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Meritless Words

Words are such a funny thing,

Without actions that align, what value do words bring?

An illusion curated specifically for you,

By someone you wish so deeply would speak things that are true.


Screaming in anger, giving passionate praise, whispers of love, tone dripping in disgrace,

Love and hate simultaneously spewed in your face.

How is one supposed to feel,

Not knowing w...

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raw poetrydarkbroken promisesdesperationhopeless romantictrustpeople and actionsdisappointment


Almost they spell me

I switched my focus towards him in an instant

Literally impossible to walk away.. although

I know there's snakes in the distance


Rats they scurry and take ..calculated

Even rats have a system

He says I love you ...It's reciprocated

Intrusive thoughts making me a victim


When did love start hurting

we combined souls through trust

Lower fre...

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