The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

calm (Remove filter)


I'm worried that I'm losing it.
and I don't know what "it"
is, exactly.
but I can feel it leaving.

my face has been numb 
this week,
but this time,
not from weeping.

I used to write passionately
about love that leaves
and fills my space with empty,
about being comfortable 
in my lonely,
about the chaos
in longing.

but if you beg the sky
hard enough
for long enough,
she will...

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Peace In The Garden

Memory is elastic
and I can’t help but stretch it
thinking back to chasing sunsets
Atop my motorbike in Thailand
enthralled and awed
complete abandon
I never believed 
that moment could be bettered
I never thought
life could be more generous

The air is hot today
frogs skitter on the pond
flowers all in bloom
A cat curled on the deck
the outstretched arms of summertime
Gentle, ease...

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peacecalmmiddle agegarden of edengardening

La Faba - 2017

After the Meseta,

after the heat,

after the stones.

The green hills

the shady paths

the views.

The way is rocky and steep.

Don’t stumble,

keep your balance and


Peace around you.

And then there it is – La Faba.

I have arrived

And part of me will never leave.

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Little Rabbit

Despite time moving quickly around it, the little bunny rabbit goes slow.

All the other little rabbits hop in time but this one falls behind.

No one knows it's there, no one really cares.

Feet so small they barely make a sound.

Inferior to the rest.

Although the sun lights the way, the finish line is still far away...


but the little rabbit carries on.

Desperate to get to ...

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Rain, I love this day!!⛈☔

Rain in itself is an emotion.

For some emotion of love and romance,

for others emotion of sadness by chance,

but for me, it's an emotion of calmness, I stance.


In those time of rain, 

electricity goes away,

cold winds began to slay.

Forcing me to say;

I love this day.


In those times of rain,

days seem to be dull

but the breeze acts as a pull.

Plants be...

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The Morning, So Calm

Ujjal Mandal, West Bengal, India

The morning was taking a shower
in the honey dew, I asked her
why are you so calm? She told me,
'the deep I am, the less I speak'.

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(This breathing technique turned into a meditation practice masquerades as a poem.)


< In In In In In
> Out Out Out Out Out Out Out

< In In In In In
> Out Out Out Out Out Out Out

< In In In In In
> Out Out Out Out Out Out Out

Calm In In In In In
Stress Out Out Out Out Out Out Out

Joy In In In In In
Sad Out Out Out Out Out Out Out

Hope In In In In In
Fear Out Out Out Out...

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Do you need someone?

On this World Mental Health Day

Does someone need you?

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haikumental healthcompassionworldmentalhealthdayCALM


Shallow waters seldom hide the blackened sand below

Rocks and land, erodes in tides, defiled by ebb and flow

The calmest waters, clouded up, by a river built on lies

The purest shores, shrouded over, engulfs an isle that cries


The years weep past, the time goes by, the waters seldom turn

Every second bleeds, through wasted lives, the oceans start to burn

As memories close an...

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Nobody knows me,

Not even myself

I meet people everyday

I talk , I laugh , I smile

Others say that I lie.


I’m complicated, orphic

 hard to understand

Just like the way we don’t know                                                                                                                      what happens in between the oceans.                         


I’m an...

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Calming Waters

Waves crashing

in and out

up and down

pushing and pulling


A knock on the door

beating louder and louder

waking my fibers

restless and unrelenting


Louder it knocks

heartbeat pulsing

anxiety levels rising

these fears in me won't subside


Breathing in and out

imagining the waves 

the calming waters 

I am one with them

and how they rise aga...

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Cleveland Cold

The Cleveland cold envelops me like cellophane,

Holding me as tight as a rigor mortis grip,

It clenches at my joints,

Constricting my movement not unlike a python,

Walking feels sluggish,

Lifting my arms is akin to moving through clay,

I revel in the uneasiness of it all,


Splattered across my face,

Despite all of the kinks the cold brings out,

A childlike wonder s...

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My fate is not in your hand

GOD makes our fates alone

Our life are surely planned

GOD feeds the ant in the stone


World is certainly small

If compared to Galaxy as shown

Whoever believes is a giant

GOD to perish the giant alone


MY heart is calm and glad

Satisfied of what I own

Whatever you earn in the dark

SURELY you'll pay it at noon


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Poem 64 of "Because of This"


Stop, look inward.

Be aware by becoming still.

Notice your thoughts.

They are seeds.

Plant with care.


This may be difficult

because we want

progress quickly,

but even the longest journey

starts with

a single movement.

A tower rises from

a single brick.


Just be. 

Don't worry about failure or success.


Step by step,

life emer...

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tao te chingcalmcentermeditatebeingbelonging

Calm My Mind

God please calm my mind
And heal my heart, I am drained
Please take away pain

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Peaceful moment

Then all stops

For an infinite moment

All worries fall silent

All thoughts take rest

All wants are forgotten

All noise welcome past

As energy flows

All needs are met

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O, where roams your delicate soul

Does it yet travel the seas

                gliding afar with the Arctic tern

                or is its delight in quieter waters

                in dappled river pools or streams

Is it content to rest in the cool damp shade of the willow

watching minnows play

                diving among the nymphs

                and sacred lotus



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Alcedo atthisAtthiscalmdesireHalcyonHylasKingfisherlosslovepassion


My pleasure keeps the joy

Not far but still away 

As it disturbes the pleasant calm.

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I Will Literally Pay You To Abduct Me

This evening I am out walking
the static crackles
in the living room
and in the hallway
I lace my shoes
and go out walking

Tree-shapes calm me
dew drops kicked from blades of grass
this act cleanses things
I feel my fangs receding
sense the silence 
breathe back into me

Imagine the TV glow dimming
imagine the hatred in her eyes 
feel the black air cleari...

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twisted trees

A twisted oak coiled round its self the perfect home for a mouse.

He climbed up a twisted branch and made his peace there, he built a nest of twine in the hollow center.

twine woven in brade, ants climbing up in parade. the army came to a hault and flead, they

feared for their lives and would rarther not be dead.


the stars a gemstone, the moon an ivory marble in a get jar.



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The Sea















The Sea presses

the shoreline.


I listen to

the languid waves

sweep onto the shore.

The water flows softly.

This is a sound that I love.


The birds glide

like a dream on the water.

With full bellies they

fly off to their

homes and babies.


The bright...

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