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can't fix love (Matheus L. Duarte)

You hammered nails into our bed’s headboard

The wardrobe’s frail, but you said you could fix that too

And I answered: “do we even have glue?”

You always complain when I try to think forward

But monday’s gonna rain, what if we have to buy more?

Who’s driving to the store?

Isn’t it dangerous to drive in the storm?

Isn’t it best for us to just conform that... some things cannot b...

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fog III (02/01/2024)

a weighty fog

like tinned milk 

sweetly opaque 

hiding the feathers and tears

traces of a an empty place called



these beads rest on hats

press down on weary brows and

weave between the fibres

of gloves

of family 


such a slippery thing, this life. 

like a rain you can't catch on your tongue 

but the taste weaves between your

thoughtful mol...

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