reflections and

the smell of nature in cycles

Peace is listening to the lapping water that

edges and amplifies the sounds

of birds settling all a-rustling on the banks


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By The Edge Of Water


By the waters edge we rest and play, 

toes in the water, feeling quite gay,

celebrating the warmth of the dancing air 

and the restful peace of that place we share.


A loving time with never once a worry, 

soft sounds of ripples that won’t ever hurry

and when the wind changes to a cooler breeze, 

we'll head on home for some warming teas.


We’ll spend the evenin...

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By the Duck Pond

old leaves
the curve
of the water
and now
that the rain
has ended
the trees bend
their branches,
heavy with the push
of the fading season,
towards the shadows growing
in the long
fingers of the grass

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Diamonds & Oil & Love

Diamonds & Dirt

Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend
But at the cost my dear, at the cost
Of never boring them, you are their
Entertainment, they are your love.

Diamonds if they could talk would tell
A causatory tale of distance and dirt
You, a perfect diamond, a pure light
In the compressed dirt of their lives.

Diamonds reflect the compression
Which is the brevity of our lives

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Journey to a place that is the edge, edge of the ocean right here, right now.

Not sea, not land, edge of the ocean is where this is at,

on every landmass on planet earth, no exceptions.

Always in movement, in touch with the moon is the tide, on cliff, on beach.

A wetness attacking the dryness, now as it has before,

the story of a billion years before our eye...

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land's edgewaterseamovement

River Prayers

from between the leaves

the shafts fall and draw

a hundred golden atria

shining through

the stained organics

of liquid glass

to the cloistral faithful

swimming beneath

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I met a woman at the Blue Nile.

Our first encounter was her attempting to kiss my face. She seems to be in her mid-late fifties/early sixties. She began to tell me that she is okay, over and over again. She began to cry. She told  me her sun died. He OD'ed at 39 years old. She watched him die, with his head between the toilet and the sink. Her other sun blamed his brother's death on her. Sh...

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LydiaWaterDeathPainTearssecretdancefireshoesclownsbutterfliesopenboxminnesotablue nile





Away across the green from the council houses

is a small open field with a pond and a dry stone wall.

Fifty years ago this land was all like that – open and free.

Now that land is gone, replaced by bricks and concrete

with no personality and no life at all.

All that is left is the single field with its myriad of life.

More of a puddle tha...

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life and naturepondwaterurban development





Dark blue ocean has so many moods, just like a person.

If you ever make one mistake you will pay for it dearly with

life; this ocean is a thing of beauty and of mystery, yet deadly.

So many planes and ships have disappeared into the dark waters –

who knows where they are now?

People sail the seas on such flimsy craft, old sea rafts and dangero...

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Water, very deep to immense depths, no sunlight pierces

down here – blackness.

Coming to the surface, sunshine sparkles magically,

a myriad of dancing points of light.

Sea monster curling in the rip tide, powerful muscles

gracefully propelling him seawards – for food.

Salt water covers so much, two thirds of the globe, all this wetness.

Drown if y...

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Dark blue ocean has so many moods, just like a person.

If you ever make one mistake you will pay for it dearly with

life; this ocean is a thing of beauty and of mystery, yet deadly.

So many planes and ships have disappeared into the dark waters –

who knows where they are now?

People sail the seas on such flimsy craft, old sea rafts and dangero...

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