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Chatterbox Motormouth Yackety-Yak Yada-Yada (Take your pick.)

She chatters on and on, 
skittering from trivia to trivia.
She can’t stand silence for an instant, 
and doesn’t leave space for others.
Her tongue seems attached in the middle 
to keep it from falling out as 
both ends keep flapping.
Words pour out in abundant confusion.
Mangled metaphors and clichés fly by.
No thoughts interrupt her talk.

I feel drowned in irrelevant words.
My though...

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House On The Edge of Town

More and more
my thoughts turn to you
so aware of time
I’m the age now
that you were
when the pair of you parted
you got that rented house
on the edge of town

We’d stay at weekends
watching winter’s tide sweep in
standing in the falling snow
the garden and the fields disappearing
said ‘throw another log on the fire’
said ‘dad, your house is cold’

At fifteen, I was nothing
lost i...

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breaking up the familyfamilyfamily poemfatherselfishsontalkteenage

Chit Chat

Speaking can feel like your swallowing

So, you may as well swallow instead

Or it’s giving,

Giving and giving

Fingers down your throat,


Searching for…

Will I be stronger tomorrow?

Or just hollow tomorrow?

So, you end up filling up on someone else’s dictionary

I am disarmed without my language

But my language is disarming

Words do break your bones


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silencetalkingtherapyanxietystresstheraputictalkopening updenialstiflesuppressiondepressionquietwordslanguagepoetrypower of words


What’s stuck sticks starkly inside time

Your words, they tangle inside mine


Why listen when we do not hear

Why talk when we are most unclear


Why try to rhyme, define what’s queer

Painstakingly weave atmosphere


Into comfort, erase fear

A tired manner, old and sheer


Keeping pace, each other’s peers

Wandering through future years


Don’t trip, don’...

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Dream Boat

Let the dreamless boy to cry 
If his wish to fly has gone 
How his tears going to dry 
If he stays far of sun

Ask dreamless boy be awake 
That the dream, is a part of us 
Tell him: "think of a better talk" 
And to change the dark glass 

Help dreamless boy to be here 
And clear his negative thought 
Once he comes to hear or share 
He will enjoy to dream in a boat 

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ask awakebetterboychangeclearcomecrydreamdreamlessdryenjoyflyglassgogonehelpherenegativepartsailsharestaysuntalktearstellthinkthoughtwith

Out Loud



Let your voice be heard 
Surely you earn and win
Let ideas more cleared 
For all women and men 


Tell me what do you think 
How did you see yourself? 
Freely talk, no blink 
Why to keep it on shelf 


Open mind and heart 
Nobody is remaining fool
Surely you're smart 
To become happy and cool 

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benazouzblinkclearedcoolearnfoolfreehappyheardheartideaskeepmenmindnobodyopenOut Loudremainseeshelfsmarttalktellthinkvoicewinwomen





Some Friends are necessary for life. 
As the air.  As the water and food
Those friends, help us, to survive 
In our hearts running, same as blood 


They offer faithful trusted advice
And always keep the shining smile
Show satisfaction pureily, so nice
Have bounties tool, deeply as Nile


They never get argument to complain
They ever look for the cheerful talk to ...

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You're Welcome


You're Welcome


Lovely smiles at early morning, 
Poetic voice says: “Hello” 
Shiny eyes yearning look.
 Asking happily “How are you?” 


When did we met and where! 
Few years ago, may be more 
It was crowded party there 
When she shines out of the door 


We had a table, but no talk 
Merrily smile, she looks shy 
Asked timidly can we walk? 
I shook hands, then walk...

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The choice 

Translation of my Arabic Poem (“The Choice”) 

Who, in the World, chooses his birth? 
Who chooses his family and children? 
Who chooses his fate and country? 
Who chooses the time to go to heaven? 

But it is possible to choose our day 
To sincerely care about family and work 
This will be the first right step to our future 
To achieve our goals while we're alive 

Your name and countr...

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Those words we share

                and those we don't

The ones you use

                what do they mean?

So much is lost between the lines.

That inflexion or joy I might have heard

is mute


Those words we share

                and those we don't

The anger I feel in you

                what do your eyes show?

I can never know as I read the lines.

The thoug...

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A series of 11 short poems


End of a Galaxy


A blink

In the silent depth of night



As the last leaf of the beech tree

As the silent tear of my love




End of Harmony


I see her dancing on the sands


I see her                                     as she sees me

and in that moment

sand, sea, sun, surf

vanish in the vortex



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Got to Talk

Scream lung deep into a brown paper bag,

Let the pain poor free to drain the bulls red rag,

I don’t hear where the devil lives for the rustling distorts,

I know you’re hurting but your hand is moving and I can’t see all the warts,


Until you choose - until you can,

Until your soul finds the strength to trust a man,

I will hear words only spoken in different tongue,

What yo...

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Hello, darling!


Hello, darling! Hello, starling! How are you, beauty? How are you, cutie? All is well, honey. All is well, sunny. Please, let’s stop this game! Have you also forgotten my name?


©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

    The 4th of November, 2011



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Talk of Love

I talk about love

as my heart calls its name,

but shards of the past

cut with bitterness.

And tears that run

are far from sweet,

salty to my lips,

but the light still glows

over the vacancy sign.

But part of me has surrendered,

and life goes on.

And I drift in solitude,

but I still talk about love.

Maybe if it hears my voice,

it will come ...

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