The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The haunting of a broken tap: drip, drop

The thirst after the sun: drink, gulp

She never said a lot, gargling girl

Sliding in and out of my body

Helping me breathe, walk, talk

That was why I swam

It was water

Brought me alive floating out to No Man’s

Diving down to skim the sand

It was water

Wanted it, always had it, but could never catch it.

It was water


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waterwavesinsipiddriptransparentintangiblewomenloveidentitymyselfgirlwomanmonologueyouIexistentialconfusedswimdreamabsurdeclipsesecond selfshadowshadow selfanalysisreflectself awareness


Where water flows, I never know

From a creek that creeks and shrieks

From an ocean that looms and booms

Wild Water for me now

Chlorine free and me free

Cold shores, freezing rain, yes it’s me again

Spring emerging, sun arising, shivers declining

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waterswimwild waterfree


(This poem is dedicated to the select members of the S.A.S. .... Surfers Against Sewage)!


I’m just swimming in Portreath

Just going through the 'motions'

A large environmental car thief

Made of a thousand witches potions


I’ve streaming eyes and raspy throat

A throbbing head and aching ear

The only safe place is a boat

I’d never write “Wish you were here!”



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beachprotecting the environment. sewagesurfswim





Dark blue ocean has so many moods, just like a person.

If you ever make one mistake you will pay for it dearly with

life; this ocean is a thing of beauty and of mystery, yet deadly.

So many planes and ships have disappeared into the dark waters –

who knows where they are now?

People sail the seas on such flimsy craft, old sea rafts and dangero...

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